
Policy propaganda into the door, health science inclusive community Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station carried out the interpretation of pension policies and dementia screening science popularization activities


On the morning of June 26, under the guidance of the Shinan District Civil Affairs Bureau, the Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station, together with Qingdao Radio and Television Station and Taizhou Road Community, carried out a wonderful service activity for the elderly - interpretation of pension policies and dementia science popularization activities.

Early in the morning, Wang Xinge, the resident social worker of the civil affairs service station, and Yang Liu, the host of Qingdao Radio and Television, came to the homes of two elderly people in the Taizhou Road community under the leadership of Wu Jian, a civil affairs worker in the Taizhou Road community, to explain to them the pension policy of Qingdao City and Shinan District, and to handle the meal assistance contract for the elderly. "Thank you so much, a trip on a hot day, so that we can handle the meal assistance service at home, it's so convenient!" Aunt Liu took the social worker's hand and said cordially.

Policy propaganda into the door, health science inclusive community Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station carried out the interpretation of pension policies and dementia screening science popularization activities
Policy propaganda into the door, health science inclusive community Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station carried out the interpretation of pension policies and dementia screening science popularization activities

Immediately afterwards, in the activity room of the community, Guan Jie, the deputy chief physician from the Neurology Center of Haici Medical Group, gave a professional lecture on dementia to the elderly in the jurisdiction. The uncles and aunts took photos to record the key points of knowledge, while listening carefully to the sharing of experts, and the director also carried out a dementia screening test for the elderly at the scene, and carefully interpreted the test results for everyone. "We elderly people just need such health-related lectures, and today is really increasing knowledge." The old people all praised this event.

Policy propaganda into the door, health science inclusive community Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station carried out the interpretation of pension policies and dementia screening science popularization activities
Policy propaganda into the door, health science inclusive community Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station carried out the interpretation of pension policies and dementia screening science popularization activities

Through this activity, the Jinhu Road Sub-district Civil Affairs Service Station not only delivered the pension policy to the homes of the elderly, but also brought the health knowledge needed by the elderly into the community. Subsequently, the Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station will continue to improve the awareness of the pension policy, expand the influence of the Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station, and continue to provide professional services with precision and temperature for the elderly in the jurisdiction.

Policy propaganda into the door, health science inclusive community Jinhu Road Street Civil Affairs Service Station carried out the interpretation of pension policies and dementia screening science popularization activities

Source: Xinjin Lake

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