
28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

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The longest kiss in the world. Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat from Thailand took the record, and the kiss held for 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds! It's really a kiss to the point of suffocation...

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

33 meters! Are you envious?

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

The candle that farts out the most. The record was set by Gerard Jessie of the Philippines, who extinguished 5 candles with a single fart.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

It's too easy to get people wrong.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

The clothes I bought on Amazon are still cute to wear on her.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

It should have been washed onto the beach by the waves just after the predation.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Through the screen, I feel sorry for this car owner.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

My husband throws away leftovers every time he eats them, and never puts them in the refrigerator, because because of his bad habit, a lot of food is thrown away after eating it once

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Over the years, the sandbags that were built during World War II have become as hard as rock

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

It's also safer.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Ponte City Apartments in Johannesburg, South Africa, a cloud home on the African continent, it seems to have become a fortress of solitude, isolated from the rest of the world.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

The flight chaise longue designed by an American designer must be very comfortable to sit in for a long journey, but it is estimated that it will be uncomfortable to think about facing someone else's ass above your face

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Children's crafts are always full of surprises (and scares), but they are also a reflection of their creativity.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Now the sound of bullets and killings is gradually not heard, and social order tends to be stable on the whole.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

The mouth-spitting heads of the movie "Alien" are filmed like this, and the thick liquid that looks very disgusting is actually just the condensed milk that people consume in their daily lives

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

In fact, he was just happily telling everyone about his third baby.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records


28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

A 98-year-old couple, after more than 70 years of married life, re-held a wedding to witness love.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

600 million tonnes of hydrogen fused into helium, a process that has been going on for about 4.5 billion years and will continue to do so for about 5 billion years. This nuclear fusion reaction provides energy to the solar system.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records


28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Teaching my daughter how to surf from an early age is so much fun.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

When I was out on a trip, I parked my car on the side of the road near the attraction, and when I came out, the window was broken

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Seeing this picture always reminds me of the face of the Shar Pei.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

It can accommodate thousands of people at a time.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

The toilet brush with cactus design, the toilet brush itself is a very unsightly, and very disgusting household tool, designed like this, placed in the bathroom, it looks like a potted plant, it should not make people feel disgusted, this design Xiaobian thinks it is still good.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

The two of them made some chocolates at the same time and wrapped them in tin foil, and it turned out that there were really two kinds of people in the world.

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Wooden cars

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

Looking at the hole in the ceiling, I fell through this hole

28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records
28 funny documentary photos, the longest kiss in the world, fart extinguishing candle records

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