
Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: The warbler sings the spring clouds warm, please give the next couplet

Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: The warbler sings the spring clouds warm, please give the next couplet

Shanglian: The warbler sings the spring clouds

Gushan Temple is in the west of Jia Ting, and the water surface is low at the beginning of the clouds.

Several early warblers compete for warm trees, and whose new swallows peck the spring mud.

The flowers are gradually charming to the eye, and the asakusa can have no horseshoe.

The favorite lake is not enough to go east, and the white sand embankment in the green poplar shade.

——[Tang] Bai Juyi "Spring Trip to Qiantang Lake"

Shanglian "The Warbler Sings the Spring Clouds Warmly" sings with the yellow warbler, opening a picture of spring.

The word "warbler singing" vividly outlines the vibrant scene of spring, and the song of the yellow warbler is crisp and pleasant, indicating the arrival of spring and full of vitality.

The warmth of spring is further enhanced by the warmth of the clouds, and the gentle clouds and the warm sunshine create a warm and bright spring scene.

Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: The warbler sings the spring clouds warm, please give the next couplet

Downlink: The wind is cold in winter and the moon

The sparse flowers and cold stamen reflect the book window, seducing the fairy butterfly dream.

Even if the spring breeze blows away, it will be on the book bag with the frost moon.

——[Yuan] Ye Hao "Plum Shadow in the Book Window"

The next link "The Wind Sings the Winter Moon Cold" turns to the cold world of winter.

The word "wind chanting" uses anthropomorphic techniques to give the cold wind the image of chanting, conveying the loneliness and coldness unique to winter.

The three words "Winter Moon Cold" are concise and powerful, which not only points out the season, but also uses the word "cold" to depict the coldness of the winter night, and the cold wind under the moonlight, adding a bit of loneliness and bleakness.

Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: The warbler sings the spring clouds warm, please give the next couplet

On the whole, the "warbler singing" in the upper part and the "wind chanting" in the lower part form a contrast between movement and stillness, and the song of the warbler and the whispering of the wind contrast with each other, making the whole couplet full of vivid picture sense. At the same time, the contrast between the warm spring clouds and the cold moon in winter forms the contrast of seasonal temperatures, and the warmth of spring and the cold of winter, the brightness of the clouds and the coldness of the moonlight are more distinct in the contrast.

This couplet is not only a beautiful picture, but also a philosophical poem. Tell us that life is like the cycle of the four seasons, there are warmth and cold, vitality and loneliness. We must learn to enjoy the beauty of life in warmth and vitality, and learn to be strong and endure in the cold and loneliness.