
The wolf ran to the tiger and said, "Oh no, my lord! There's a bunch of dogs plotting to rebel! The tiger didn't panic when he heard this. He handed the wolf a few bones that had eaten all the flesh and said, "Go!" handful

author:Feng Shui Qin Sanye

The wolf ran to the tiger and said, "Oh no, my lord! There's a bunch of dogs plotting to rebel! ”

The tiger didn't panic after hearing this. He handed the wolf a few bones that had eaten all the flesh and said, "Go!" Throw those bones into the dogs! ”

The wolf did as he was told, and took a few bones and threw them into the pack. When the dogs saw it, they immediately fought for the bones. Tear each other up.

In a short time, countless people were killed and injured......

When the tiger went to inspect the next day, he taught everyone in a serious tone: "Don't make conflicts and fights for the sake of a little profit!" Everyone must know how to unite ...... "#走个路也会挨打# #笑里藏刀更可怕# #千万不要怂# #揍是自己抗的# #怎样去除成见? # #我拿根棍子# Have #你 🈶 been yelled at# #你无耻到了极点# #分享你的教训# #一个都不好惹# #怎么不被欺负# #欺负人的总受伤# #人到底有多懦弱# #处理冲突之道# #哪就做坏人吧#

#逆人性修自己# #九種人不能惹#

#分享人性的面孔# #对人性没有期待#

#什么是人性?# #大齐带你谈人性# #人性的深度探讨# #分享人性领悟# #洞察人性分享# #人性及认知z# #分享人性洞悉# #如何看懂人性# #人性是如何的呢# #分享人性之洞察# #人性究竟如何# #人性到底丑恶不# #人性有多恶毒# #分享人性的见解# #分享直面人性# #人性是否重要?# #解析人性探讨# #人是怎样变坏的# #什么样的人最坏# #懂得人性重要吗# #人性探讨## #不要高鼓人性# #懂人性重要吗?# #老好人是好人吗# #人性难辩# #验证人性自私# #关于人性的剖析#

#如何对抗小人# #为啥欺负老实人# #分享洞悉人性# #洞悉人性探讨## #洞悉人性讨论## #讨厌欺负弱者# #详解人性探讨## #什么是烂好人# #到底什么是恶人# #老实人吃亏吗?# #你怕跟人争斗吗# #反人性没计# #驯服仇人的方法# #人与狼如何共生# #你会记仇吗# #坏人就该打# #土狗跟狼谁更狠# #人如何体现狼性# #凡事你得讲理# #克除人性的弱点# #狼为何会走8字# #驱恶狼# #狼吃人不# #听亏在面箭# #江狼豺尽# #谁把真情喂财狼# #直来直去爽快# #狼怕驴是真的吗# #狼心狗肺篇# #狼不吃肉会死吗#

The wolf ran to the tiger and said, "Oh no, my lord! There's a bunch of dogs plotting to rebel! The tiger didn't panic when he heard this. He handed the wolf a few bones that had eaten all the flesh and said, "Go!" handful
The wolf ran to the tiger and said, "Oh no, my lord! There's a bunch of dogs plotting to rebel! The tiger didn't panic when he heard this. He handed the wolf a few bones that had eaten all the flesh and said, "Go!" handful
The wolf ran to the tiger and said, "Oh no, my lord! There's a bunch of dogs plotting to rebel! The tiger didn't panic when he heard this. He handed the wolf a few bones that had eaten all the flesh and said, "Go!" handful
The wolf ran to the tiger and said, "Oh no, my lord! There's a bunch of dogs plotting to rebel! The tiger didn't panic when he heard this. He handed the wolf a few bones that had eaten all the flesh and said, "Go!" handful
The wolf ran to the tiger and said, "Oh no, my lord! There's a bunch of dogs plotting to rebel! The tiger didn't panic when he heard this. He handed the wolf a few bones that had eaten all the flesh and said, "Go!" handful

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