
In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

author:A collection of fairy tales
In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son
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In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

A strange little boy with a sudden "Dad" completely broke Xu Kai's peaceful life. At first, he thought it was just a ridiculous misunderstanding.

But as the situation unfolded, the truth became more and more confusing.

When the paternity test report showed that "the father-son relationship was established", Xu Kai's world collapsed. How did he become a father without knowing it? How will this unexpected discovery change the trajectory of his life? Everything is shrouded in fog, waiting to be revealed.

The spring sun gently sprinkled on the windows of the bustling shopping mall, Xu Kai and Rong Rong held hands and stepped into a high-end wedding ring store. The two of them had a wistful glint in their eyes, savoring each ring, as if they had seen the moment when they exchanged vows with each other.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

It was in this sweet atmosphere that an unexpected vignette shattered the tranquility. A little boy who looked no more than three or four years old suddenly broke into their sight and grabbed the corner of Xu Kai's clothes without warning.

The call was like a thunderclap, freezing the air in an instant. Xu Kai's face was full of shock and confusion, he subconsciously took a step back, and hurriedly waved his hand to explain: "Little friend, you must have recognized the wrong person."

However, the little boy insisted on repeating the title of "Dad", and his little hands tightly grasped Xu Kai's trouser legs.

Xu Kai explained in a panic, fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, and he was eager to clear up this ridiculous misunderstanding. Just when the atmosphere became tense, a kind old woman appeared in time, smiled apologetically at Xu Kai and Rong Rong, and then took the little boy's hand and said softly: "I'm sorry, the child may have recognized the wrong person."

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

With that, she hurried away with the little boy.

Although the misunderstanding was temporarily resolved, this episode left an invisible rift between Xu Kai and Rong Rong. On the way home, both of them were silent, each with a lot on their minds.

Xu Kai wanted to explain further, but he didn't know where to start; Rong Rong tried to convince herself to believe in her fiancé, but the doubts in her heart were like seeds, quietly taking root and sprouting.

That night, Xu Kai tossed and turned, unable to sleep. He thought back to the young boy's face, and always felt that those eyes were inexplicably familiar. Rong Rong was lying on the bed, constantly replaying that strange scene in her mind, and the uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

This seemingly accidental encounter became the first crack that tore apart their happiness, and also laid the groundwork for the subsequent story. The gears of fate have begun to turn, slowly advancing in a direction that no one could have predicted.

Fate always seems to like to play out the same script over and over again. Shortly after that awkward encounter, Xu Kai and Rong Rong decided to go for a walk in the park, hoping to ease the tension between them.

However, they meet the mysterious little boy again.

This time, the little boy's response was even more enthusiastic. He ran towards Xu Kai excitedly, hugged his legs tightly, his eyes flashed with joy, and shouted out the shocking "Dad" again.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

Xu Kai froze in place for a moment, feeling a whirlwind of the sky.

Rong Rong's face instantly turned pale, she endured the turbulence in her heart, squatted down, and said to the little boy as calmly as possible: "Little friend, did you recognize the wrong person again?" This uncle is not married, so it can't be your father.

However, the little boy's answer was like a hammer, hitting everyone present: "I am not mistaken, he is my father, and I have a lot of pictures of him in my house."

These words were like a thunderbolt from the sky, instantly shattering the explanation that Xu Kai had so hard to construct.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

Rong Rong couldn't control her emotions anymore and asked Xu Kai: "What the hell is going on?" Why does he have a picture of you in his house? Are you hiding something? Xu Kai's face was full of confusion and helplessness, and he tried his best to defend it, but he couldn't give a convincing explanation.

In the end, Rong Rong was extremely disappointed and left angrily after leaving the sentence "If you can't explain it clearly, our wedding will end here". Looking at Rong Rong's distant back, Xu Kai realized that if he couldn't find out the truth, he was about to lose his most cherished love.

From that day on, Xu Kai began a thrilling investigation. He carefully extracted from the little boy information such as his home address, family members, and kindergarten attendance.

In the days that followed, he lurked like a detective near the boy's house and around the kindergarten, trying to find a breakthrough.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

Xu Kai's heart was full of contradictions and anxieties. On the one hand, he desperately wants to prove his innocence and win back Rongrong's trust; On the other hand, he is vaguely worried about what truth he may uncover that he does not want to face.

Every time he saw the innocent smile of the little boy, he felt an inexplicable heartache and confusion.

After a few days of observation and planning, Xu Kai finally found an opportunity. Pretending to be the father of the little boy, he managed to pick him up from kindergarten and take him to the hospital for a paternity test.

While waiting for the results, Xu Kai's heart beat so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest. He was both expecting and dreading to know the truth, an outcome that would completely change the course of his life.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

However, what Xu Kai didn't expect was that his behavior caused a bigger storm. The boy's grandmother panicked and called the police after discovering that her grandson was missing.

