
The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

author:Xiao Jiang said something


The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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Subway Storm: Beijing's "Relying on the Old and Selling the Old" drama has aroused heated discussions

Just now, a scene on Beijing Metro Line 10 has attracted the attention and heated discussions of countless netizens. An uncle "relied on the old and sold the old", insisted on asking the little girl to give him a seat, and staged a "performance".


Give up the seat: The old man's "privilege" show

On that day, the subway cars were crowded with people, and seats became sought-after goods. Suddenly, an old man stood in front of a young woman with a walking stick in his hand, and demanded to give up his seat in a strong tone. Look at this posture, where it looks like an old man in need of care, he is clearly showing off his "privileges". The people next to him looked at the little girl and sweated, thinking: This uncle is too unreasonable!

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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But at this moment, a lady in white next to her couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to give up her seat. But the uncle didn't seem to appreciate it, but continued to challenge the little girl: "You young man, don't let the elderly sit!" You can't let the elderly sit! As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly became tense. The little girl couldn't bear it anymore and responded, "Don't move!" You...... Don't do it! Before the words fell, the uncle's finger had already poked her in the face.

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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"Performance" on crutches: challenging social morality

What's even more jaw-dropping is that the uncle actually used a cane to move between the little girl's legs, and even pulled her arm to ask the little girl to call the police. What kind of dignity and face of the elderly is this, which is clearly challenging social morality and public order. The people next to him were stunned, thinking: This uncle is too much!

The "battle for seats" continued for a while until security intervened. But the uncle didn't seem to buy it, and continued to provoke the little girl with a cane: "You go and report the crime, you report the crime!" "This posture is simply declaring war on the whole society. The police officer next to him seemed to be powerless and could only watch as the farce continued.

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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Hot discussion on the Internet: The uncle's behavior caused public anger

This "subway storm" quickly caused an uproar on the Internet. Netizens condemned the uncle's behavior, and the uncle not only did not get a seat, but became the target of public criticism. This kind of behavior is not only disrespectful to the younger generation, but also a provocation to "social civilization".

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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Someone said: "This uncle is too unreasonable, it is love to give up his seat, and it is his duty not to give up his seat." Young people also need care and respect. Another person said: "This kind of behavior of relying on the old and selling the old is really infuriating!" If even such behavior can be tolerated, then where is the 'social order'? ”

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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Of course, there are some people who disagree: "Although the uncle's behavior is a bit excessive, young people should also care more about the elderly." After all, respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. But most people still stood on the side of the little girl, thinking that the uncle's behavior had exceeded the normal moral bottom line.

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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Civilized travel starts with me

Although this "subway storm" has passed, it leaves us with reflections that are far from over. In this fast-paced, high-stress society, each of us should maintain a peaceful mind and a sense of care for others. Giving up your seat is just a small gesture, but it can warm people's hearts and spread positive energy.

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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At the same time, we would like to appeal to the general public to abide by public order and ethics when traveling, and not to act irrationally because of impulse. Only in this way can we jointly create a harmonious, civilized and orderly social environment.

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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Let's go back to that subway car again, and imagine that if more people had stood up to speak for the little girl or gave the uncle a kind reminder, maybe this "subway storm" would not have happened. So let's start from now on and be a good citizen of civilized travel!

The drama of "relying on the old and selling the old" in the subway, the uncle's "performance" is staggering

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What is your opinion on this incident?

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