
CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

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CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?
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CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

On that silent night, Gu Yongfei held 300 sleeping pills in her trembling hands, tears blurring her vision. The once beautiful "proud girl of the sky" is now standing on the edge of the cliff of life.

Her mind flashed with the glory of the past, and she looked at the predicament in front of her, and her heart struggled.

Eventually, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and poured the pill into her mouth. However, fate does not seem to want to let her go. For the next 7 days and 7 nights, the doctors launched a thrilling rescue.

This desperate struggle with the god of death not only saved her life, but also became a key turning point that completely changed the trajectory of Gu Yongfei's life.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

From near death to rebirth, Gu Yongfei's experience is like a legendary story of ups and downs, and this is just the beginning.

Gu Yongfei's story begins in Jiangsu, a place famous for "beautiful women in the water towns of the south of the Yangtze River". Her family environment can be described as superior, her father is a well-known playwright, and her mother is a radio announcer.

This background has laid a solid foundation for her artistic path.

Gu Yongfei, who has been passionate about the stage since he was a child, showed a talent for singing and dancing in his childhood. After graduating from junior high school, she entered the drama class of Jiangsu Theater Academy as she wished, taking an important step towards her dream.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

Subsequently, with her outstanding performance, she was successfully admitted to the more prestigious Shanghai Theater Academy. In the eyes of others, Gu Yongfei is undoubtedly a promising "little princess".

However, the twist of fate came unexpectedly. In that turbulent era, Gu Yongfei's family was innocently affected. The once high-profile "Pride of Heaven" was forced to leave the familiar environment and be relegated to the harsh countryside.

This huge gap dealt a heavy blow to the young Gu Yongfei.

In the countryside, Gu Yongfei experienced real hardships for the first time. Farming under the scorching sun, ploughing and other heavy farm work are unprecedented challenges for her. Every day's work left her exhausted, physically and mentally exhausted.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

However, what made her more unbearable than her physical exhaustion was the ridicule and discrimination of the people around her.

As a teenage girl, Gu Yongfei struggled under tremendous pressure every day. Not only does she have to deal with heavy physical labor, but she also has to deal with the strange eyes and words of others.

This physical and mental torment made her gradually lose hope in life.

It was in such a desperate situation that Gu Yongfei came up with the idea of committing suicide. She began to silently accumulate sleeping pills until that fateful night. However, the resilience of life was beyond her imagination.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

After seven days and seven nights of unremitting efforts by the doctors, Gu Yongfei finally escaped from the hands of death.

This experience of brushing shoulders with death made Gu Yongfei have a deep reflection. She realized that the meaning of life should not be eroded by the predicament in front of her. The moment she struggled to get out of her hospital bed, she was determined to regain control of her destiny and no longer be overwhelmed by circumstances.

Gu Yongfei's experience tells us that even the darkest moments can give birth to the hope of rebirth. She found the courage to move forward from despair, and this perseverance became the driving force for her to continue to move forward on the road of art in the future.

Gu Yongfei, who struggled back from the line of death, did not give up his love for performing arts. Although she has been away from the stage for a long time, the passion for performing that is deeply rooted in her heart is still restless in her.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

With her dedication to her dreams, Gu Yongfei resolutely joined the Xinjiang Art Troupe, opening a new chapter in her artistic career.

In this vast frontier land, Gu Yongfei has participated in many influential drama performances. Although she did not reach the desired heights, this experience laid a solid foundation for her future glory.

Every time she appeared on stage and every role, she had a deeper understanding and experience of performing arts.

A twist of fate came in 1978. Gu Yongfei, who was 31 years old at the time, ushered in a critical turning point in his life. By chance, the famous director Zhao Huanzhang watched the performance of the art troupe.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

Among the many actors, Director Zhao's eyes were attracted by the unknown Gu Yongfei. As if discovering a jade that had not yet been carved, Director Zhao saw the huge potential hidden in Gu Yongfei's body.

Under the guidance and support of director Zhao Huanzhang, Gu Yongfei's talent has been fully displayed. She began to get involved in TV series and films, and her role gradually transitioned from a supporting role to a leading role.

In the film "Eventful Years", although he only played a supporting role, Gu Yongfei's performance impressed the audience. This role not only proves her acting skills, but also opens the door to a wider stage for her.

Subsequently, more and more directors began to invite Gu Yongfei to participate in their works. Her acting career is like a wild horse that has escaped the reins, speeding to a higher peak.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

Every role is a challenge, every performance is a breakthrough, Gu Yongfei continues to grow in the process, and gradually becomes an indispensable and powerful actor in the eyes of the audience.

In 1984, Gu Yongfei ushered in the peak moment of his career. She played the classic role "Fanyi" in the TV series "Thunderstorm", and brought her acting skills to the extreme.

This role not only earned her wide recognition from the audience, but also earned her nominations for several domestic and international film festival awards. Gu Yongfei used her strength to prove that she has become a bright star in the Chinese film industry.

From the obscurity of the Xinjiang Art Troupe to the high-profile powerful actor, Gu Yongfei's growth path confirms the old saying "If you don't forget, there will be an echo".

