
Xiao Wang's bath "trap": when taking a bath, how to rub the bath?

author:Hot-blooded doctors talk about popular science

Xiao Wang is a young office worker who is usually busy with work and often feels stressed and tired. Every time he came home from work, he would spend a lot of time in the bathroom scrubbing, believing that it would thoroughly cleanse his skin and relax his body. However, after a while, Xiao Wang found that his skin began to become dry and sensitive, and even developed redness, swelling and itching. This made him very confused, is there still a problem with scrubbing?

Xiao Wang's bath "trap": when taking a bath, how to rub the bath?

The truth of the hard rub

1. Destroys the skin barrier

While scrubbing vigorously can bring an instant feeling of refreshment, it can actually cause damage to the skin. The surface of the skin has a natural protective barrier, made up of stratum corneum and sebum, which acts to prevent water loss and block harmful substances from the outside world. Rubbing vigorously can break this barrier, causing the skin to lose its protection and become dry, sensitive, prone to redness, swelling, itching, and other problems.

2. Induce skin inflammation

The redness, swelling and itching of the skin that Xiao Wang noticed was actually due to skin inflammation caused by excessive friction. Vigorously scrubbing can cause small damage to the surface of the skin, which in turn can lead to an inflammatory response, especially for those with thinner, more sensitive skin.

3. Causes pigmentation

Frequent and vigorous bathing can also cause hyperpigmentation. When the skin is subjected to excessive friction, it develops a self-protection mechanism that produces more melanin to repair the damaged area. Over time, the skin will have uneven pigmentation, which will affect the appearance.

Xiao Wang's bath "trap": when taking a bath, how to rub the bath?

How to properly scrub the bath?

1. Control the frequency of scrubbing

Scrubbing does not need to be done every day, usually 1-2 times a week. Excessive scrubbing is not only harmful to the skin, but it can also affect the skin's own cleansing and repair function.

2. Choose the right tool

When scrubbing, try to choose a soft bath towel or bath towel and avoid using tools that are too harsh. This reduces friction and damage to the skin.

3. Attention span and time

When scrubbing in the bath, you should pay attention to controlling the strength and avoid excessive force. The scrubbing time should not be too long, generally 10-15 minutes, so as not to cause excessive friction to the skin.

4. Use a gentle cleaning product

Choosing gentle, non-irritating cleansing products can reduce irritation and damage to the skin. Avoid using body washes or soaps that contain harsh ingredients.

5. Moisturize after a bath

After scrubbing, the skin loses some of its natural oils and needs to be hydrated and moisturized in time. A moisturizer or lotion can be used to help restore the skin's barrier function and keep it hydrated.

Proper bathing habits

1. Take a warm bath

Bathing in warm water can help open pores and cleanse the skin, but the water temperature should not be too high so as not to strip the skin of its natural oils. Generally speaking, the water temperature is around 37-40 degrees Celsius.

2. Avoid prolonged soaking

Immersing in hot water for a long time can cause excessive dehydration of the skin, which can easily cause dryness and itching. It is recommended to control the bathing time to about 15-20 minutes.

3. Keep it moderately clean

Daily bathing can be rinsed with water, and appropriate use of shower gel to clean the skin to keep the skin clean and healthy. But you don't have to take a hard shower every day, just clean your skin properly when it's dirty or smelly.

Xiao Wang's bath "trap": when taking a bath, how to rub the bath?


Xiao Wang's story tells us that although vigorous bathing can bring temporary refreshment, it is not good for skin health in the long run. By understanding the correct scrubbing method and scientific bathing habits, we can better protect the skin and avoid unnecessary damage. Hopefully, this article will remind you to pay attention to your bathing style and develop healthy skincare habits to keep your skin in a natural and healthy state.

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