
Launched today, 40 episodes of ancient puppet dramas are coming, and all the acting skills are online, with the potential to be a hit

author:Taste to talk about the event

Recently, as soon as the "Ink Rain and Clouds" launched by our vegetable and fruit company was launched, it aroused heated discussions among the audience. The audience said: "This plot is really exciting, and the costumes and sets are also very careful, it is a visual feast." It just so happened that "The Story of Rose" starring Liu Yifei was also launched. Liu Yifei once again conquered many fans with her consistent fairy temperament and solid acting skills. Some viewers sighed: "Liu Yifei really deserves to be a fairy sister, she acted so well in this drama." ”

Launched today, 40 episodes of ancient puppet dramas are coming, and all the acting skills are online, with the potential to be a hit

The aftertaste of these two dramas has not dissipated, and "Yan Xinji" starring Luo Yunxi and Song Yi was launched seamlessly. On the first day of the broadcast, the discussion was overwhelming, and the topic of "Yan Xinji" frequently appeared on the Weibo hot search list. Everyone is discussing: "Luo Yunxi's appearance this time is too handsome, and his acting skills are more mature." "Song Yi's role setting is very layered, and she plays it very well." This made many viewers follow the drama all night and refused to miss any of the highlights.

Friend Xiao Zhang said in the WeChat group: "The costumes and props of "Yan Xinji" are really amazing, especially the real-life shooting, which looks particularly immersive. Xiao Li echoed: "The actors' acting skills are also online, and I am thrilled to see the rivalry between Luo Yunxi and Song Yi, and I can't stop at all." ”

Launched today, 40 episodes of ancient puppet dramas are coming, and all the acting skills are online, with the potential to be a hit

The popularity of these dramas has made the competition in the costume drama market extremely fierce. Major platforms are trying their best to launch their own high-quality dramas to compete for the audience's attention and popularity. Especially "Yan Xinji", with almost no large-scale publicity, with high-quality production and superb acting skills of the actors, it has become a phenomenal work that has exploded in popularity in one fell swoop. The audience said: "This show is so good, I can't stop at all." ”

Just when people are immersed in the wonderful plot of "Yan Xinji", the new strong rival "Spending the Year of China" is also gaining momentum. The crew is in full swing to make final preparations, and a crew member revealed: ""The Year of China" will be launched tomorrow, and we are all looking forward to the audience's response, hoping to bring you different surprises. ”

"Yan Xinji" can achieve such amazing results with almost no publicity, which is really impressive. Everyone is discussing: "How did this show do it?" In fact, when analyzed closely, its success is inseparable from several key factors: high-quality costumes, live-action shooting, and excellent performances from the actors.

Launched today, 40 episodes of ancient puppet dramas are coming, and all the acting skills are online, with the potential to be a hit

"The costume design of 'Yan Xinji' is fantastic, and every outfit is beautiful like a work of art." Audience Xiao Liu sighed in the circle of friends. My friend Xiao Wang replied: "Yes, especially those ancient scenes, I feel that I have really traveled to ancient times." "The production team of "Yan Xin Ji" has spent a lot of time and energy on the service and strive to achieve perfection in every detail. The live-action shooting also makes the series more realistic and immersive.

The excellent performances of the actors are also a highlight. The rivalry between Luo Yunxi and Song Yi moved countless audiences to tears. "Luo Yunxi acted so well, his every look was full of stories." Xiao Zhang couldn't help but express his feelings on Weibo. Song Yi's acting skills are also amazing, and every delicate emotion of the role is vividly interpreted by her.

Just when the popularity of "Yan Xinji" remains high, the strong rival "Du Hua Nian" will also be launched tomorrow. As soon as the news came out, the audience was excited: ""Du Hua Nian" is finally coming, I don't know if this drama can surpass "Yan Xinji". ”

Launched today, 40 episodes of ancient puppet dramas are coming, and all the acting skills are online, with the potential to be a hit

This year's costume drama market is indeed extremely competitive. First, there were "Walking with the Wind" and "Cherishing Flowers", and later "Between the Ink Rain Clouds" and "Yan Xinji" appeared one after another. Major platforms are desperately launching their own "killer features" to compete for the attention and ratings of the audience. "Du Hua Nian" chose to launch at this point in time, avoiding the edge of "Ink Rain and Clouds" and "The Story of Rose", and directly confronted "Yan Xinji". This strategy is really smart, because "Sauvignon Blanc 2" will also be launched next month, and the competition will be more fierce at that time.

Speaking of the advantages of "Du Hua Nian", I have to mention its compact plot and wide audience. This drama is adapted from Mo Shubai's novel "The Eldest Princess", involving career lines, love lines and conspiracy lines, and various plots are intertwined, making people dizzying.

Similar "Love between Two Worlds" dramas, such as 2017's "The Favorite Concubine of the Two Worlds" and 2023's "Ning An Like a Dream", have all achieved great success, so "Du Hua Nian" is also pinned on high hopes.

Launched today, 40 episodes of ancient puppet dramas are coming, and all the acting skills are online, with the potential to be a hit

The cast is also strong. Director Gao Yijun has directed "The Legend of Wu Meiniang", and screenwriter Rao Jun's representative works include "Wife's Secret", "Drunk Linglong", "Eternal Juechen" and "The Legend of the Chosen King".

The male protagonist Pei Wenxuan is played by Zhang Linghe, who has almost become the queen male protagonist of costume dramas in recent years, and his representative works include "Canglan Decision", "Cloud Feather" and "Ning An Like a Dream". The heroine Li Rong is played by Zhao Jinmai, although she is only 22 years old, she debuted as a child star and her acting skills are very mature. The second male Su Rongqing is played by Chen Heyi, and there are also powerful actors such as Zhao Ke, Yang Mingna, Yu Jinwei, and Wei Wei.

Launched today, 40 episodes of ancient puppet dramas are coming, and all the acting skills are online, with the potential to be a hit