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

Her story tells us that as long as we have dreams and persevere, there will be a day when we will shine. Gu Yongfei used his own experience to explain what is the real pursuit of art and what is the persistence of dreams.

Her success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration and motivation for all those who have dreams.

For countless artists, appearing on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is a dream opportunity. For Gu Yongfei, who has experienced a low point in his life, this is an excellent platform to prove himself and repay the audience.

When she stood on that high-profile stage, it was as if all the hardships had been rewarded at this moment.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

Gu Yongfei showed a unique charm on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Her acting style is very different from other presenters, full of humor and emotional resonance.

She accurately grasped the emotions of the audience, skillfully mobilized the atmosphere of the scene, and pushed the Spring Festival Gala to an unprecedented climax. Her performance not only won bursts of applause from the audience, but also made the audience in front of the TV fall in love.

Gu Yongfei's talent and charm not only won the love of the audience, but also attracted the attention of CCTV. Subsequently, she received invitations to host programs from many TV stations, and her career development can be described as booming.

From an unknown drama student to a host loved by the national audience, Gu Yongfei has achieved a gorgeous transformation with his own efforts.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

However, Gu Yongfei did not stop there. She continues to work in the field of film and television, constantly challenging herself. Her hard work has paid off, and she has been nominated for many awards at domestic and foreign film festivals, becoming the pride of the Chinese film industry.

Every time she wins an award, it is the best praise for her persistence over the years.

At the peak of his career, Gu Yongfei showed not only superb acting skills and hosting talents, but also a kind of calmness and calmness after the vicissitudes of life. Every appearance of her seems to tell the story of a phoenix nirvana, inspiring countless audiences to bravely face the challenges of life.

Gu Yongfei's success is not only a personal victory, but also an encouragement to all those who have dreams. She used her own experience to prove that as long as you persevere, there is no mountain that you can't climb and no hurdle that you can't cross.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

Her story has become the driving force that inspires countless people to pursue their dreams.

Although Gu Yongfei has made brilliant achievements in her career, her married life is full of ups and downs. Her first marriage was based on the traditional "parents' orders, matchmakers' words", and lacked a deep emotional foundation.

With the good wish of "getting married first and then cultivating feelings", Gu Yongfei entered the palace of marriage. However, the reality was very different from what she expected.

Her first husband was a soldier, and the two got together less often. Especially after Gu Yongfei went to Xinjiang, the contact between husband and wife became even rarer. In the end, this marriage, which lacked an emotional foundation, ended in a peaceful breakup.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

After experiencing the failure of her first marriage, Gu Yongfei did not lose hope in love. While working in the Xinjiang Art Troupe, she met her second husband, the band leader of the song and dance troupe.

The two met and fell in love because of their common artistic pursuits, and soon entered into marriage. After getting married, they also welcomed a lovely daughter, and life seems to be on the right track.

However, as Gu Yongfei's career is booming, busy work occupies most of her time. Couples spend less and less time with each other, and relationships gradually drift apart.

In the end, her husband's betrayal brought an end to a marriage that had been full of hope.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

Faced with another failure in the relationship, Gu Yongfei showed a strong side. She calmly handled the divorce and focused on raising her daughter. However, her increasingly busy work made it difficult for her to take care of her daughter's growth, which became her biggest regret.

In order to make up for this regret, Gu Yongfei made an unexpected decision: to leave the entertainment industry for the time being and immigrate abroad with his daughter. This decision not only shows her sense of responsibility and determination as a mother, but also shows the importance she attaches to her family.

Gu Yongfei's experience tells us that even successful people can encounter setbacks in their love lives. However, she chose to use maternal love to make up for the shortcomings of her marriage, showing the wisdom and responsibility of a mature woman.

During his years abroad, Gu Yongfei devoted all his energy to his daughter's education. She temporarily put down her acting career and focused on accompanying her daughter to grow up.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

However, the seeds of art have long been deeply rooted in her heart, and as her daughter grows up, the desire for the stage is ignited again in her heart.

When Gu Yongfei decided to return to the entertainment industry, many people expressed doubts about whether she could regain her former glory. However, she proved with her strength that she is still the radiant star.

Her first comeback work earned her the reputation of "the most eye-catching supporting actress". This not only proves that her talent has not diminished with the passage of time, but has become more mellow in the experience of life.

Today, Gu Yongfei, who is over the age of old, still maintains an elegant demeanor. Although the years have left traces on her face, that noble and elegant temperament is more and more moving.

CCTV host Gu Yongfei committed suicide by swallowing 300 sleeping pills and was rescued for 7 days, what is the current situation?

She is like a green pine that has weathered the weather, becoming more and more upright and tough. Every time she appears in public, she exudes a unique charm that makes people fall in love with it.

Looking back on Gu Yongfei's life process, we see a story full of ups and downs but colorful and colorful. From the trough on the verge of suicide to the peak of the Spring Festival Gala stage, from the failure of marriage to the persistence of maternal love, and then to the reblooming of her artistic career, her experience interprets what is the real "Shi can not live without Hongyi, there is a long way to go".

I hope that Mr. Gu Yongfei will be more relaxed in the future and continue to shine on the road of art. Her story will forever inspire future generations and teach us to persevere in our dreams and live a wonderful life, no matter what difficulties we encounter.

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