
Sanying vs. Lu Bu, if Guan Yu is the first to come out, how many rounds can he support in Lu Bu's hands?


"Sanying vs. Lu Bu, if Guan Yu is the first to come out, how many rounds can he support in Lu Bu's hands? This question has sparked a reverie for the people. The heroes and heroes of the Three Kingdoms period, how high their strength is, has always been a topic of conversation for future generations. However, if we turn back the clock and let us re-enter that era of continuous fire, maybe all the truth will be revealed to the world. As one of the five tiger generals, Guan Yu's force is not a problem. But in the face of Lu Bu, the first person in martial arts at that time, can he fight back? Can we turn the tide? How will the answer to this question shake the direction of the history of the Three Kingdoms? Let's find out!

Sanying vs. Lu Bu, if Guan Yu is the first to come out, how many rounds can he support in Lu Bu's hands?

Martial arts supreme Lu Bu, invincible in the world

When it comes to martial arts masters in the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Bu is undoubtedly an invincible existence in the world. This noble son of the Han family, who was born in Shouchun, Huizhou, has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and is talented and brave. When he was still a teenager, he became famous all over the world with his extraordinary martial arts and unborn courage.

In that year, Lu Bu went to Jiangdong and formed an indissoluble bond with some local rangers in Huichang. At that time, his martial arts had become well-known at home and abroad, and many people got along with him day and night to learn chess skills. According to legend, one year he was fighting at a liquor store in Huichang when a ranger with a unique skill challenged him. The man was so drunk that he called Lu Bu "Xiaoer" and "Huangkou Ruzi". Lu Bu didn't want to pay attention to it, but when he saw that the man was provocative, he smashed the wine vessel to the ground in full view of everyone. Lu Bu was furious, immediately drew his sword and made a few moves, and the ranger was already killed in the wine shop. Since then, the "name of Lu Bu" has been shining in Huichang.

Later, Lu Bu entered Zhongping, took charge of the military power, and was invincible. At that time, the lord Yuan Shao gathered countless fierce generals, but in the face of Lu Bu, he was defeated and retreated. For a while, Lu Bu's prestige was greatly enhanced, surpassing the fierce generals of all roads, and becoming the supreme martial arts. Even the famous Ma Chao, Huang Zhong and others in later generations also gave Lu Bu supreme respect back then.

Then, Lu Bu even frustrated Guan and Zhang together, causing Zhang Fei to fall into a bitter battle. When Guan Yu was in danger, the two of them were still evenly matched, and Lu Bu was unstoppable. After this war, no one no longer respected Lu Bu in the martial arts. As the saying goes, "the rivers and lakes give an order, and the tigers and wolves hear it".

Guan Yu's military peak is approaching, and his potential is endless

When it comes to the martial arts powerhouses of the Three Kingdoms period, in addition to Lu Bu, Guan Yu was undoubtedly a good player at that time. Guan Yunchang was a descendant of Xichuan Fu Jian, born in Zhuo County (now Zhuozhou, Hebei). Since he was a child, he has been brave and brave, coupled with his tall stature and lofty spirit, he really looks like a military general.

Sanying vs. Lu Bu, if Guan Yu is the first to come out, how many rounds can he support in Lu Bu's hands?

When he was young, Guan Yu entered the sect of Liu Bei, the ancestor of Shu, and fought side by side with Zhang Fei, and soon became the army of tigers and wolves under Liu Bei. At that time, Guan Yu was in the prime of life, and his martial arts were reaching their peak, which one did not add the honorific title of "Guan Gong" or "Guan Yunchang"? However, in the face of Lu Bu, the world's first martial artist, Guan Yu has never been disrespectful, which shows his admiration for Lu Bu.

There is such a good story: Lu Bu was the Taishou in Xuzhou back then, and he was in charge of the military power of Xu County, and he was unstoppable. Guan Yu led the people of Xuzhou to build roads in Taihang, and accidentally bumped into Lu Bu's car. According to common sense, with Lu Bu's majestic demeanor, he would never tolerate offense, not to mention that he was the overlord of the party at that time. However, Guan Yu was not in a hurry when he saw this, and respectfully asked Lu Bu to borrow the way. Seeing Guan Yu's good manners, Lu Bu got out of the car in person and said goodbye to Guan Yu, humble and polite. It can be seen from this incident that although Guan Yu is proud, he has never played a score against people whose strength is higher than his own.

