
Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

author:Seikashi Bungakusha
Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous
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Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

In the Chinese film industry in the 80s of the 20th century, Li Xiuming was a bright star. Together with Liu Xiaoqing and Zhang Jinling, she is known as "Beiying Sanhua", and has conquered countless audiences with her superb acting skills and charming charm.

In 1982, Li Xiuming won the reputation of "Peacock Princess" with "Peacock Princess", and he was in the limelight for a while.

However, 30 years later, 69-year-old Li Xiuming is already a kind grandmother, living a peaceful and happy life. This astonishing transformation began in 1994, when she resolutely left the familiar film industry and joined the business world.

In just a few years, the "Dajiabao" potato chips brand she founded from scratch became famous in one fell swoop, with sales exceeding 100 million yuan, and finally sold at a high price. How did Li Xiuming achieve a gorgeous transformation from a film and television star to a business elite? What kind of life wisdom does her story contain? Let's unveil this legendary experience together.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

In 1954, Li Xiuming was born in an ordinary family in Tianjin. She has had a strong interest in art since she was a child, and at the age of 18, she was admitted to the Tianjin People's Art Institute and started her artistic career.

However, a turning point in fate came in 1973. Chen Qiang, who was already a famous director of Beijing Film at that time, was impressed by Li Xiuming's talent when he watched her performance, and resolutely decided to introduce this young girl to the big screen.

In 1975, an opportunity befell Li Xiuming. She starred in the movie "Chunmiao" directed by the famous director Xie Jin, playing an innocent and kind "barefoot doctor" Tian Chunmiao.

Li Xiuming's performance was full of energy, and her bright eyes and bright smile deeply moved the audience and made her famous in one fell swoop. This success won her the opportunity to enter the Beijing Film Studio, and since then her acting career has entered a new stage.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

Entering the 80s, Li Xiuming's acting career is in full swing. Her collaboration with Tang Guoqiang on "Starry Tonight" and "Peacock Princess" were both great successes.

Especially her outstanding performance in "The Peacock Princess" earned her the reputation of "Peacock Princess" and became one of the most popular on-screen couples of that era.

Li Xiuming's acting skills have also been highly recognized by the industry. In the movie "Xu Mao and His Daughters", she successfully portrayed the role of the fourth girl Xu Xiuyun, and won the double crown of the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award with her superb acting skills.

Such an achievement is extremely rare even today.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

However, the ups and downs of acting careers are inevitable. After entering the 90s, with the rise of the new generation of actors, Li Xiuming's influence gradually weakened.

Faced with this situation, she did not sit idly by and tried to transform the music field. In 1991, she successfully held a solo concert and showed her multifaceted talent.

Despite this, Li Xiuming still felt the pressure from the market. In 1993, she returned to the big screen to star in "Burning Snowflake", but the response to the film was not as expected.

Facing the trough of his acting career, Li Xiuming began to think deeply about his future direction. She realizes that her golden age is gone, and it's time to think about new life choices.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

This brilliant and challenging acting career laid the foundation for Li Xiuming's future transformation and allowed her to accumulate valuable life experience.

1994 was an important turning point for 40-year-old Li Xiuming. Faced with the bottleneck of her acting career, she made a surprising decision - to quit the film industry and join the business world.

Behind this decision is Li Xiuming's sober understanding of his own situation and thoughtful consideration for the future. She realized that instead of struggling in the increasingly competitive film and television industry, she should find a new direction in life.

Lee's business career began by chance. After tasting the "Pringles" potato chips brought by a friend, she came up with the idea of building her own brand of potato chips in China.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

This inspiration sparked her passion for entrepreneurship, but Li knew that passion alone was not enough.

In order to achieve this goal, Li Xiuming has made full preparations. She first took a marketing course, which gave her a preliminary understanding of business operations.

Subsequently, she went one step further and went to Beijing Finance and Trade School to study "marketing" and systematically master business knowledge. This attitude of continuous learning and enrichment has laid a solid foundation for her future entrepreneurial journey.

After making sufficient preparations, Li Xiuming officially founded his own potato chip brand - "Dajiabao". Surprisingly, this potato chip has been widely praised by the public as soon as it was launched.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

In the face of her early success, Li Xiuming maintained a humble attitude, and she often said: "I am just lucky." But in fact, Lee's success is not just a matter of luck.

Li Xiuming's unique marketing strategy has brought great success to "Everyone's Treasure" potato chips. She is acutely aware that to stand out in a competitive market, it's not enough to stand out on her own.

So, she took the initiative to seek cooperation with McDonald's, Coca-Cola and other well-known brands, and proposed "Pair with Coca-Cola, taste everyone's treasure potato chips!" advertising slogan.

This win-win strategy with big brands has not only increased sales, but also greatly increased the popularity of "Everyone's Treasure" potato chips.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

Lee's marketing talents have been widely recognized by the business community, and her case has even been incorporated into MBA teaching materials at Peking University's Guanghua School of Management. This is not only an affirmation of her business wisdom, but also brings more attention and recognition to the "Dajiabao" brand.

