
It's officially inaugurated!

author:Luohu release
It's officially inaugurated!

Cherish life

Stay away from drugs

Today (June 26)

It is the International Day Against Drugs

The Luohu Anti-drug Education Base was officially completed

Let's take a look~

In order to continue to deepen the anti-drug publicity and education work and make every effort to promote Shenzhen to become a national anti-drug demonstration city, the Luohu District Narcotics Control Office took the lead in uniting the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, the District Education Bureau, the District Culture, Radio, Tourism and Sports Bureau, the District Public Security Bureau and various streets, and gathered the resources and advantages of the whole district to organize and carry out a series of publicity activities of "benchmarking the construction mission of the dual districts and being a pioneer of anti-drug demonstration" - the "6.26" International Anti-drug Day in Luohu District in 2024, setting off a climax of the "6.26" international anti-drug propaganda in the whole district.

The anti-drug education base was inaugurated

Write a new chapter of "non-toxic Luohu".

It's officially inaugurated!

On June 26, the Luohu District Anti-drug Education Base was officially completed and opened to the public, Fan Defan, Secretary of the Luohu District Party Committee, Deng Guangsheng, Deputy Director of the Municipal Narcotics Control Office and Director of the Municipal Narcotics Control Bureau, and Yu Hongjun, Deputy District Mayor and Director of the District Narcotics Control Office, jointly unveiled the base. This is an important measure for Luohu District to create a national anti-drug demonstration city, and it is also a major event in the implementation of the national anti-drug project, marking another important step in the anti-drug journey of building a "drug-free Luohu".

Collection and exhibition of anti-drug works

Set off a new upsurge of "national anti-narcotics".

It's officially inaugurated!
It's officially inaugurated!

In order to mobilize the whole society in an extensive and in-depth manner, on May 20, Luohu launched the collection of anti-drug theme paintings and literary and artistic works, and young students and residents in the jurisdiction actively participated, receiving excellent works from 10 streets, 46 primary and secondary schools, 825 students and 220 residents, a total of more than 1,000 works.

It's officially inaugurated!
It's officially inaugurated!

Colorful pictures, poems and prose with distinct themes, and ingenious paper-cuts show the harmfulness of drugs and express the determination and attitude of the residents to fight drugs. After expert review, a total of 64 outstanding works were selected for a seven-day exhibition, which further enhanced the coverage, dissemination and influence of anti-drug work.

Commend the advanced anti-narcotics work

Give play to the role of pioneer and exemplary

It's officially inaugurated!
It's officially inaugurated!

This event commended the anti-drug theme paintings, literary and artistic works of primary and secondary school students in Luohu District in 2024, as well as the advanced individuals and advanced collectives of anti-drug social workers in Luohu District in 2023, aiming to encourage advanced units and individuals to continue to play an exemplary role and make new contributions to the anti-drug cause.

Large-scale anti-drug drama performances

Educate and educate in a fun way to popularize anti-drug knowledge

It's officially inaugurated!
It's officially inaugurated!

In order to deepen the popularization of anti-drug knowledge, the Luohu District Narcotics Control Office guided the arrangement of a large-scale original anti-drug drama "Looking Back is Love", which not only revealed the harmfulness of drugs, restored the real scene of the struggle between drug addicts and drug demons, but also showed the sincerity of anti-drug workers. The whole drama raises the awareness of drug rejection and drug prevention among the whole people through moisturizing things silently, and calls on the whole society to join hands to be the pioneer of drug control and build an anti-drug defense line heart to heart.

This event is carried out in a multi-pronged manner

Promote the quality and efficiency of anti-drug publicity and education in Luohu

It has built a concerted effort between the police and the people to fight drugs

A new pattern of national anti-narcotics

Source: Luohu District Office of Drug Control

Overall integration: Luohu release

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It's officially inaugurated!
It's officially inaugurated!
It's officially inaugurated!