
Our army has already wiped out 1.12 million national troops in the liberated areas, so why should we risk running to fight in the national control areas?

author:April day on earth

Topic: Explain why our army took the risk of fighting in the Kuomintang during the Chinese Liberation War

Introduction: Introducing the feat of our army in destroying 2.22 million national troops in the liberated areas during the Chinese Liberation War, the controversial question is why our army continues to risk running to fight in the national control areas.

Our army has already wiped out 1.12 million national troops in the liberated areas, so why should we risk running to fight in the national control areas?

Subject: 3. Improvement of Repair and Combat Capability in the Liberated Areas: Explain the accumulation of experience of our army in the liberated areas, after a long period of fighting, our army has established a strong Red Army and political power in the liberated areas, and has a stable rear and sufficient manpower and material support.

2. Breaking the dilemma of the balance of forces between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party: Explain the dilemma of the balance of forces between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party at that time, the changes in the balance of forces between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the internal contradictions and disadvantages of the Kuomintang, and other factors that promoted the decision of our army to take risks and attack.

Our army has already wiped out 1.12 million national troops in the liberated areas, so why should we risk running to fight in the national control areas?

3. Pursue changes in the strategic situation at home and abroad: Analyze the changes in the strategic situation at home and abroad, such as the support of the Soviet Union, the victory of the international anti-fascist war, and the recognition of the Communist Party of China by the international community, which led our army to decide to march into the national control zone.

4. The Situation Requires the Expansion of the Victory of the Revolution: He pointed out that according to the strategic goal of the Communist Party of China, the liberation of the whole of China is the need to meet the needs of the world revolution, break the rule of the Kuomintang, achieve the victory of the whole, and make the democratic revolution completely victorious.

Our army has already wiped out 1.12 million national troops in the liberated areas, so why should we risk running to fight in the national control areas?

Conclusion: This paper summarizes the reasons why our army took the risk of attacking the nationalized areas during the War of Liberation, and summarized them as the improvement of the repair and combat capability of the liberated areas, the breaking of the dilemma of the balance of forces between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the pursuit of changes in the strategic situation at home and abroad, and the need for the situation to expand the victory of the revolution. It is an objective and wise choice to explain that our army's strategic decision is based on the grasp of the overall war situation and the need to pursue the ultimate victory of the revolution.

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