
Hamas's "shotgun for artillery" is suspected of using the Red Arrow-8L missile for the first time, and the Israeli tank was blown up

author:Petrels.... 88 comments


It seems that Hamas has really moved this time, and even used the Israeli army's "Red Arrow 8L" anti-tank missile for the first time! What the hell is going on? Let's take a look!

For the first time, Hamas used the Red Arrow 8L anti-tank missile

News about Hamas's acquisition of advanced weapons is not uncommon, especially as the conflict between Israel and Palestine intensifies, and there are many reports of Hamas using new weapons to attack Israeli forces.

Recently, some Israeli media broke the news that Hamas used for the first time one of the Israeli army's main weapons in conventional ground warfare - the "Red Arrow 8L" anti-tank missile.

Hamas's "shotgun for artillery" is suspected of using the Red Arrow-8L missile for the first time, and the Israeli tank was blown up

Israel's "Red Arrow" series of anti-tank missiles have been successfully developed as early as the 80s of the last century, known as one of the most advanced anti-tank missiles in the world today, as an upgraded product of this series, "Red Arrow 8L" has television angle measurement guidance and infrared thermal imager, capable of all-weather combat, with high hit rate and armor-piercing ability.

Most of the missiles and artillery equipped by the IDF can carry the Red Arrow 8L, so in close combat, the Red Arrow 8L is one of the main means of fire support for the Israeli army.

It stands to reason that it is very difficult for Hamas to obtain this important military product, and the blockade of the Gaza Strip on all sides makes it almost impossible for Hamas to obtain military raw materials from the outside, let alone advanced weapons such as the Red Arrow 8L. Even though Hamas has some manufacturing capacity of its own, it is unable to produce high-performance weapons because of the lack of advanced manufacturing equipment. It is precisely because of this that the home-made rockets used by Hamas before were very poor in elastic performance, basically firing indiscriminately in one direction, and had no ability to accurately hit targets at all.

Hamas's "shotgun for artillery" is suspected of using the Red Arrow-8L missile for the first time, and the Israeli tank was blown up

So how exactly did Hamas get the "Red Arrow 8L"? Let's first analyze the possibility: according to the actual situation in the Middle East, although Israel is strong, the security situation around it is not optimistic.

In addition to Palestine, there are many other armed groups in various countries and regions that want to be able to obtain advanced weapons from Israel in order to confront the IDF in future conflicts.

Despite its strong diplomatic stance, Israel has not never done business with its neighbors. In particular, some neutral third-party powers can often use various channels to resell Israeli-produced weapons to other countries.

In addition, there are some Israeli authorities and military officials who secretly sell weapons to neighboring countries for personal gain or to improve bilateral relations.

In short, although Israel has a strict system of arms export controls, there are still many loopholes in practice, and some Middle Eastern countries do not lack the ability to produce advanced weapons, but they do not lack the ability to buy such products from the black market.

Therefore, we cannot completely rule out the possibility of Israel selling "Red Arrow 8L" to Hamas.

Hamas's "shotgun for artillery" is suspected of using the Red Arrow-8L missile for the first time, and the Israeli tank was blown up

In addition, although the "Red Arrow 8L" is one of the main equipment of the Israeli army, it is not a very large number of tactical missiles, and even the Israeli army cannot use them in large quantities, not to mention that they can hit the target every time they are launched, and it is difficult to collect and recover the missiles after they are used.

In other words, even if Hamas does get the "Red Arrow 8L", it is unknown whether it can continue to be used in the future.

In addition to Israel, there are many other producing countries to choose from, such as Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan and other countries, which have the ability to produce such advanced weapons. The most likely is Pakistan, which has always been a staunch supporter of Palestine and has a long-standing military partnership between the two countries.

Pakistan not only regularly provides all kinds of assistance to Hamas, but also has repeatedly transported arms to the Gaza Strip, and if Hamas does get the "Red Arrow 8L", then it is very likely that Pakistan will provide it.

In addition, there is also public opinion that the "Red Arrow 8L" is likely to be purchased by Hamas from underground channels. As an illegal armed group, Hamas has long established huge underground facilities in the Gaza Strip, including underground tunnels, underground warehouses and so on.

Although Israel has tried to destroy these facilities many times, due to their large scale and very good concealment, the Israeli army cannot completely empty them.

It is through these underground tunnels that Hamas has been able to obtain raw materials from the outside world to make rockets and other weapons. Although Israel has blockaded the Gaza Strip for many years, it has not been able to completely prevent new weapons from entering Hamas's hands.

In particular, a bulky and high-threat weapon like the Red Arrow 8L is an almost impossible task to transport into the Gaza Strip.

Hamas's "shotgun for artillery" is suspected of using the Red Arrow-8L missile for the first time, and the Israeli tank was blown up

And even if the transportation is completed, the number of "Red Arrow 8L" will not be too much. According to eyewitness accounts, the "Red Arrow 8L" debuted with only two missiles, which also confirms the above view: even if Hamas does get the "Red Arrow 8L", it will only be a very small number of advanced weapons, and it will not be able to completely change the entire military landscape.

But even these two missiles pose a considerable threat to the Israeli army. It is reported that Hamas recently used an improved "Red Arrow 8L" anti-tank missile to successfully hit an Israeli tank.

Although the Israeli side did not confirm the relevant information, according to the video at the scene, the missile did pass by the tank, and the explosion was very powerful.


It seems that Hamas is also fighting hard, and it can get such a high-end product as "Red Arrow 8L", which poses a great threat to the Israeli army. There are still certain loopholes in Israel's tight control system that have led to this happening. What do you think about this? Leave a message!

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