
It is not recommended to let the baby do these 2 exercises before the age of 5! It is not good for growth and development, and it hurts motivation

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

Dear moms and dads, have you ever had the experience of looking at the children running vigorously in the community,

I can't help but feel an urge to let my baby join the ranks of sports.

Hope they can thrive like little saplings?

However, what I want to tell you today is that some sports are not suitable for babies under 5 years old.

Not only can they adversely affect a child's growth and development, but they can also discourage them from participating in sports.

It is not recommended to let the baby do these 2 exercises before the age of 5! It is not good for growth and development, and it hurts motivation

First, let me give you a real-life example.

Xiao Ming's mother is a fitness enthusiast, and she hopes that Xiao Ming can also develop a good habit of loving sports from an early age.

So, when Xiao Ming was 4 years old, his mother let him participate in a taekwondo class in the community.

At first, Xiao Ming was intrigued by the novel sport, but as time went on, he began to show fatigue and resistance.

After some examination, we found that Xiao Ming's bones and joints were not fully developed.

Engaging in high-intensity confrontational exercise too early caused a lot of stress on his body.

It is not recommended to let the baby do these 2 exercises before the age of 5! It is not good for growth and development, and it hurts motivation

So, what sports are not recommended for children under the age of 5?

Next, I will reveal these two kinds of sports for you:

High-intensity confrontational exercise:

Such as taekwondo, judo, etc., these sports often require strong strength and speed, as well as certain confrontation skills.

For children under the age of 5, their bones and muscles are not yet developed enough to withstand this level of exercise,

Prolonged high-intensity training can lead to bone deformation, joint damage, and even growth plate injuries, affecting their normal growth and development.

Single repetitive movements:

If your child repeats a movement for a long time without warming up adequately, it can cause damage due to muscle and joint maladaptation.

It is not recommended to let the baby do these 2 exercises before the age of 5! It is not good for growth and development, and it hurts motivation

In addition, a single mode of exercise is not conducive to children's overall development, and may also reduce their interest in sports due to a lack of fun.

As a pediatrician, I recommend that parents choose some fun sports that are suitable for their child's physical development before the age of 5.

Such as parent-child yoga, simple dance, outdoor games, etc.

These activities not only promote children's physical coordination and flexibility, but also enhance parent-child interaction, so that children can grow up happily and healthily.

If you want your baby to grow taller, these exercises are indispensable

A child's height is affected by a variety of factors such as genetics, nutrition, sleep, etc., but moderate exercise is also crucial.

Exercise not only stimulates the secretion of growth hormone, but also enhances bone density and promotes bone growth and development.

It is not recommended to let the baby do these 2 exercises before the age of 5! It is not good for growth and development, and it hurts motivation

So, what are the best exercises to help your child grow taller?

Jumping Sports:

Jumping sports such as skipping rope, basketball, and volleyball can effectively stretch children's leg muscles and ligaments.

Stimulates the growth plates of the bones of the lower limbs, thereby promoting the phenomenon of height growth.

Jumping exercises for a certain amount of time every day are essential for your child's height growth.

Stretching exercises:

Stretching exercises such as yoga, gymnastics, and dance can help children's spine and limbs be fully stretched and enhance the flexibility of the body.

These exercises help to correct poor posture and make the child's body line more fluid, which indirectly promotes the growth of height.

It is not recommended to let the baby do these 2 exercises before the age of 5! It is not good for growth and development, and it hurts motivation


Swimming is a whole-body sport, which can not only exercise children's cardiopulmonary function, but also allow children's whole body muscles to develop in a balanced manner.

In the water, thanks to buoyancy, the child's spine and joints are well relaxed, which contributes to the growth of height is crucial.

Running and brisk walking:

A moderate amount of running and brisk walking can enhance your child's cardiopulmonary function,

Promotes blood circulation, provides sufficient oxygen and nutrients for bone growth.

These aerobic exercises are also very beneficial for promoting the secretion of growth hormone.

Of course, in addition to these exercises, a reasonable diet and adequate sleep are also indispensable parts of a child's healthy growth.

Parents should pay attention to the moderate amount of exercise for their children to avoid overwork.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the diversity of sports, so that children can grow up in happiness.

It is not recommended to let the baby do these 2 exercises before the age of 5! It is not good for growth and development, and it hurts motivation

Finally, I would like to emphasize that each child's physical condition and stage of development are different,

When parents guide their children to engage in physical activities, they must make decisions based on the actual situation of their children.

Let's work together to create a safe and fun sports environment for children!

Remember, healthy growth is not only about physical fitness, but also about spiritual pleasure.

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