Later, Lu Bu was killed, Guan Yu raised his eyebrows, and he had nothing to fear. Once, Guan Yu defeated Zhuojun Taishou, and the Zhuo people were afraid. There is a stone lion in the city of Zhuojun, and the locals coax it to be a sacred object, and anyone who hurts it will be punished by heaven. Guan Yu laughed, waved his knife and split it into two sections, and said bluntly, "How can there be such a speech!" From now on, no one dares to underestimate Guan Yunchang.

In fact, Guan Yu, who was already thirty years old at that time, gradually entered the peak of martial arts. With the strength of one person, he is enough to run amok on the battlefield and make people feel strong. Once, Guan Yu fought tens of thousands of horses alone, and insisted on retreating for seven days and seven nights. You must know that such a bloody stunt may not even be able to do it by first-rate generals such as Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun back then. It can be seen that at that time, Guan Yu was indeed infinitely armed and full of unlimited potential.

The two heroes fought against Lu Buxin's conjecture

The history of the famous battle of Lu Bu in the Three British Wars has always been mixed by the world. Some people think that although Zhang Fei is brave, his martial arts are far inferior to Lu Bu, so he was quickly suppressed; Some people also say that Guan Yu is brave and unparalleled, if he goes out first, he will definitely be able to single out Lu Bu. Let's analyze what the situation is.

Although Zhang Fei was famous back then, his martial arts were not yet proficient. It is said that Zhang Fei was only in his twenties at that time, and even if he was brave and unmarried, he could not escape the limitations of his lack of qualifications. Once, Zhang Fei confronted Lu Bu in Xuzhou, and he attacked repeatedly, but failed to cause any substantial damage to Lu Bu. Soon, Zhang Fei's offensive gradually dispersed, and the tricks began to repeat, and Lu Bu knew his offensive well, and immediately gained the upper hand. Seeing that Zhang Fei was gradually showing fatigue, Guan Yu and Huang Zhong had to come to the rescue.

In this battle, Zhang Fei did support it for a long time. But the statement that he fought with Lu Bu for fifty rounds is inevitably untrue. After all, Lu Bu is not trivial, at that time, his strength was at its peak, and he had developed extraordinary experience in several years of fighting, how could Zhang Fei be his opponent? Even if Zhang Fei was very brave back then, in the face of a strong enemy like Lu Bu, I am afraid that he will not be able to last seventy or eighty rounds and will be defeated.

Sanying vs. Lu Bu, if Guan Yu is the first to come out, how many rounds can he support in Lu Bu's hands?

On the other hand, Guan Yu was already a wise and courageous and experienced military general at that time. Having practiced martial arts since childhood, coupled with his unique skills and bravery, Guan Yu has indeed initially entered the peak of martial arts. Once, Guan Yu slaughtered tens of thousands of bandits alone, and insisted on retreating for seven days and seven nights, which is a breathtaking record. At that time, Lu Bu was invincible and swept heroes from all walks of life, but Guan Yu, the opponent, made him particularly jealous.

It is not difficult to imagine that if Guan Yu singled out Lu Bu alone, this battle would be extremely thrilling. Although Guan Yu was difficult to distinguish between the inferior in the early stage, he had been on the battlefield for many years, and he would be able to gradually master the rules of Lu Bu's moves. At that time, he may be able to take advantage of the gap to fight back, and he can last more than 100 rounds. At this critical moment, if Zhang Fei increased his troops in time, then Lu Bu would probably fall into the dilemma of fighting on two fronts. Once the heroes of the two roads are encircled, I am afraid that even Lu Bu will be unable to deal with it comprehensively.

Behind the scenes, the secret was revealed

Studying the causes and consequences of the famous battle of Lu Bu in the Three Heroes, it is not difficult for us to find that there is another profound meaning. In fact, behind the battle of that year, there were still some behind-the-scenes grandiose waves.

