
Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

author:Sister Tong's food diary

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

There are not many meats suitable for summer, at least beef, mutton, and pork are not suitable, and duck and fish are more recommended. In particular, fish is more eaten by the elderly and children at home, not only because the meat is delicate, easy to digest and absorb, but also because of its high nutritional value.

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

In summer, it is recommended to eat more of this fish, it is yellow bone fish, also known as yellow spicy ding, ang thorn fish, etc., each region is called differently, and the meat is tender and less thorny.

The protein content of yellow bone fish is quite rich, even more than most marine fish, and the calcium content is also quite rich, in addition, minerals, vitamins and so on are very high.

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

No matter how this fish is cooked, children like to eat, because the meat is very delicious, summer is the season when the yellow bone fish is listed in large quantities, and the price is not expensive, usually buy more to eat, enhance immunity, improve memory, promote growth and development, hurry up to buy and eat!

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

【Spicy roasted yellow bone fish】

Ingredients: Yellow bone fish, garlic, ginger, chopped green onion, millet pepper, star anise, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, cooking oil

1. First of all, prepare a few fresh yellow bone fish, after the internal organs are thoroughly processed, smear cooking wine on them for marinating, at least 30 minutes.

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

2. Next, cut all the garlic slices, ginger, green onions, and millet peppers, and then prepare 2 or 3 star anise, and after the yellow bone fish is marinated, use kitchen paper to absorb the water on it, and then you can prepare to cook, pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, and heat it.

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

3. After heating, first add garlic slices, ginger slices, and star anise to taste, stir-fry to bring out the fragrance, add some light soy sauce to the pot, stir-fry for 1 minute, add an appropriate amount of water to it, and after the fire boils, you can put the yellow bone fish into it one by one, and then season it again.

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

4. Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, and chicken essence to taste, put the seasoning in advance to stew, it will be more flavorful, put the yellow bone fish and cover it, after boiling over high heat, then change it to low heat and stew slowly, stew for 15-20 minutes, and the fish will be almost cooked.

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

5. When the time comes, let's lift the lid, and then pour the millet pepper into it, if the soup in the pot is still a lot, turn on the high heat to collect the soup, but don't completely dry it, with a little soup will be more delicious, after the soup is sprinkled with green onions, you can turn off the heat and get out of the pot. Eat it while it's hot, it's fragrant and fragrant, and there is only one main thorn in the middle, so the child can rest assured when he eats.

Eat more of this fish in summer, the meat is tender and less thorny, enhances immunity, improves memory, and promotes growth and development

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