
The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

author:Amin Entertainment Online

Recently, a rising star in the mathematics world, 17-year-old Jiang Ping, has become the center of public opinion because of her outstanding performance in the Ali number competition.

Some people marveled at her extraordinary talent at such a young age, and predicted that she would be a leading figure in mathematics in the future; Some people also questioned her achievements, suspected that there were tricks in them, and some even maliciously speculated about her family background, trying to dig out some "unknown" insiders.

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

For a while, praising and questioning Qi Fei, Jiang Ping's name and the title of "mathematical genius" were pushed to the forefront.

An over-interpreted video of an interview

It all started with an interview video released by the Damo Academy, Alibaba's mysterious organization that brings together top tech talent.

In the video, Jiang Ping is wearing a simple T-shirt and a ponytail, facing the camera and talking about her learning and thinking in the field of mathematics, showing maturity and confidence that does not match her age.

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

However, this video, which was originally intended to show the demeanor of a "genius girl", became the source of her attack and questioning.

Some attentive netizens found that Jiang Ping mentioned in the video that she was studying the professional book "Mathematical Analysis" that she would only be exposed to in her senior year of college, which seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with her age of 17 years and her status as a high school student. As a result, skeptical voices began to emerge, and a dedicated skepticism faction quickly formed on the Internet.

The "mysterious operation" of the Damo Academy and the "fiery eyes" of netizens

In the face of more and more questions from netizens, the Damo Academy did not respond positively to the questions, nor did it explain Jiang Ping's learning, but quietly modified the interview video, changing the "Mathematical Analysis" mentioned in it to a more popular "mathematical knowledge".

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

This wave of "covering up the ears and stealing the bell" operation not only did not calm the doubts, but instead caused greater controversy. Some people analyzed Jiang Ping's micro-expressions in the competition video, trying to find clues of cheating; Someone picked up Jiang Ping's social account and tried to find a "breakthrough" from her daily life.

Yin Wotao: Use professionalism and rationality to protect young geniuses

Just when the doubts were getting louder and louder, Yin Wotao, the head of the decision-making intelligence laboratory of the Damo Academy, spoke for Jiang Ping. As a big man in the industry, Yin Wotao has a high reputation in the field of artificial intelligence, and his voice has undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm into this storm of public opinion.

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

He first explained that Jiang Ping's "Z" handwriting on the test paper was not evidence of plagiarism, but only her personal writing habits. In order to prove this, he also deliberately compared Jiang Ping's class notes with the competition test papers, and found that Jiang Ping's writing habits have always been like this.

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

Then, Yin Wotao analyzed Jiang Ping's performance in the competition from a professional perspective, pointing out that her problem-solving ideas are clear, logical and rigorous, and she has shown a solid mathematical foundation and excellent problem-solving ability. He believes that Jiang Ping's achievements are the result of the combined effect of talent and hard work, and it is not accidental.

The title of "genius" is both an honor and a burden

However, the matter did not end there, after modifying the video, the Damo Academy silently deleted Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius". This move once again sparked speculation among netizens: Could it be that the Damo Academy also began to suspect Jiang Ping?

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

In fact, these actions of the Damo Academy may just be to protect Jiang Ping, keep her away from the whirlpool of public opinion, and learn and grow with peace of mind. After all, it is not necessarily a good thing for a 17-year-old girl to be labeled as a "genius" too early.

The aura of genius is dazzling, but it can also be a burden. Excessive attention and praise can make a young person lose his way on the road to growth. Excessive questioning and denial can hit their self-confidence and even stifle their talent.

What kind of "genius view" do we need?

The Jiang Ping incident, like a mirror in the Internet age, reflects people's complex mentality in the face of "genius", and also triggers thinking about how to view praise and question.

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

We need to be rational and restrained in our compliments.

While Jiang Ping's talent in mathematics is welcome, excessive praise, especially labels like "once-in-a-century," can put her under unrealistic expectations and put pressure on her future development.

More importantly, we need to recognise that every child has different areas of talent and a different pace of development, and we should encourage all children to work hard in their own areas of expertise, rather than focusing too much on individual "geniuses".

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

We should be more cautious and kind about doubts.

The Internet is not an illegal place, and any doubts should be based on facts and logic, rather than unfounded speculation and attacks.

In the Jiang Ping incident, some netizens concluded that she was cheating based on the handwriting of the word "Z", and even conducted a doxing search on her family background, which not only harmed Jiang Ping personally, but also violated Internet ethics and legal norms.

So, in the face of the Jiang Ping incident, what attitude should we have?

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

Respect the facts and make rational judgments. In the era of information explosion, we should maintain the ability to think independently, and not blindly follow or disseminate unverified information. Jiang Ping's achievements and abilities should be judged by professional institutions and people, rather than by online public opinion.

Be tolerant and encourage growth. Jiang Ping is just a 17-year-old girl, and what she needs is a relaxed and inclusive environment where she can study and explore freely, and excessive attention and pressure can cause her harm.

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

Focus on education and guide values. The Jiang Ping incident also reflects some problems in current education, such as the excessive pursuit of "geniuses" and the neglect of individual differences. We should reflect on these issues and strive to provide a fairer and better education for every child, and guide them to form the right values.

The Damo Academy removed Jiang Ping's title of "mathematical genius", and another person in charge spoke for Jiang Ping

Perhaps, we should give these young geniuses more space and more time, so that they can explore freely in a relaxed environment and give full play to their talents.

After all, the growth of a genius requires sunshine and rain, as well as care and understanding.

[Disclaimer] The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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