
Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

author:A decay is not decaying

Why can't children eat breakfast casually? Six unsuitable breakfast combinations, parents should beware!

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity


As the most important meal of the day, breakfast is essential for a child's growth and development. Nowadays, many parents have some misunderstandings about their children's breakfast matching, random food matching, and even buying out breakfast for their children directly in order to save time, these bad eating habits may bring potential harm to children's health.

So, what are the breakfast pairings that should not be eaten? Today, let's take a look at what are the bad breakfast pairings, and how to scientifically and reasonably match a nutritious breakfast for children.

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

1. What breakfast pairings should not be eaten?

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

1. Milk + eggs

Many parents believe that milk and eggs are both good nutritious foods and that eating them together can complement each other. Experts point out that eating milk and eggs together can lead to blocked protein absorption, and such a combination also lacks carbohydrates, which can affect the child's energy supply.

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

2. White porridge + steamed buns + pickles

Such a breakfast combination is almost full carbohydrates, and it also lacks protein and fat, and long-term consumption can easily lead to malnutrition and affect the child's physical health.

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

3. Soy milk + fritters

Eating soy milk and fritters together not only easily leads to obesity, but also affects the absorption of calcium, which is very unfavorable for children who are developing and growing.

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

4. Breakfast milk + cereal

Many parents find breakfast milk and cereal to be a very convenient breakfast food that can quickly replenish energy. Such a breakfast combination is very simple, and may contain too much sugar and additives, and long-term consumption has certain harm to children's health.

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

5. Overnight leftovers

In order to save time, many parents prefer to use leftovers from overnight to accompany their children's breakfast. The protein in overnight leftovers is prone to change its properties, and at the same time, it can also create carcinogens, which is dangerous to children's health.

Block! These 6 "fake nutritional" breakfasts are ruining the baby's height, stomach, and immunity

6. High-sugar foods

Many children like to eat high-sugar foods, such as bread, fruit juice, etc., and long-term consumption of these foods can easily lead to tooth decay and obesity, which has a certain impact on children's health.

Through the above introduction, I believe you have a certain understanding of the breakfast combination that is not suitable for consumption. When giving your child breakfast, you must avoid these combinations to ensure your child's health.

2. What is the golden formula for a qualified breakfast?

So, what kind of breakfast pairings are qualified? A scientific and reasonable breakfast combination should include staple foods, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits and milk, only in this way can you ensure that your child receives a comprehensive and balanced nutrition.

1. Staple food

Staple foods are the main source of energy for your child's breakfast, and you can choose whole grain staples such as oatmeal and whole wheat bread, which can not only provide rich dietary fiber, but also help children absorb other nutrients more effectively.

2. Meat and eggs

Meat and egg food is an important source of protein for children, you can choose some lean meat, eggs, tofu, etc., which can not only ensure protein intake, but also avoid excessive fat intake.

3. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, so you can choose some colorful vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, tomatoes, apples, etc., which can help children better replenish various nutrients.

4. Milk

Dairy food is an important source of calcium, and you can choose some yogurt, cheese, etc., which can not only supplement calcium, but also help gastrointestinal health.

Only by combining the above foods reasonably can a qualified breakfast be formed and give children a comprehensive nutritional supplement.

3. In addition to food pairing, what else should I pay attention to?

In addition to the combination of food, in fact, the time and speed of eating food also have a certain impact on health.

When the child wakes up in the morning, the stomach is still in an empty state, if you eat immediately at this time, it will bring some stimulation to the stomach, and it is easy to cause stomach problems in the long run, so it is best to eat half an hour after getting up.

When children are eating, they must chew and swallow slowly, so as to better promote digestion and absorption and avoid indigestion.

When parents formulate their children's breakfast, they must also make a reasonable match according to the child's age and individual differences, not generalize, but also pay attention to the diversity of breakfast, you can try different ingredients and collocation methods, to bring children a different taste bud experience.

In addition, the environment and atmosphere of the diet also have an impact on the child's eating, and parents should create a pleasant dining atmosphere and eat happily with the child, so as to better promote digestion and absorption.

With the growth of children and the change of physical conditions, the combination of breakfast also needs to be constantly adjusted and optimized, parents must pay attention to the health of their children's diet at any time, and give scientific guidance and help.


Through today's sharing, I believe you have a certain understanding of children's breakfast matching. Breakfast has a very important impact on the healthy growth of children, parents must pay attention to it, give their children a scientific and reasonable nutritious breakfast, and cultivate good eating habits to enable them to thrive.

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