
Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

author:Entertainment has a circle


Liu Yifei's live broadcast golden sentence: Don't float when the actor explodes

In a recent live broadcast, Liu Yifei bluntly pointed out a phenomenon in the entertainment industry: some actors have lost themselves because of the sudden explosion, and no longer focus on artistic improvement, but have begun to pursue some vulgar things.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

She believes that this kind of behavior is not only bad for personal development, but can also have a negative impact on the public and the industry as a whole. Liu Yifei's words immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

Some netizens ridiculed: "Liu Yifei is teaching some people a lesson, it seems that some people have to reflect on it." ”


Liu Yifei's acting career: low-key life, high-profile acting

Since her debut, Liu Yifei has always shown her attitude of being a low-key person and acting in a high-profile manner. She does not pursue short-term popularity, but through continuous hard work and sharpening, her acting skills have been widely recognized.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

In the past three years, she has released three critically acclaimed works, each of which shows her deep acting skills. This kind of continuous excellent performance has impressed many peers and audiences with her.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

Some netizens commented: "Liu Yifei is speaking with strength, those stars who rely on hype to get to the top should really learn hard." ”


Temptations and challenges in the entertainment industry: It is not easy to maintain the original intention

In the tempting environment of the entertainment industry, it is indeed not easy to maintain the original intention. As fame grows, many actors may face various temptations, such as money, fame, and fortune.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

These temptations often lead people to lose their way and forget their original artistic pursuits. The phenomenon of "floating" mentioned by Liu Yifei in the live broadcast is the embodiment of this kind of loss.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

She emphasized that no matter how the external environment changes, actors should stick to their professional ethics and artistic pursuits. Some netizens quipped: "It seems that the 'floating' in the entertainment industry is an epidemic and must be cured!" ”

Liu Yifei's warning: Actors must have a moral bottom line

Liu Yifei also emphasized the moral bottom line that actors should have in the live broadcast.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

She believes that as a public figure, an actor's words and deeds will affect the social atmosphere, so she must have a sense of responsibility. Her words resonated widely, and many netizens expressed their support: "Liu Yifei is right, actors must not only have good acting skills, but also have good morals." ”

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

At the same time, some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that when you choose actors in the future, you have to look at their character report first." ”

Controversial summary: "floating" and "not floating" in the entertainment industry

Liu Yifei's live broadcast remarks undoubtedly caused a lot of waves inside and outside the entertainment industry. Her words reveal a deep insight into the current situation of the industry and expectations for future development.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

In this seemingly glamorous but challenging industry, every actor is interpreting the boundary between "floating" and "not floating" in their own way.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why are popular actors easy to 'float'?

Liu Yifei's words may be able to give some inspiration to those actors who are or are about to embark on this road: No matter how the outside world changes, maintaining the original intention and sticking to the moral bottom line is the long-term solution. Netizens also started discussions in the comment area, some expressed support for Liu Yifei's views, and some held different opinions, and the whole topic was full of interaction and controversy.


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