
Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Uncle Chen Yiping is an ordinary construction worker, and one day at noon, the uncle and his co-workers sat under the shady locust tree, enjoying their hometown meals. Just as he was biting down the potato cake full of spicy onions, Xiao Wang next to him suddenly said: "I heard that people with bad lungs can't touch onions, this thing will irritate the respiratory tract." ”

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

This sentence was like a cold stone thrown into Chen Yiping's heart lake, causing ripples. His lungs did suffer from dust for years and were slightly uncomfortable. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to go to Dr. Luo at the hospital after work to discuss the matter.

The afternoon work seemed to be particularly long, and every time I inhaled the dusty air, the uncle would think about the onion. Finally, the sun was setting in the west, Chen Yiping cleaned up the fatigue of the day and came to a big hospital in the city.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Dr. Loh is an amiable middle-aged doctor with an in-depth understanding of lung diseases. When he met Chen Yiping, he first inquired in detail about the working environment and daily diet, and then patiently explained.

"Uncle Chen, there are indeed many misunderstandings about onions." "Onions themselves are rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, etc., and for the average person, moderate consumption is good for health. But it also contains some volatile substances, such as sulfides, which can irritate the respiratory tract to a certain extent. ”

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Chen Yiping listened carefully, and he asked, "Then can I still eat onions in this situation?" ”

Dr. Luo smiled and explained, "Actually, the key is to look at the condition of your lungs. If it's just a mild discomfort, a moderate amount of onions can help fight off infection. But if you already have obvious respiratory diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, then it is necessary to reduce onion intake when the condition is unstable. ”

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

He continued: "In addition to onions, there are some other vegetables that may also have an effect on the respiratory system. Chili peppers, garlic, mustard, etc., these foods contain more irritating ingredients. In life, we recommend that people with respiratory problems choose ingredients under the guidance of a doctor. ”

The uncle listened attentively, repeating Dr. Luo's words in his mind, trying to find the most suitable diet for him. After chatting about this, Dr. Luo gave him another detailed lung examination to make sure there were no other potential problems.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

When talking about lung health, we often overlook some vegetables that seem mundane but have potential effects on the respiratory system. While vegetables are generally a healthy choice, certain vegetables may require more careful selection and intake for people with specific health conditions.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

White radish, which is rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as vitamin C, has great health benefits. However, white radish also contains more sulfur compounds, which can be converted into small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas in the body.

Although hydrogen sulfide is safe for humans in small amounts, in people with chronic respiratory diseases, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, excess hydrogen sulfide may irritate the airways and exacerbate breathing difficulties.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Kale, also known as cabbage. Kale is a high-fiber, low-calorie superfood that contains high amounts of vitamin K and C, which are extremely beneficial for bone health and the immune system. However, kale also belongs to the cruciferous vegetable, which contains natural thyroxine-suppressing substances, which may not be good news for people with hypothyroidism.

What's more, these substances in kale may indirectly affect those suffering from respiratory diseases by affecting respiratory metabolism.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Pea. Peas are a good source of protein and fiber, which can help with weight control and promote digestive health. However, for people with asthma and other allergic respiratory diseases, some of the protein components in peas may trigger an allergic reaction. These reactions are not limited to digestive problems and may also include difficulty breathing, which can worsen respiratory symptoms.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Chili pepper. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper stimulates metabolism and helps burn fat, and is also a well-known anti-inflammatory. But this same capsaicin can be a stimulant for those with sensitive lungs. Inhaling tiny chili pepper particles may cause coughing or asthma attacks, especially when inhaled while cooking in the kitchen.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Even healthy vegetables need to be consumed in moderation according to the health of the individual. Choosing the right vegetables and understanding their potential impact on specific health issues is essential for maintaining and promoting lung health.

It is best to consult a doctor or dietitian before consuming any vegetables, especially if you have significant lung disease, to ensure that the benefits of these foods outweigh the disadvantages for your health.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

We know that avoiding smoking, keeping indoor air fresh, and exercising regularly are essential ways to keep your lungs healthy. But in addition to these basics, we can also achieve "nutritional therapy" for the lungs by adjusting our daily diet.

Increasing foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, can reduce the risk of lung disease due to inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be particularly effective in fighting inflammation, which is at the heart of many chronic lung diseases.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Utilize some lesser-known natural herbs to support respiratory health. For example, monk fruit is often used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat coughs and respiratory ailments, and its sweetening ingredient, mohan sugar, not only relieves sore throats, but also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

In addition, honeysuckle and echinacea are excellent natural herbs, as they contain compounds that effectively strengthen the immune system and help the body fight off bacteria and viruses from the outside world.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Exercise, most people know that proper exercise can help their lungs health, but few people explain how to do it in detail. Deep breathing exercises, yoga and aerobic exercise not only strengthen lung function, but also improve the elasticity and breathing efficiency of the lungs.

In particular, certain postures in yoga, such as fish pose and bow pose, are excellent chest and lung expansion exercises, helping to open the chest cavity and increase lung capacity.

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

Through this, we are not only treating lung diseases, but also actively preventing diseases through the details of daily life. Healthy lungs require our constant attention and multi-faceted efforts, and each person should develop a lung health plan that works best for them based on their specific situation. A healthy lifestyle and the right daily choices are our best doctors.

(All names have been changed)

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Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched



[1] Guo Cancan. Research Progress on Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) First published on the Internet, West China Medicine, 2024-06-21

Can't touch onions with bad lungs? Doctor's warning: If you want lung health, 4 kinds of vegetables should not be touched

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