
The miraculous effect of wolfberry: increase sperm and lower blood sugar, is it better to eat dry or soak in water?

author:Zealous doctor

In recent years, wolfberry has attracted more and more attention due to its unique health benefits. This article will reveal the miraculous effects of goji berries and which way is more suitable for you, dry eating or soaking in water.

The miraculous effect of wolfberry: increase sperm and lower blood sugar, is it better to eat dry or soak in water?

First, the miraculous effect of wolfberry

  1. Sperm enhancement: Goji berry is rich in a variety of trace elements and active ingredients, such as goji polysaccharides, wolfberry pigments, etc., which can effectively improve the motility and quality of male sperm, so as to achieve the effect of sperm enhancement.
  2. Hypoglycemia: Studies have shown that the polysaccharides in wolfberry have a significant hypoglycemic effect. For diabetics, long-term consumption of goji berries can help control blood sugar levels and alleviate the condition.
The miraculous effect of wolfberry: increase sperm and lower blood sugar, is it better to eat dry or soak in water?

2. Is it better to eat dry or soak in water?

  1. Dry eating: When the wolfberry is eaten dry, it can be chewed directly, so that the nutrients in the wolfberry can be directly absorbed by the mouth, which helps to exert its effect of increasing sperm and lowering blood sugar. At the same time, eating wolfberries can also play a certain role in moistening the throat, which is suitable for people with throat discomfort.
  2. Soaking in water: Soaking wolfberries in water is a common way to eat, soak wolfberries in warm water, and drink them after the water temperature is suitable. In this way, the nutrients in the wolfberry can be fully dissolved in water and easily absorbed by the body. In addition, wolfberry soaking water also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing the liver and brightening the purpose.
The miraculous effect of wolfberry: increase sperm and lower blood sugar, is it better to eat dry or soak in water?

3. Precautions for eating wolfberry

  1. Eat in moderation: Although wolfberries are good, they should not be consumed in excess. Excessive consumption may lead to adverse reactions such as diarrhea and irritation. It is recommended to consume between 15-30 grams of goji berries per day.
  2. Pay attention to the physique: wolfberry is warm and suitable for people with cold physique. People with a hot constitution should eat it in moderation to avoid causing fire.
  3. Caution for special populations: Pregnant women, patients with high blood pressure, diabetes and other special groups should follow the doctor's advice when eating wolfberry so as not to affect their own health.

Conclusion: As a natural health food, wolfberry has a variety of miraculous effects such as increasing sperm and lowering blood sugar. When eating goji berries, you can choose to eat them dry or soak them in water according to your personal preference. At the same time, pay attention to moderate consumption and observe your own physique, so that wolfberry can escort your health.

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