
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?

author:Universality does not exist

The United States faces many challenges, like a former hegemon entering its twilight, and the decline of its influence will not happen overnight, but it will not be reversed. The missiles fired by the Houthis at the US aircraft carrier, just like Zheng Zhuanggong, shot Zhou Tianzi off the altar with only one arrow. The huge military deployment of the United States in the Middle East is like the end of a strong crossbow, and it is difficult to maintain its former control, and the halo of military hegemony is gradually dimming.

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The bond between oil and the dollar, the cornerstone of the dollar empire, once loosened, is tantamount to cutting off the lifeline of its financial hegemony. Since the end of the golden age, the US dollar has relied on military strength to support global trust, and now the weakening of these two pillars heralds the changing role of the United States in the global economic stage, and the slow end of an era.

The process is undoubtedly long, like the fall of night after dusk, and the desperate gamble in the field of science and technology, especially the urgent pursuit of AI technology, is the last straw it is trying to grasp. High labor costs have limited the revival of the U.S. manufacturing industry, and automation and intelligence have become the key to maintaining its vitality, but in this regard, China has taken the lead, and the application of unmanned technology has blossomed everywhere, leading the new trend of the global industrial revolution.

If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?
If the United States bets on AI, will it be able to catch up with China?

Even if the United States makes progress in the AI race, it will be difficult to quickly reverse the overall decline. In key technology areas such as chip manufacturing, the United States intends to accelerate the localization process through unmanned factories, but in the race of technological innovation, China is narrowing the gap at an astonishing speed, and even surpassing it in some areas. From Earth to the Moon, China is exploring the unknown at its own pace, and the United States is playing catch-up.

On the whole, the backwardness of the United States is not a local phenomenon, but is reflected in the competition with China in all aspects. China's development model and innovation strategy have become a model that the United States has tried to imitate but is difficult to replicate comprehensively. The next few decades will be a process of continuous learning and adaptation to the new world order by the United States, while China will continue to lead the way in multiple dimensions such as science and technology, industry and even space exploration, opening a new chapter of exploration for mankind.

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