
My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

author:Ten percent of the story

When people reach their twilight years, they should enjoy the joy of family. But Aunt Li Cui'e was in a dilemma because of a title that was 20 years late. The daughter-in-law called her "Mom" for the first time, but behind it was a request of 300,000 yuan. Is this hard-won affectionate title worth the price?

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

Aunt Li is 70 years old this year and has been retired for many years and lives alone. The son is 48 years old, and the grandson has just finished the college entrance examination. Recalling the past, Aunt Li was full of emotion. More than 20 years ago, when her son brought her future daughter-in-law home for a blind date, she felt that this girl was too thin and worried about future fertility problems.

Although he was hospitable at the time, he told his son about his opposition. Unexpectedly, the son told the woman about it, and the daughter-in-law has been suspicious of her since then.

In the years after marriage, the daughter-in-law never called Aunt Li "Mom", even in the years when she brought her grandson. Every time we meet, I only call my wife "Dad" and call her "Auntie". This made Aunt Li very sad, but her wife always advised her: "As long as your son is happy, don't worry about your daughter-in-law." In this way, Aunt Li swallowed her anger for many years.

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

Unexpectedly, after the wife left, one day the daughter-in-law suddenly came to the door and called "Mom" sweetly when she entered the house. Aunt Li was so surprised that she almost fainted, and thought she had a terminal illness. It turned out that her son and daughter-in-law wanted her to take out 300,000 yuan to sponsor her grandson to study abroad. The daughter-in-law took her hand and said, "Mom, you have a son and a grandson, for his sake, it is enough to help us with 300,000 yuan." "

Aunt Li felt very uncomfortable. Over the years, from her son's marriage to her grandson's birth and schooling, she has spent more than 300,000 yuan. Now her daughter-in-law is willing to call her "Mom" for this money, how can she be embarrassed?

Aunt Li decided to give her grandson 100,000 yuan, but her daughter-in-law was very dissatisfied. The daughter-in-law thinks that she has put down her body and taken the initiative to make peace, and Aunt Li should meet the requirements. However, in Aunt Li's opinion, this "Mom" came too late and was too precious.

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

This family turmoil sparked heated discussions among netizens:

@阳光灿烂1988: "It's not easy for the elderly to have pension money, and the daughter-in-law hasn't called her mother for so many years, and now she is shouting for money, which is too snobbish. It is recommended that the old man stick to his own ideas and give 100,000 is already very generous. "

This netizen's point of view is quite representative. Indeed, for the average elderly, hundreds of thousands of pension money are not easy to come by. The daughter-in-law's attitude over the years is also flattering. But we also have to take into account that perhaps daughters-in-law also have their own difficulties and hardships. Family relationships are complex, and we can't jump to conclusions.

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

@快乐小蜗牛: "I think the elderly should support their grandson's study abroad, after all, it is for the sake of their grandson's future. But 300,000 is too much, 10-150,000 is more appropriate. The daughter-in-law's attitude should also be sincere. "

This suggestion is more pertinent. There is nothing wrong with supporting the education of grandchildren, but the amount should be moderate and not affect the quality of life of the elderly in their later years. At the same time, the attitude of the daughter-in-law is also very important, sincerity is more powerful than money.

@理性思考者: "The daughter-in-law is not doing this properly, but the old man is also responsible. He shouldn't have told his son about his objections in the first place, which hurt his daughter-in-law's self-esteem. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law needs to be maintained by both parties. "

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

This netizen made a good point. Family conflicts are often the result of long-term accumulation and cannot be simply attributed to one party. Aunt Li's original approach was indeed inappropriate, but her later efforts were also real. Resolving conflicts requires sincerity on both sides.

@心灵捕手: "Money is not the key issue, the key is the attitude towards each other. It is recommended that they communicate openly, understand each other, and work together for the future of their children. "

I couldn't agree more. Money is important, but family affection is even more precious. If you can put aside your preconceptions and communicate openly, I believe that you will find a solution that satisfies both parties.

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

@智慧老人: "The elderly should keep their money for their old age, but they can also consider setting up a trust fund specifically for the education of their grandchildren. In this way, I not only protect myself, but also help the younger generations. "

This is a good suggestion. Through reasonable financial arrangements, we can not only ensure the life of the elderly in their later years, but also support the development of grandchildren. This requires the whole family to work together to make a long-term plan.

This case illustrates the family problems that are prevalent in today's society. As society develops, family structures and intergenerational relationships change. How to balance the interests of all parties and maintain a harmonious family relationship has become a challenge for many people.

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

Every family has its own story and difficulties. In this case, we see the complexity of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, as well as the different perceptions of money and education between generations. But in any case, family members should understand, considerate and support each other.

Money is important, but family affection is even more precious. A harmonious family requires the efforts of each member. For the elderly, it is a basic right to enjoy a comfortable old age; For young people, it is their duty to respect the old and love the young. Only when everyone does their part can the family be truly harmonious and happy.

My daughter-in-law hasn't called me for 20 years, and when my grandson's college entrance examination results came out, she wanted to exchange "Mom" for 300,000 yuan for me

The lesson of this story is that communication matters. Many contradictions stem from misunderstandings and estrangements, and many problems can be easily solved if we can meet each other openly and understand each other. At the same time, we must also learn to empathize and consider problems from the other person's point of view.

Finally, each of us should reflect: Are we doing our part in our family relationships? Are you giving enough love to your family? Let's work together to create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere, where love and understanding fill every family.

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