With the efforts of Li Xiuming, the performance of "Dajiabao" potato chips has continued to rise. By 2000, in just a few years, the total sales had exceeded 100 million yuan.

As a result, Li Xiuming became one of the elite in the business world and became a veritable billionaire.

Lee's business success is not only a testament to her excellent business acumen, but also her spirit of courage to try and keep learning. From a film star to a successful entrepreneur, Li Xiuming has interpreted the charm of "second entrepreneurship" with practical actions, and has also set an example for many artists who want to transform.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

Her story teaches us that success is not accidental, but the result of relentless effort and the right strategy. With his wisdom and courage, Li Xiuming once again shined at the second starting point of his life and wrote an admirable business legend.

In 2002, just as the "Everyone's Treasure" potato chips brand was booming, a major opportunity quietly came. PepsiCo, a multinational company, took a fancy to this brand full of potential and offered to acquire it.

In the face of this sudden opportunity, Li Xiuming once again demonstrated her keen business insight and decisive decision-making ability.

Despite the great success of the "Everyone's Treasure" potato chips, Li Xiuming was not blinded by the brilliance in front of him. She is soberly aware that with the increasingly fierce competition in the domestic potato chip market, the future development of the brand will face greater challenges.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

As a multinational giant, PepsiCo has strong resources and market influence, which can bring a broader development space for "Dajiabao".

After much deliberation, Lee made the decision to sell the brand to PepsiCo. This decision not only brought her considerable financial returns, but also opened up a new path for the future development of the "Dajiabao" brand.

More importantly, this decision embodies Li Xiuming's far-sighted strategic vision and wisdom in knowing how to advance and retreat.

Choosing to retire at the peak of business, Li Xiuming once again showed her unique wisdom in life. She knows that life is not only about career success, but also about finding inner peace and contentment.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

As she puts it, "I've completed my mission and it's time to start a new chapter in my life."

After retiring from the business world, Li Xiuming politely declined all invitations to return to the entertainment industry. Despite the cordial invitation of many to return to the screen, she decided that she was no longer up to the task of acting and firmly said goodbye to the performing arts.

This kind of determination not only shows her sober understanding of herself, but also reflects her noble character of not being in love with stacks and not greedy for false fame.

Li Xiuming chooses to devote more time and energy to family life and enjoy family fun. This choice reflects Li Xiuming's deep understanding of life and unique interpretation of happiness.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

She realizes that true success lies not only in a brilliant career, but also in being able to maintain inner peace and contentment at different stages of life.

Lee's story tells us that success is not only about climbing to the top, but also about knowing when to go all out and when to stop in moderation. Her experience shows us a wisdom that balances career and life, which is worth pondering and learning from everyone.

Today's Li Xiuming has entered the 69-year-old stage of life. Her life is completely different from when she was on the screen, but it is full of ordinary and sincere happiness.

After retiring from the business world, Lee devoted more time and energy to family life. She enjoys every moment with her family, especially watching her son succeed in his career and become a kind grandmother herself, a happiness that no achievement can match.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

Li Xiuming often said: "It is my greatest happiness to be able to watch the children grow up healthily."

Although far from the spotlight, Li Xiuming is not isolated from the world. On holidays, she returns to her hometown to visit family and friends. This heartwarming moment of reunion with her loved ones became the most precious part of her life in her later years.

Li Xiuming said: "There is no substitute for the simple happiness of returning to my hometown, chatting with old friends, and eating hometown food."

Li Xiuming's lifestyle reflects her deep understanding of life. She understands that true happiness lies not in the outer aura, but in the inner satisfaction. From the bright star of the year, to the successful female entrepreneur, and then to the kind old man now, Li Xiuming has always maintained a calm and calm.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

This indifferent attitude to life stems from Li Xiuming's wise understanding of life. She knows how to retreat bravely at the right time, knows how to let go of the glory of the past, and returns to an ordinary and down-to-earth life.

This wisdom allows her to find her own happiness at every stage of her life.

Li Xiuming's later life, although uneventful, is full of happiness and satisfaction. Her story tells us that the true meaning of life is not in vigor, but in calmness and tranquility.

As she said, "The life I have now is what I want most."

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

Li Xiuming's life experience provides us with valuable inspiration. Her story teaches us that the value of life is not only about how much you can achieve, but also about being able to make the right choices at different stages of life.

The secret of Lee's success lies in her decisiveness and courage. Whether it was transitioning from the film and television industry to the business world, or choosing to quit at the peak of business, she has shown extraordinary determination.

This spirit of courage to change has allowed her to shine at different stages of her life.

At the same time, Li Xiuming knows how to let go of the glory of the past and enjoy the current life. This wisdom has allowed her to maintain peace of mind and contentment even after retirement. Her experience has taught us that true success is not only about career success, but also about finding your own happiness at every stage of life.

Li Xiuming has retired from the film industry for 30 years, and after doing business, he seems to have changed as a person, and now at the age of 69, he has a grandson and son who have become famous

Li Xiuming's story illustrates for us a kind of wisdom that balances career and life, which is worth pondering and learning from everyone.

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