
The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it


Gambling has always been resisted by the mainland with all its might, although there are always people who say that small gambling is pleasant and big gambling hurts the body, but all small gambling is the starting point of a road of no return, and many people who taste the sweetness of small gambling will become big gamblers, and many families are separated because of this.

The lady in Hunan just didn't resist such a temptation, and lost her family's 2.45 million yuan by abduction, until the creditor came to the door, and her husband Mr. Wang, who was doing business outside, learned about it.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Unexpectedly, her husband asked casually, which really made Ms. Shi angry, and she went to the kitchen to pick up a kitchen knife and was about to chase and cut her husband, but fortunately, the two daughters quickly stopped Ms. Shi to let this farce end.

So what did Ms. Shi do, why did she lose so much money overnight, and why was she so angry?

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Mr. Wang is an honest man who does his duty, he and Ms. Shi have entered the palace of marriage as early as 2004, and the relationship between the two is also very good, Ms. Shi also gave birth to two daughters to Mr. Wang.

Although the economic conditions of the two are not very good, they can still get by and make up their lives, and they can suffer themselves, but they must not suffer their children.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

After many discussions between the husband and wife, Mr. Wang decided to go to work alone in other places, hoping to earn more income to support his family.

He came to Hunan to find a job as a fresh food wholesaler, and during this time of work, although he was very tired, Mr. Wang never complained to his wife, because he knew very well that there were still two mouths in the family waiting to be fed.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Mr. Wang is also constantly learning on the way to work, because he knows very well that the income he can earn by working for others is always limited, and the only way to earn more money is to go out and work alone.

So when he was docking with people at work, Mr. Wang got to know a lot of bosses and partners in the industry, until the time was ripe, Mr. Wang opened a fresh food wholesale store of his own, and the store is still a mid-to-high-end brand, that is to say, this kind of store does not need to open a bill every day, but once the bill is opened, you can eat for a long time.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Seeing that his business was improving slightly, Mr. Wang, who was weak and weak, was also a little difficult to do, considering that his wife was at home with the children and the children would go to school in the future, Mr. Wang had to call his cousin from his hometown to start a business with him.

Under the diligent management of the two brothers, this shop can be regarded as improving, and Mr. Wang also shared such good news with his wife who was far away at home, and his wife was also very happy, and also put forward the idea of helping her husband manage money, and Mr. Wang readily agreed without much thought.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Although the money was given to his wife, Mr. Wang could still see the flow of the money, and it didn't take long for Mr. Wang to see that the money was missing tens of thousands, and at first she didn't think much about it, thinking that maybe she was rich in hand, and his wife added something to the house.

But when Mr. Wang went home, he found that there was nothing more at home, and Mr. Wang didn't think much about it, he thought that maybe his wife had enrolled his daughters in some interest class.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

But with Mr. Wang's observation, out of curiosity, Mr. Wang still opened his mouth to ask his wife the reason, who knew that as soon as Mr. Wang opened his mouth, his wife had some visible panic, and began to prevaricate.

Mr. Wang saw that something was wrong and continued to ask, and Ms. Shi saw that she couldn't hide it anymore, so she said that she had done some business before marriage, had some accidents, and owed some arrears outside, and she didn't dare to tell Mr. Wang.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Hearing these words, Mr. Wang felt guilty in his heart, he had been away for so many years, and he had never cared about his wife's feelings, so he took his wife and children to Hunan together.

After arriving in Hunan, his wife was a little idle at home, so she proposed to go out to find some work or something, and it happened that Mr. Wang's accountant resigned, and his wife, Ms. Shi, thought about going to her own company to help.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Mr. Wang also gladly accepted it, but he didn't expect that it was from this point that Ms. Shi pulled her husband down the abyss.

In 2013, when Mr. Wang was sorting out the financial statements, he found that the payment and the actual bookkeeping were completely incorrect, and the large number of hundreds of thousands made Mr. Wang very panicked, and he hurriedly asked his wife where the money went, but his wife did not say a single reason, which made Mr. Wang very disappointed.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

This also made Mr. Wang begin to doubt whether the premarital arrears that Ms. Shi said were true, because of these things, Mr. Wang also had the idea of wanting a divorce in his heart, but for the sake of his daughter, Mr. Wang still held back.

Because Mr. Wang's mother died of illness when he was 8 years old, he knew very well what life was like without his mother, so he didn't want his daughter to suffer such a crime again.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Although he did not divorce Ms. Shi, he still did not let Ms. Shi interfere in the family's business again, I thought that this matter would be settled like this, but I didn't expect that after only one year, Ms. Shi made an act that made Mr. Wang collapse.

One day in 2014, Mr. Wang received a lot of inexplicable phone calls in one day, and the customer on the phone said that he had paid for the goods but had not seen the goods for a long time.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

Mr. Wang was shocked when he calculated the amount, because the total amount of these total amounts was as high as 2.45 million, which made Mr. Wang extremely angry, and immediately began to investigate the matter, and he found that the initiator of this incident was his wife Ms. Shi.

After arriving home, her husband began to ask Ms. Shi where the money was spent, whether she had done anything outside, probably because of her own weak heart, Ms. Shi rushed to the kitchen and picked up a kitchen knife and chased after her husband, but fortunately, her two daughters stopped her.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

After the two sides calmed down, Mr. Wang calmly asked Ms. Shi where the money was spent in the face of the urging of the creditor, Ms. Shi said that she had the habit of playing mahjong before marriage, and at the beginning she played casually for a few dollars and dozens of dollars, and then Ms. Shi began to play more and more skillfully and began to play bigger and bigger.

Later, she began to be more and more presumptuous, thinking that Mr. Wang could make a lot of money anyway, so she began to gamble without a bottom line, and the whole person began to make money from Mr. Wang's company in order to gamble, and Ms. Shi's gambling place is still a mobile casino just to be able to run away after scamming money.

The woman gambled and lost 2.45 million in one night, and her husband asked with concern, she picked up a kitchen knife and chased after it

After this back and forth, Ms. Shi's money was completely lost, and Mr. Wang finally chose to divorce Ms. Shi and asked for custody of his two daughters.


A huge debt of 2.45 million fell from the sky, and the secret rate behind the "virtuous" wife in the family - Hunan Dushi "Looking for Love"

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