
Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

author:Benevolence train L2


On the afternoon of June 29, Beijing time, the Volleyball Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sports of China officially announced the final list of 12 people participating in the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, namely: Yuan Xinyue, Zhu Ting, Diao Linyu, Gao Yi, Gong Xiangyu, Wang Yuanyuan, Zhang Changning, Li Yingying, Zheng Yixin, Ding Xia, Wang Mengjie and Wu Mengjie. Under the leadership of Cai Bin, the Chinese women's volleyball team will once again attack the Olympic gold medal, although the future is long and full of thorns.

Throughout the glorious history of the Chinese women's volleyball team, it has been on the top podium of the Olympic Games three times. Looking back on the history and lineup of each championship, it always makes the hearts of the Chinese people excited, simply put, 1984 is in full swing, 2004 the king returns, and 2016 Lang Ping dreams come true.

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

1. The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics won the championship, and the lineup was in full swing

Soon after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Volleyball Association was formally established, and the women's volleyball career was in full swing, but unfortunately from the 50s to the 70s, the Chinese women's volleyball team has been suppressed by the Japanese women's volleyball team, and it is not enough to break out of Asia to the world, until Yuan Weimin officially became the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team in 1976.

Yuan Weimin realized that modern volleyball has become a volleyball with height, strength, speed and skill, and it is necessary to learn from others to create a Chinese-style all-round team that has both height and flexibility, can attack and defend, and can be high and fast. It is under his rigorous and scientific training and guidance that the Chinese women's volleyball team achieved a brilliant "5 consecutive championships" in the 80s of the last century, which shocked the World Volleyball Federation and made the Chinese women's volleyball team truly go to the world.

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

During this period, the Chinese women's volleyball team won two World Cups and two World Championships in a row, and won the gold medal for the first time at the 23rd Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984. At that time, the Chinese women's volleyball team was really in full swing, dominating the world and being invincible, and at the same time creating the reputation of "iron hammer". The Chinese women's volleyball team won almost 3:0 at the Los Angeles Olympics, including the semifinals against Japan and the finals against the United States. In the early 1980s, China, it was a hundred wastes waiting to be revived, the women's volleyball team won three consecutive championships and five consecutive championships with a fighting spirit, the Chinese women's volleyball team became the model and pride of the Chinese at that time, and it was a symbol of China's take-off in the 80s, and the "women's volleyball spirit" began to form and spread widely.

Los Angeles 1984 Olympic gold medal squad:

Coaches: Yuan Weimin, Deng Ruozeng

Team members: Zhang Rongfang, Lang Ping, Zhu Ling, Zhou Xiaolan, Yang Xilan, Liang Yan, Jiang Ying, Hou Yuzhu, Su Huijuan, Li Yanjun, Yang Xiaojun, Zheng Meizhu

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream
Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

2. In 2004, he won the gold medal in the Athens Olympics and staged the return of the king

Since the Chinese women's volleyball team won the 10th World Women's Volleyball Championship in Czechoslovakia in 1986, it has begun to be in decline, and the early generation of famous players such as Lang Ping and Liang Yan have long since retired, and the entire 90s are in a period of decline. The Chinese women's volleyball team won the bronze medal in the 1988 Seoul Olympics and only finished 7th in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. In 1995, Lang Ping was hired by the Chinese Volleyball Association as the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and she led the Chinese women's volleyball team out of the historical trough, winning the silver medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the runner-up in the 13th World Women's Volleyball Championship, but she never led the team to regain the world championship, which was also the regret left by her first coaching of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Subsequently, at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the fifth place under the leadership of Hu Jin.

After returning from the Sydney Olympics, Chen Zhonghe, the sparring partner of the Chinese women's volleyball team for many years, officially took charge, which became a turning point for the Chinese women's volleyball team to reverse the decline. Chen Zhonghe is determined to reuse newcomers, in addition to gradually eliminating the previous generation of female ranking generals, he has also promoted many potential newcomers such as Liu Yanan, Feng Kun, Zhou Suhong, Yang Hao, Zhao Ruirui, etc., forming the "golden generation" of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Under the leadership of Chen Zhonghe, the Chinese women's volleyball team regained the gold medal in the Asian Games, and its performance in the World Cup and World Championships has improved for all to see. Especially in 2003, the Chinese women's volleyball team won several international championships such as the Swiss Women's Volleyball Classic, the World Women's Volleyball Grand Prix, and the Asian Women's Volleyball Championship. The women's volleyball boom in the 80s of the 20th century has reappeared in China, and the term women's volleyball spirit has been mentioned again.

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team staged a magical reversal in three consecutive games after Zhao Ruirui retired from injury and fell behind Russia 0:2 in the final, and reached the highest podium of the Olympic Games for the second time in 20 years.

Athens Olympic squad:

Head Coach: Chen Zhonghe

Team members: Yang Hao, Wang Lina, Zhang Yuehong, Liu Yanan, Zhao Ruirui, Chen Jing, Zhang Ping, Zhou Suhong, Li Shan, Feng Kun, Song Lina, Zhang Na

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, players such as Zhao Ruirui, Zhang Na and Feng Kun in the team had different injuries, and their ages have increased, which made the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team decline a little, and they still lost to the Brazilian women's volleyball team in the semifinals, and finally the Chinese women's volleyball team won the third place in the Beijing Olympics.

3. Rio won the third place to the top, and Lang Ping finally realized his dream

In March 2009, Chen Zhonghe ended his 8-year career as a coach of the national team, and the Chinese women's volleyball team once again entered a low ebb. Yu Juemin led the Chinese women's volleyball team to participate in the 2012 London Olympics, but in the 1/4 finals, the Chinese women's volleyball team unexpectedly lost to the Japanese team, which had never lost in the Olympic arena, missed the semifinals, and finally tied for fifth. In the subsequent Asian Cup match, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to the Thai women's volleyball team, and the successive heavy blows completely hit the Chinese women's volleyball team to the bottom.

At the time of crisis, in May 2013, Lang Ping officially took charge and coached the Chinese women's volleyball team for the second time. Lang Ping formed the concept of "big national team" and began to recruit talents, under her insight, Zhu Ting was discovered, Zhang Changning also changed his career from beach volleyball, and brought Gong Xiangyu and so on.

In the 1/4 finals, the Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the defending champion and host Brazil women's volleyball team 3-2 to lock the last one seat in the top 4, which greatly boosted the morale of the women's volleyball team and the Chinese people. In the semi-finals, he defeated the Netherlands 3:1 and reached the Olympic final for the first time in 12 years. In the final, the Chinese women's volleyball team won three games in a row after losing one game first, and defeated the Serbian women's volleyball team 3-1, which was the second time that the Chinese women's volleyball team won the Olympic championship after 12 years and the third Olympic gold medal. Lang Ping finally coached the Chinese women's volleyball team to the top of the world again, becoming the first player and head coach to win the championship in both competitions, and also made up for the regret of the first coaching.

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

Rio Olympic gold medal squad:

Head Coach: Lang Ping

Players: Main attack: Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Hui Ruoqi, Liu Xiaotong

Secondary attack: Xu Yunli, Yan Ni, Yuan Xinyue

Answer: Yang Fangxu, Gong Xiangyu

Second setter: Ding Xia, Wei Qiuyue

Free man: Lin Li

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

Up to now, there is less than 1 month before the Paris Olympics, Cai Bin, who is also a "second entry into the palace", can he copy Lang Ping's history and achieve his great cause? Time will slowly reveal the answer, wait and see.

Chinese women's volleyball Olympic list: 84 years like the sky, 04 years of the golden generation, 16 years of Lang Ping's dream

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