For a time, Xu Kai changed from a person who was struggling to find the truth to a "human trafficker" in the eyes of the police.

When the police found Xu Kai, he was sitting on a bench in the hospital, clutching the paternity test report he had just gotten. The report reads: The parent-child relationship is established.

This result was like a hammer, completely shattering Xu Kai's perception of the past.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

In this way, while Xu Kai uncovered the truth, he also fell into a larger whirlpool. Not only does he have to face the sudden fatherhood, but he also has to explain his actions and clear the name of "human trafficker".

Fate played a huge joke on him, and the joke was just beginning.

In the interrogation room of the police station, Xu Kai fidgeted and waited for further developments. The door was suddenly pushed open, and a familiar and unfamiliar figure walked in.

That was the little boy's mother and Xu Kai's once unforgettable lover. The moment they looked at each other, time seemed to go backwards, and the past came like a tide, drowning the two of them.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

Xu Kai's mind flashed back to the bits and pieces of their love. At that time, they were young and vigorous, full of longing, thinking that as long as there was love, everything could be solved.

They have made vows under the stars, and have even talked about getting married. However, the reality is always cruel.

Xu Kai's mother strongly opposed this relationship, believing that the woman's family conditions were not worthy of her son. Under tremendous pressure, Xu Kai's mother took out 200,000 yuan as a breakup fee and forced the two to sign a "breakup agreement".

The agreement even included a clause requiring the woman to have an abortion, a request that made Xu Kai feel heartache and guilt when he thought about it to this day.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

However, fate tricked people. During the medical examination, the girl unexpectedly learned that she was actually infertile, which may be the last chance to get pregnant. Faced with this harsh reality, she made a difficult decision: to hide the truth and give birth to the child alone.

After listening to these past events, Xu Kai's heart was like a knife. He remembered those forgotten vows, those loves that had been buried by time. How firmly he once believed that their love could overcome everything, but in the end he succumbed to the weight of reality.

And she, who endured so much alone, silently raised their children.

Xu Kai's heart was full of guilt and self-blame. He began to reflect on his past decisions and how to make up for the lack of years. At the same time, he couldn't help but be touched by the strength and courage of his ex-girlfriend.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

At that difficult time, she chose to give birth to a child and face the unknown future alone, which requires a lot of courage and determination.

At this moment, Xu Kai realized that life is never black and white. Their choices, whether right or wrong, have already caused irreparable results.

The lights of the police station were cold and blind, shining on the haggard faces of the two men. They were all silent, each immersed in the whirlpool of the past. At this moment, Xu Kai deeply realized that his life had reached a critical turning point.

Every decision that follows will have a profound impact on the lives of multiple people.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

The past is like smoke, and the feelings are hard to break. Xu Kai knows that he must take responsibility for his past, and at the same time make choices for the future. This dusty love, after all, reappeared in his life in an unexpected way, which brought him great challenges and gave him the opportunity to re-examine his life.

Xu Kai's heart is full of contradictions and struggles. On the one hand, he felt deep regret and guilt for missing out on the years his son had grown up. The time that should have been by his son's side, the first time he missed, made his heart ache.

He is eager to make up for the lack of these years and to be a good father.

Standing at the crossroads of life, Xu Kai is faced with a difficult choice. Do you stick to the marriage contract with Rong Rong, or take on the responsibility of being a father? Do you continue to pursue the life you planned, or do you want to make up for the mistakes of the past and start over? Every choice represents great sacrifices and challenges.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

In the process, Xu Kai began to re-examine his life values. He realized that true happiness is not only about personal satisfaction, but also about responsibility and responsibility to others.

No matter what choice he makes, he needs the courage to face it and bear it.

This is a road to redemption full of unknowns, and Xu Kai knows that he must take the first step bravely to rebuild his life, to make up for his past regrets, and to find true happiness.

Xu Kai's story is not only a personal tragicomedy, but also a mirror that reflects the issues we often overlook in love and life. It warns us to be sensible in our relationships and to be thoughtful when making big decisions.

In 19 years, the man and his fiancée went shopping, and met a boy who was called dad, and the paternity test: It is indeed your son

This story reminds us that love is beautiful, but it shouldn't be an excuse to hurt others. We need to pursue personal happiness while also considering the impact our actions may have on others.

At the same time, it also emphasizes the importance of responsibility. Whether it's for our partners, our children, or ourselves, we should all have the courage to take our responsibilities. It is only on the basis of respect for others and responsibility that we can find true and lasting happiness.

This story teaches us to cherish the people around us and cherish the happiness of the moment. Because every choice in life has the potential to change the trajectory of our lives. In the face of difficulties and challenges, we need to have the courage to face them, to take them, to find a balance between love and responsibility.

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