
A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

author:Little Brother 2i2N

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area! [Look] [Look] [Look]

Really, I often watch UN meetings a lot of the time when they're old and funny [cover your face] [cover your face]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

I know that [sending hearts] is left and right to protect the Dharma, and I will talk more

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

It's not really cool, laughing to death and showing your head in seconds [top left] 5,000 years of China's weakest comprehensive strength period 1v17

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

This is the overall strength, and we really need to work harder economically (the total economic volume is large, but the per capita GDP is small) [Rose]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

Correct, reasonable, and to the point

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

19.53 strongest runner-up, unfortunately [look] no one will remember the second place, but someone will remember the 12th place

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

All of a sudden, the image of my ancestors shouting slogans during the Anti-Japanese War appeared in my mind [stunned]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

Laugh at me, this is really the YouTube Wuchang [cover your face] [cover your face]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

I'm afraid it won't work [covering face] Yangzi is at the peak of the showdown [covering face] [covering face]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

China was a strong country for many periods, and no foreigners dared to come over during the Three Kingdoms period [covering their faces] Liu Sun Cao and the people who dared to come over there [covering their faces]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

Indeed, so China has never been short of troops [covering face] [ok] If you want to say that I am also willing to come out of the bed to train in the war now

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

Really, my mother gave me the feeling that it was easier to go to the moon than to enter the World Cup [covering my face]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

After all, what about a century-old husband and wife [covering their faces][ok]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

It seems that Chu and Han are competing with each other, but in fact, they are super and strong

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

When I was a child, I didn't have a mobile phone to play, and there were many small bungalows [tears]

A sense of oppression from the world's big three! Britain and France: I have honestly begged to be spared! I can't laugh in the comment area!

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