
Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

author:Ancient and modern miscellaneous talks
Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

In today's Internet context, as long as the period of the large collective production team is mentioned, there are always some people, as if they are manipulated by stereotypes, shaking their heads and sighing vigorously, and declaring that it was a chaotic era that nourished lazy people. But is that really the case?

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

The production team in the sixties and seventies seemed to be a land that had not yet been fully illuminated by the light of modern technology. There is no majestic large-scale machinery galloping, there is no magical and efficient fertilizer seeds to help the harvest, there is only the deep attachment of the members to the land and the ardent expectation of life.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

Every day of the members is a time journey accompanied by the sunrise and stars. When the dawn was still lingering shyly in the distance, they had already taken firm steps into the field of hope. The night was dark, the stars were shining, and their tired figures were still swaying in the fields. The scorching sun overhead, the heat seemed to swallow everything, but their sweat bloomed tenacious flowers on the earth.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

On the construction site of digging rivers and canals, there is no roar of machinery, only the muffled trumpets of people and the strength of tense muscles. Every shovel excavates the soil, every stone they lift, is their challenge to nature. The scene of work in full swing is like a magnificent historical picture, engraved with their hard work and perseverance.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

According to the elders in the village, male laborers in the production team next door are scarce, and most of them are being transferred to support construction in distant places. So, a group of young girls stepped forward and took on the burden of the whole team. In a group of three girls, pulling a heavy cart, they struggled along the steep slope.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

Half a day, six or seven round trips, sweat soaked their clothes and blurred their vision. Even if the tires were accidentally damaged, even if their physical strength was almost overdrawn, they still gritted their teeth to make up for the distance they had lost after repairing the tires. This kind of tenacity, this kind of responsibility, is the unique spiritual imprint of that era.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

Those who say that the production team raises lazy people are undoubtedly lying false. The production team has a strict and fair working system to ensure that everyone can shine in their own positions.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

The division of work, which measures the balance of the employees' efforts and gains, accurately reflects the value of each person's labor. For members who are slightly weaker, the evaluation of work may be a little more lenient, but this is by no means a pass for laziness. From hoeing grass in the field to harvesting in the wheat waves, from carrying water during drought resistance to cleaning up livestock pens, every farm work is carried out by small contractors.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

It clearly stipulates the task area and the number of completed tasks for each member, how many ridges of land, and how many trips, which are clear at a glance. Whoever is lucky and tries to be lazy and foolish, what awaits him will be the lack of work. Even if you are relieved for a short time in the middle of work, you must race against time to make up for the progress you have left behind.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

Under the spur of such a system, the hearts of the members are burning with a flame of progress. Completing tasks earlier and earning a few more points not only means the improvement of material life, but also a supreme honor. In that era when collective honor was above all else, no one wanted to be a "lazy man" in the mouth of the public, and they were all doing their best for the prosperity of the collective and their own dignity.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

Speaking of the hardships of farmers, it is a memory that goes deep into the bone marrow and is integrated into the blood. Before the sound of firecrackers in the New Year dissipated, they had already embarked on the journey of labor; It wasn't until the cold wind of the wax moon that they took a break in the bell at the end of the year. At the end of the year, the farm work seems to be never-ending.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

In the harvest season, without the help of modern machinery, bending and waving sickles, simple and repetitive movements, but full of endless hardships. The harvest of every crop is a great test of physical strength and endurance. Without advanced seeds and efficient herbicides, weeding, fertilizing, and insect control require farmers to take care of every inch of land with their hands and sweat.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

In the cold winter, when the land was covered with snow, the farmers did not slack off. Carrying heavy dung, climbing the hillside step by step; Carefully pick up leaves in the woods to accumulate nutrients for the coming year for the land; Holding a sickle, he cut the "white grass" of the livestock for the winter in the cold wind. Most of these jobs are calculated in the form of contract labor, and laziness means a decrease in family income and a more difficult life.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

During the period of the production team, despite the extreme lack of material life, the spiritual world of the members was like a bright starry sky, full of hope and strength. They support each other in a difficult environment, warm each other, and move forward bravely for the collective good.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

This spirit of unity and overcoming difficulties together is like a lighthouse in the dark night, illuminating the way forward. In today's fast-changing and competitive society, we still need to draw wisdom and courage from that history. When we feel powerless under the weight of life, think of the perseverance of our ancestors in the difficult years; When we hesitate in the face of the temptation of profit, think of their pure and determined hearts.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

Looking back on that period of history, it is not to dwell on the sufferings of the past, but to learn from it tenacity and responsibility, and to inject a steady stream of motivation into the future path. The peasants during the production team, with their rough hands and broad shoulders, built the cornerstone of a happy life for us. Let us cherish their selfless dedication with a grateful heart, cherish the good times of the present, and continue to write a glorious chapter of the new era with our wisdom and sweat.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

Although the years of the production team are gone, the spiritual legacy it left behind will always shine brightly. In today's society, we are facing new challenges and opportunities, and the spirit of hard work, unity and cooperation during the production team still has strong vitality and practical significance.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!

When we see high-rise buildings rising from the ground in the city, it is the crystallization of the hard work and sweat of countless laborers; When we enjoy the convenient life brought by technology, don't forget that behind it is the dedication of countless scientific researchers day and night. Whether in the bustling city or in the vast countryside, diligence and hard work have always been the core force to promote social progress.

Feeding the lazy in a big pot: is it a rumor or a fact? The old farmer comes to clarify and subvert your cognition!


Let us inherit the spirit of the production team period, and in the journey of the new era, we are not afraid of difficulties and bravely climb the peak. Use our hands to create a better tomorrow, and let that history become a source of motivation for us to keep moving forward.

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