
23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

author:Autumn and autumn talk about the world
23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

Du Weimin sighed deeply, these speculations were undoubtedly questioning and humiliating their feelings. He turned around and looked in the direction of his wife, Yuan Liping. This well-born and knowledgeable woman was once the most solid support for him on the road to entrepreneurship, but now because of this divorce, she has become the new richest woman in Canada and has become the second largest shareholder of Kangtai Biotechnology.

Du Weimin's eyes were sad, he knew that this divorce was destined to change a lot of things. He recalled his bumpy life, from being born in poverty to finally becoming the "vaccine king" and building this glorious business empire, everything condensed his hard work and unremitting pursuit.

And Yuan Liping is a confidant who has witnessed his journey, how well she understands his dreams and ambitions.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Du Weimin's mouth, the divorce was painful for him, but he knew that he could not avoid it. He only hopes that the outside world can respect their private affairs, reduce speculation and criticism, and let all this come to an end as soon as possible.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

Back in the 60s of the last century, Du Weimin was born in a poor peasant family in Jinggang Mountain, Jiangxi Province. Despite his family's poor circumstances, his parents never gave up their expectations of him.

Du Weimin has been enterprising since he was a child, and his big clever eyes flashed with a thirst for knowledge. Whenever they see him concentrating on his homework, his parents will be sincerely relieved.

They know very well that only through diligent study can Du Weimin change his destiny and get rid of the shackles of poverty.

In order to provide for Du Weimin's education abroad, his parents lived a frugal and simple life, saving all their income carefully to pay for his school fees. On weekends and holidays, Du Weimin will return home happily.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

At that time, his parents would prepare sumptuous meals for him, hoping to comfort their son's homesickness of studying abroad.

Every time he saw his parents' calloused hands due to labor, Du Weimin's eyes would moisten. Deep down, he made up his mind to change his fate with his own hands and let his parents live a carefree life.

Du Weimin's love and filial piety to his parents doomed him to the direction of his future life. He studied hard and was finally admitted to a local health school majoring in chemistry.

During his time at the school, he excelled in character and learning, achieved excellent grades, and had great ambitions. Those bits and pieces are all a portrayal of his pure heart.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

After graduating from university, Du Weimin was assigned to work at the Jiangxi Provincial Health and Epidemic Prevention Station as he wished. Although this was seen as an "iron rice bowl" at the time, he was never satisfied with it.

A strong desire to start a business burned in his heart, and he longed to do something bigger.

When the wave of reform and opening up hit, Du Weimin resolutely left his public office and joined Changchun Biological Company to start vaccine sales. This is his first step on the road of entrepreneurship and a new starting point in life.

The first days were very difficult, and Du Weimin ran from place to place just to be able to sell the vaccine. In order to save money, he stayed in the cheapest small hotel and ate the simplest food.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

When you are away on a business trip, you can't reimburse any expenses, and you can only get a small commission if you meet the performance standards.

Du Weimin suffered countless doubts and criticisms, and the people around him all reprimanded him for "picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons". But his dedication to entrepreneurship and his yearning for his career are incomprehensible to others.

He gritted his teeth, measured the great rivers and mountains of the motherland with his feet, and soaked this land of China with sweat.

Surprisingly, despite such a difficult environment, Du Weimin still devotes himself to his work. He is like a tireless horse, with his head held high and his eyes tireless.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

With his outstanding performance, he soon became the company's General Manager of Sales and later became Executive President.

Just when his career began to take off, Du Weimin met the most important woman in his life - Yuan Liping. This female master from a famous family not only has outstanding appearance, but also erudite knowledge.

Surprisingly, she fell in love with the mediocre-looking Du Weimin at first sight.

The two soon met and fell in love and entered the palace of marriage. With the support and encouragement of Yuan Liping, Du Weimin's entrepreneurial confidence has doubled. With the dream of conquest in the commercial sea, he resolutely resigned from his job at Changchun Biotechnology and founded his own company in Guangzhou, Guangzhou Mengyuan Bioengineering Co., Ltd.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

Everything is very difficult, but as long as Yuan Liping is by his side, Du Weimin is fearless. Sure enough, with the contacts and sales channels he had accumulated in Changchun Biotech, the new company was soon on the right track, and profits began to gradually recover.

With sufficient funds as the backing, Du Weimin and Yuan Liping began to plan to expand their business to Canada.

After arriving in Canada, Du Weimin did not stop. The restless business gene in his body has prompted him to continue to expand his territory and pursue greater achievements.

First, he invested in the acquisition of Changzhou Pharmaceutical Yanshen Biotechnology, which was forced to sell due to financial difficulties, and renamed it Jiangsu Yanshen. This undoubtedly laid the foundation for his larger expansion in the future.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

However, Du Weimin's sights are much more than that. With a keen insight into the industry, he found that Kangtai Bio, which was focusing on the research and development of hepatitis B vaccine at that time, did not achieve excellent results in the fierce market competition due to the too single product line, but fell into the quagmire of continuous losses.

Seeing this opportunity, Du Weimin descended like a tiger and successfully pocketed the company that was on the verge of bankruptcy at a price of 4.98 million yuan. This is undoubtedly a pretty good deal.

