
Lizhong Pill in the morning, Eight Flavor Kidney Qi Pill in the evening, Yang Qi replenishes to the roots, sweeping the spleen and kidney Yang deficiency!

author:Dr. Wu talks about Chinese medicine

Maybe everyone has heard of or used Lizhong Pill and Bawei Kidney Qi Pill, both of which have a good effect of replenishing yang, but many fans have reported to me that it is obviously yang deficiency, and I am usually afraid of cold hands and feet, but after using it, I feel that it has no effect, why is this?

Lizhong Pill in the morning, Eight Flavor Kidney Qi Pill in the evening, Yang Qi replenishes to the roots, sweeping the spleen and kidney Yang deficiency!

In fact, it is because you are spleen and kidney yang deficiency, although traditional Chinese medicine says that kidney yang is the root of yang qi in the body, but the spleen and stomach are the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and the production of yang qi must depend on the movement of the spleen and stomach

Lizhong Pill in the morning, Eight Flavor Kidney Qi Pill in the evening, Yang Qi replenishes to the roots, sweeping the spleen and kidney Yang deficiency!

Therefore, my suggestion is to take the pill in the morning, because 7-11 o'clock in the morning is the time for the spleen meridian and stomach meridian, and this is the time period when the yang qi rises

Lizhong Pill in the morning, Eight Flavor Kidney Qi Pill in the evening, Yang Qi replenishes to the roots, sweeping the spleen and kidney Yang deficiency!

And 5-7 o'clock in the afternoon is the running time of the kidney meridian, at this time the kidney yang can also play a role in strengthening, and the eight flavor kidney qi pill can not only replenish the kidney yang, it is also a recipe for seeking yang in yin, and it also has a certain conditioning effect on people with kidney yin deficiency

But there is one thing that we need to pay attention to, that is, after the spleen and kidney yang deficiency, the yang qi is insufficient and unable to transpirate and vaporize the excess water in the body, which is easy to breed dampness, phlegm dampness and other conditions, so if you are also yang deficiency, but also accompanied by obvious phlegm, the body is sleepy, the stool is not formed, the tongue sticks out to see, the tongue coating is thick and greasy, etc., at this time, you must not rush to replenish yang, because the phlegm is damp and sticky, which will hinder the operation of qi and blood, affect the absorption of drugs, and blind tonic may appear to be on fire as soon as you make up for it, so you have to get rid of phlegm and dampness first. You can first refer to Erchen Tang or Liujunzi Tang to strengthen the spleen, dryness and dampness and phlegm, and then go to replenish yang

Lizhong Pill in the morning, Eight Flavor Kidney Qi Pill in the evening, Yang Qi replenishes to the roots, sweeping the spleen and kidney Yang deficiency!

In short, traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, the above content is for reference only, do not promote the treatment plan, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, we will see you next time.