
The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Lao Wang, you drank wolfberry water every day for a year, what was the result?" Aunt Zhang in the community asked while sweeping the floor. Lao Wang, 57 years old, is a retired bus driver, and his favorite thing to do is to sit in front of his house and bask in the sun, soak in a pot of wolfberry water in his spare time, and drink it with relish.

He firmly believes that wolfberry water can strengthen the body, and he never leaves his hand every day, and even the neighbors in the community have begun to follow suit and imitate his health secrets. Over the past year, Lao Wang felt full of energy and was full of energy all day long. So, he decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination to see if this wolfberry water had the legendary miraculous effect.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

On the day of the physical examination, Lao Wang came to the hospital early, and while queuing, he proudly boasted to the people next to him about his "miracle" story of drinking wolfberry water. When the results came out, the doctor looked at his report sheet, his brows were tightened, and he seemed to be a little puzzled: "Lao Wang, how do you usually drink wolfberry water?" ”

Lao Wang chuckled in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, is there something wrong with my body?" The doctor shook his head with a smile and said, "Your indicators are very good, but this liver function index is a little higher, and it is estimated that the wolfberry supplement is a little too much." ”

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

It turns out that although wolfberry is good, it cannot be excessive, especially for middle-aged and elderly people whose liver function is not particularly good, moderate amount is king. Doctors suggest that Lao Wang should drink a moderate amount of wolfberry water every day, and combine it with other health preservation methods to be healthier.

After listening to this, Lao Wang's heart was relaxed for a while, and he hurried home to teach his neighbors his experience, emphasizing that although wolfberry water is good, don't be greedy, and take it in moderation. In this way, Lao Wang began his daily life of basking in the sun and drinking wolfberry water, but this time he paid more attention to the control of quantity.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

As a traditional Chinese medicinal material, wolfberry is often believed to have a variety of health benefits, especially its liver-protecting effect. However, there are many details that need to be carefully explored about the long-term effects of daily goji berry water. Brother Zhao insists on drinking wolfberry water every day, which seems simple, but the knowledge in it is not small.

The polysaccharide components in goji berries have a protective effect on the liver. Polysaccharides are powerful antioxidants that can scavenge free radicals in the body, slow down the aging process of liver cells, and reduce oxidative stress damage to the liver.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

Excessive accumulation of free radicals can lead to cell damage, and goji berry polysaccharides can effectively inhibit the production of free radicals, thereby protecting liver health. This antioxidant effect is one of the highlights of wolfberry, and it is also one of the reasons why Brother Zhao feels refreshed when he drinks wolfberry water.

The polysaccharides in goji berries are not suitable for everyone. For some patients with hepatic insufficiency, excessive intake of polysaccharides in wolfberry may increase the metabolic burden on the liver, which in turn will cause damage to the liver. Therefore, people like Brother Zhao who drink a lot of wolfberry water every day need to control the amount of drinking moderately to avoid overdoing it.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

The flavonoids in wolfberry also have a certain health care effect on the liver. Flavonoids are a class of compounds with a variety of biological activities such as strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral. The flavonoids in wolfberry can regulate the immune function of the liver through a variety of pathways, improve the liver's self-repair ability, and reduce inflammation.

This has a certain auxiliary role in the prevention and treatment of some chronic liver diseases. However, it is important to note that the effects of flavonoids may vary in different individuals, and long-term high intake may be taxing on the liver in some people.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

The vitamins and minerals in goji berries, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and zinc, also have a positive effect on liver health. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that enhances the liver's detoxification function and protects liver cells from harmful substances.

Vitamin A helps to maintain the normal function of liver cells and promotes the regeneration and repair of liver cells. Zinc is the active center of a variety of enzymes and is involved in the metabolism and immune regulation of the liver. These nutrients are abundant in goji berries, and moderate intake can provide essential protection and support for the liver.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

More vitamins and minerals in goji berries is not always better. Excessive intake of vitamin C may lead to kidney stones, excessive vitamin A may cause toxic reactions, and excessive zinc can interfere with the absorption of other minerals and affect the normal function of the liver.

Some of the ingredients in goji berries have the effect of promoting blood circulation. For example, the gingerol in goji berries can dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow, and improve the blood supply to the liver.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

This has a certain improvement effect on some liver diseases caused by poor blood circulation. However, for those who have a tendency to bleed or are taking anticoagulant medications, excessive consumption of goji berry water may increase the risk of bleeding and aggravate the condition.

Goji berries also help improve sleep and boost immunity. Ingredients such as betaine and γ-aminobutyric acid in goji berries can regulate the nervous system, promote relaxation and sleep, and help improve sleep quality. At the same time, these ingredients can also enhance the function of the immune system and improve the body's resistance to diseases.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

Although goji berries have many benefits, they also vary from person to person. Especially for those with special health conditions, such as liver disease patients, high blood pressure patients, pregnant women, etc., you need to be extra cautious when drinking goji berry water.

Goji berry water is really good for boosting the immune system. The polysaccharides, flavonoids, vitamin C and other components in wolfberry can enhance the body's immunity and improve the body's resistance to diseases. The polysaccharides in wolfberry can significantly increase the phagocytic activity of macrophages and the activity of natural killer cells, which are important components of the human immune system.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

The protective effect of goji berries on eyesight is also widely recognized. Goji berries are rich in carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are all essential nutrients for vision health.

In the body, carotene is converted into vitamin A, which is important for maintaining normal vision and eye health. Brother Zhao used to feel that his eyes were dry and his vision was blurred, but since drinking wolfberry water, these symptoms have improved significantly, which also confirms the eye protection effect of wolfberry.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

The protective effect of wolfberry water on the liver is also worth mentioning. The polysaccharides and betaine components in wolfberry have obvious protective effects on liver cells, which can reduce the damage of liver cells and promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells.

There are also certain risks associated with excessive consumption of goji berry water. Goji berries contain a certain amount of sugar, and for diabetics or people with unstable blood sugar, excessive consumption of goji berry water may cause blood sugar to rise.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

Goji berries are warm in nature, and excessive drinking may lead to irritation, dry mouth, sore throat and other symptoms. Brother Zhao once drank a lot of wolfberry water in summer, and as a result, he got angry, so he should drink wolfberry water in moderation.

The gingerol component in goji berries has the effect of promoting blood circulation, but for those who have a tendency to bleed or are taking anticoagulant medications, excessive consumption of goji berry water may increase the risk of bleeding.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

Goji berry water also has a certain impact on kidney health. Some of the ingredients in goji berries have a diuretic effect, and moderate consumption can help flush out excess toxins and waste products from the body and promote kidney health.

Excessive consumption may lead to an increased burden on the kidneys, especially for those with pre-existing kidney problems, excessive consumption of goji berry water may worsen the condition. Brother Zhao's friend Lao Li has impaired his kidney function because of long-term excessive drinking of wolfberry water.

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

I hope that everyone can drink wolfberry water scientifically while enjoying it, avoid the side effects caused by overdose, and truly drink it healthily and live happily.

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Yanan Liu, The role of V-VST in dietary guidance for elderly patients with severe stroke with dysphagia, The First People's Hospital of Pingdingshan City, 2024-03-01

The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.
The 57-year-old uncle drank wolfberry water every day and insisted on a physical examination after a year.

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