At the beginning of the acquisition, Kangtai Biotech was like a pool of muddy water, and its internal management was chaotic. However, under the leadership of Du Weimin, an extraordinary leader, the company has ushered in a complete reform and transformation.

He relentlessly transformed the senior management team and re-injected the energy and philosophy of change.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

The most critical step was that Du Weimin found a strong partner - Sanofi of France. With the help of its advanced medical technology, Kangtai Bio's R&D strength has been greatly improved, and its product line is gradually enriched and improved.

With Du Weimin, a business-minded leader, and Yuan Liping, a wise companion, to guide the direction, Kangtai Bio's development can be said to be very proficient, and it has regained its vitality in just a few years, emerged in the domestic market, and made remarkable achievements.

All of this is due to Du Weimin's accurate grasp of the industry, as well as his calm and calm leadership wisdom in the ever-changing shopping mall. Whenever he sees the company's performance figures climb, a proud smile appears on the corner of his mouth.

It was not until 2017 that Kangtai Biology finally fulfilled Du Weimin's long-cherished wish - successful listing! At this meaningful moment, Yuan Liping, who is in Canada, is excited to share this joy with her husband through video.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

No one could have imagined that at this moment, fate left a foreshadowing for them to turn around.

After the listing, Kangtai Biology flourished, and Du Weimin's career reached the peak of his life. But under this thriving appearance, the relationship between him and his wife Yuan Liping gradually broke down like a hoe.

Where does the conflict between this loving couple come from? No one can say for sure. Maybe it's because the two have lived in a foreign country for a long time and miss their relatives and friends back home; Perhaps there is a disagreement between each other in the pursuit of an ideal life; Or perhaps it is the dispersion of long-term career priorities that has gradually alienated them.

In short, just as the company took off and the wealth rose, the marriage of Du Weimin and Yuan Liping also faced a severe test. The two began to divorce, and then reconciled, and so on.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

The friends around them persuaded them to cherish each other and regain their feelings back then. However, some cracks, once created, are difficult to completely erase.

Finally, in 2020, Du Weimin and Yuan Liping filed a divorce lawsuit with real guns. For this reason, the two sides clashed fiercely in court, attacking and defending each other. In the end, the court handed down a heavy verdict: Du Weimin had to pay Yuan Liping a huge divorce fee of up to 23.5 billion yuan.

For this staggering sky-high figure, Du Weimin did not have too many complaints. After all, the success of Kangtai Biology is due to Yuan Liping's important contributions. Moreover, she is also a Canadian citizen, and according to the law, she is supposed to pay for this asset.

Du Weimin just sighed deeply, he knew that parting ways was a doomed end.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

However, Mr. Du never commented on these speculations. He feels that emotional matters have always been unclear, and it is difficult for others to fully understand the situation and thoughts of the parties.

He only hopes that the outside world can reduce criticism and let this matter come to an end as soon as possible.

After the divorce, Yuan Liping became the new richest woman in Canada and the second largest shareholder of Kangtai Biotechnology. With this sky-high bride price of 23.5 billion yuan, she bought a mansion in Canada and lived the life of a wealthy person.

But whenever she walks through the marble-paved corridor and sees the various works of art on display, she can't help but think of the past - those difficult years of starting a business with Du Weimin.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

Du Weimin sat silently in the study, picking up a candlelight-like warm table lamp. His eyes looked out the window, and the blurred street scene gradually became clear in his eyes: it was his entrepreneurial path from an ordinary peasant boy step by step, leaving the footprints of his tireless pursuit.

Yes, everything he has experienced has built today's Kangtai Biology. From the first job at Changchun Biologics, he has been moving forward with tenacious perseverance, even staying in the cheapest hotels and eating the simplest food, just to sell the vaccine.

Later, he met Yuan Liping, a talented woman who became his most solid backing. With her support and encouragement, Du Weimin resolutely resigned to start a business and started Guangzhou Mengyuan Company.

Everything is so difficult, but with his lover by his side, he has nothing to fear.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

In this way, with his extraordinary wisdom and accurate grasp of the industry, Du Weimin has expanded his career to Canada step by step. After the acquisition of Changzhou Pharmaceutical, he discovered Kangtai Biology, which was in trouble at that time, and took it under his command.

Since then, Du Weimin and Yuan Liping have gone hand in hand, using the concept of reform and innovative thinking to completely transform this company on the verge of bankruptcy. They have found a strong partner, Sanofi, which has greatly improved the R&D strength of Kangtai Biotech, and it has been revitalized in just a few years.

In 2017, this formerly unknown company finally raised its eyebrows and successfully went public under Du Weimin's personal efforts, realizing his long-cherished wish. But at this most glorious moment of his life, fate left a foreshadowing of a turning point for him and Yuan Liping.

There are always regrets over the years, but Du Weimin knows that the road of life is not a straight line, but more of a circuitous process. There were stumbles and stumbles, but in the end he still reached the other side of his ideals.

23.5 billion will also be separated! China's "vaccine king" is divorced, but she has become a rich Canadian woman

Along the way, hardships and joys have gone hand in hand, and Yuan Liping's unwavering companionship is undoubtedly the greatest comfort. Let everything in the past be sealed in the long river of history, and the future will surely create new brilliance.

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