
Soaring! Go on! June 26, 2024 - Feitian Moutai and Zodiac Wine Daily Market Price

author:Thatched powder old iron

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Moutai rises knowledge:

Feitian Moutai, a famous specialty of Guizhou Province, is one of the world's three major distilled liquors. The suggested retail price of Kweichow Moutai is 1,499 yuan, and the ex-factory price is 1,169 yuan. Benefiting from the unique regional environment and special brewing process of Moutai Town, Guizhou, Feitian Moutai has the characteristics of outstanding sauce aroma, plump body, long aftertaste and rich sense of layering, and is the representative of Chinese sauce-flavored liquor. The fragrance of Kweichow Moutai floats all over the world and is loved by the majority of Maotai fans all over the world.

Soaring! Go on! June 26, 2024 - Feitian Moutai and Zodiac Wine Daily Market Price

The suggested retail price of Feitian Moutai is 1,499 yuan per bottle

However, due to supply and demand, brand value and other reasons, the price is on a dual track

Suggested retail price

Type of wine Ex-works price Moutai store price Moutai direct store price
In 2024, 53 degrees Feitian Moutai 1169 yuan/bottle 1499 yuan/bottle 1499 yuan/bottle

The market price of the wine merchant transfer

Soaring! Go on! June 26, 2024 - Feitian Moutai and Zodiac Wine Daily Market Price
Soaring! Go on! June 26, 2024 - Feitian Moutai and Zodiac Wine Daily Market Price