
Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

author:Hobbies and entertainment

Huang Yiming revealed that Wang Sicong's birth incident caused heated discussions among netizens


On social media, Huang Yiming's revelation instantly ignited the fire of gossip among netizens. , an Internet celebrity who is known for being funny on weekdays, actually revealed that he had a child with Wang Sicong, and posted a chat record of asking Wang Sicong for milk powder money. The news quickly spread on major platforms, triggering widespread discussion and speculation among netizens.

Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

In the chat records, Huang Yiming spoke sharply and bluntly asked Wang Sicong for milk powder money. She said that she had a difficult life and could not support her children's daily expenses, and hoped that Wang Sicong could fulfill her father's responsibilities. Wang Sicong looked a little helpless, he said that his current economic situation is not good, and he cannot pay for milk powder immediately, but promised to solve this problem next year. The conversation between the two is full of drama and is reminiscent of those classic movie scenes.

Huang Yiming: Children are my bottom line

Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

It is understood that Huang Yiming had hinted at his relationship with Wang Sicong on social media many times before breaking the news. She once posted a photo of the two attending the event together, with the caption "Fate is destined". The self-exposure of the birth of a child this time has made netizens speculate more about the relationship between the two. Huang Yiming said in an interview that children are her bottom line, and she will not let anyone hurt them. At the same time, she also hopes that Wang Sicong can take on the responsibility of being a father and give the child a complete home.

Wang Sicong: I will do my duty

Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

Regarding Huang Yiming's revelations, Wang Sicong did not choose to remain silent. He responded on social media that he would fulfill his responsibilities as a father, but he did face some financial difficulties at the moment. He called on netizens not to speculate and hype this matter excessively, and to give the child a quiet environment to grow up. At the same time, he also said that he would negotiate with Huang Yiming to resolve the matter to ensure that the rights and interests of the child are protected.

Netizens are hotly discussed: It is difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood

Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens
Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

This incident quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people expressed their support for Huang Yiming, believing that she was admirable for bravely standing up for the rights and interests of her children; Some people also questioned the authenticity of this incident, believing that it may be a rumor created by Huang Yiming for hype. Netizens left messages in the comment area to express their views and opinions, and the discussion was in full swing.

Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

One of the netizens joked: "This plot reversal is more exciting than the TV series!" Huang Yiming: This is the rhythm of entering the entertainment industry! Another netizen said: "Whether it's true or not, I think Wang Sicong is quite wronged." If this kid is real, then he will become the richest second generation on the whole network! Some netizens ridiculed: "Is Huang Yiming hinting at Wang Sicong, hurry up and send her a red envelope to suppress the shock?" ”

Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

Controversial summary: Father's love is like a mountain, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai

Although this incident is full of drama and controversy, it also shows us the responsibility and responsibility of being parents. No matter who the child's father is, he should assume his responsibilities and obligations as a father and give the child a healthy and happy growth environment. At the same time, we should also respect everyone's right to privacy and choice, and not over-speculate and hype this matter. After all, family is everyone's harbor, and we should face every family's story with tolerance and understanding.

Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens
Wang Sicong "likes to mention" parent-child bills? Huang Yiming urged money and laughed at netizens

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