It is said that in the context of the unresolved feud between Lu Bu and Cao Cao, it is very likely that Lu Bu actually intended to lead Sanying to Xuzhou and fight with one of them. At that time, Lu Bu was the Taishou of Xuzhou, and his power was at the peak, and if he could defeat Sanying, he would undoubtedly further expand his influence in the Central Plains. And Cao Cao was in a situation of being passively beaten back then, and there were no top generals under him to fight against Lu Bu, so he could only secretly support Sanying under Liu Bei to contain Lu Bu.

Another theory is that the break between Lu Bu and Sanying actually stemmed from a tragic incident. When Tai Shici and Jia Fu's wife were killed while begging in Xuzhou, these two celebrities were old friends of Lu Bu, and they hated Lu Bu very much, so they kept pushing Liu Bei to send troops to Lu Bu. Soon, the situation was out of control in the confrontation between the two sides.

However, some people say that the fuse of this battle did not come from Lu Bu and Sanying, but from Xuzhou at that time. At that time, Lu Bu was the Taishou of Xuzhou, and there were two tiger generals under him, named Chen Lin and Chen Na. It is said that Chen Lin has been at odds with Sanying for many years because of personal grudges, and finally angered Guan and Zhang. Guan Zhang then led an army to attack Xuzhou, and Lu Bu had to support his command and compete with Sanying. However, the strange thing is that Chen Lin Chen Na died unexpectedly in this battle, what happened, history can no longer verify.

Although the victory or defeat of the Three Heroes Battle against Lu Bu has been decided, the root cause of the outbreak of this decisive battle is a long-standing mystery in history. But even if there is really a mastermind behind this battle, so what? This era is already chaotic, and it is inevitable that black hands are full of tricks. We are waiting in this kind of troubled times, and we only want to fight with all our might, as for the victory or defeat, honor and disgrace, we have our own heaven and earth justice!

Sanying vs. Lu Bu, if Guan Yu is the first to come out, how many rounds can he support in Lu Bu's hands?

The battle between Sanying and Lü Bu had a geometric impact

The famous battle of the Three Heroes and Lu Bu has a self-evident influence. This was not only a pinnacle duel of armed confrontation, but also profoundly changed the direction of the territory of the Three Kingdoms period.

If we take a closer look at the origins of this war, it is not difficult to find some of the major impacts. For example, if Sanying failed to compete with Lu Bu back then, the latter would have swept across the Central Plains, and it was likely that even Liu Bei's root base would have been razed to the ground by him. At that time, the entire Shu Han regime may be stillborn. So to a certain extent, Sanying's containment of Lu Bu laid the cornerstone for the later establishment of the Shu Han state.

On the other hand, what if Guan Yu was able to turn the tide and defeat Lu Bu when he fought alone? At that time, Lu Bu's invincible prestige in the world will be dealt a heavy blow, and his subsequent loss of his division will be infamous and discredited. Once this happens, Lu Bu may decline, and Guan Yu will become the first person in martial arts. Therefore, this battle actually determined the reputation of Lu Bu and Guan Yu in later generations.

Taking a step back, it is a battle between Sanying and Lu Bu, which will definitely become an insurmountable hurdle in martial arts. Cao Cao didn't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool back then, and he was in awe of Lu Bu, let alone others? Therefore, this battle can be described as the ultimate decisive battle in the martial arts of the Three Kingdoms, and its impact is far-reaching, which can be imagined. From this point of view, the victory or defeat of the three British battles against Lu Bu is really important.

However, even if Lu Bu loses this battle, he is by no means ineffective in terms of historical status. At that time, he once captured Xuzhou and Jizhou, if it was not for the defeat and retreat in the later period, with this kind of weather, if he could unify the Central Plains, he would not have established another dynasty. And at that time, if he was on the same front with Cao Cao or Liu Bei, the pattern of the Three Kingdoms would be completely disrupted.

In general, the impact of the battle between the three heroes and Lu Bu can be imagined. Whether it is the reputation of the heroes of later generations, or the trend of the situation during the Three Kingdoms period, it has had a profound impact. This battle is not only the pinnacle of the military duel, but also an immortal legend.