
A smooth life needs kindness as the foundation, don't lose your confidence

author:Yue Fence Relief

Good and evil will be rewarded, it is not that there is no retribution, the time has not yet come.

But anyone with a little experience and age believes in the effect of cause and effect, because in real life, it is really evil to repay evil, and good to repay good.

Why there are foolish people who are stupid is that kindness is at work.

Why is the life of an honest person, although there are many grievances, but also good luck, it is because of kindness.

If a person's life wants to go smoothly, don't lose your confidence.

A smooth life needs kindness as the foundation, don't lose your confidence

Kindness is the end of a smooth life

Many people always sigh about fate, but they don't know the truth that what heart is what life.

The reason why vicious people often have a bad fate is because evil is destroying their blessings.

If a person does evil, there may not be immediate retribution, but retribution will be recorded in the trajectory of their life, and when the time comes, they will be rewarded.

Just look at the wicked people in your life and know who the heavens have spared.

In the same way, a kind person living in the world may suffer losses and be wronged because of kindness, but there will definitely be no catastrophe in their life.

At the end of their lives, all the blessings and fortunes they should have received will be repaid to him, not only to him, but also to his children and future generations.

This is the truth that the house of goodness must have afterglow.

Because, kindness is the confidence of a smooth life.

A smooth life needs kindness as the foundation, don't lose your confidence

Kind people will not have bad luck

Wang Xifeng in "Dream of Red Mansions" has done a lot of evil things, and the only good thing he did was to fund Grandma Liu and treat Grandma Liu well.

Aunt Xue is kind everywhere, but in fact, she has tricks in her heart, so she did not have a good time in her old age, and the daughter-in-law she married was so strong that she could tear down the house, and the baby couldn't be the baby's daughter, and she was miserable all her life.

In fact, in real life, this kind of good and evil retribution is more obvious, but some of them take time.

When I was a child, I heard the story of two concubines, the sister-in-law has a gentle temperament, but the brother-in-law is calculating everywhere, when the family is separated, the brother and daughter-in-law and her husband drove the eldest brother and sister-in-law out of the ancestral house, and most of the items in the family were also put away by them, and promised to compensate a pig for the eldest brother and sister-in-law to build a house, and in the end they did not give it to the scoundrel.

However, more than ten years have passed, and the eldest brother and sister-in-law are still better off than the younger brother and sister-in-law.

In the second half of their lives, whether it is the comfort of life, or the success and filial piety of their children, the two families are better than the eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Life is like this, you just have to be kind, God has his own arrangements, because, kind people, luck will not be bad.

A smooth life needs kindness as the foundation, don't lose your confidence

Life is short, but don't lose your confidence

Life is only a few decades, but in these short decades, it will be 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

If there is no kindness, if you lose the confidence of kindness, it is possible that there will be a scene of beauty in the first thirty years and a sad scene in the last thirty years.

Why is there happiness and sorrow, and why is there woe to people who are crazy, is because, at this time, many people will ignore kindness and abandon kindness.

But in the end, he couldn't escape the punishment of no kindness.

If you want to live a good life, you must be kind, because a good life will bring good luck and blessings.

A smooth life needs kindness as the foundation, don't lose your confidence


Some people calculate their lives, because there is no kindness, and the calculations are still empty.

Some people are safe, steady, down-to-earth, and have a clear conscience, but everything goes smoothly and everything comes true.

Kindness is a good quality that brings good luck, as long as you don't throw it away, it is a help on the road of life.

Because, kindness is the confidence of a smooth life, and it is also the confidence of blessing and luck on the road of life.