
Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

Ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to talk about a legendary figure who is respectful and pitiful - Wei Dongyi, a mathematical genius of Peking University, who is also known as "Wei Shen". Recently, Wei Shen's cousin came to Peking University to visit him, and accidentally exposed Wei Shen's daily life, which really stirred up a thousand waves!

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

First of all, let's take a look at Wei Shen's daily look: a worn-out bag with a long strap, a large bottle of mineral water, and three steamed buns. Where is this genius mathematician, it's simply an ascetic in a cosplay martial arts novel! Could it be that the cultivation of mathematics also requires the first need to work one's mind and muscles?

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

What's even more shocking is that Wei Shen always only orders vegetarian dishes in the cafeteria, and green vegetables and tofu are served. Is this a practice? Or are you saving money for the Nobel Prize? You must know that today's college students are the masters of "not eating hot pot for fear that the world will not be chaotic", and Wei Shen's operation is simply creating a new food trend in the university cafeteria!

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

Some attentive netizens found that Wei Shen's sleeves were torn. This can make everyone feel distressed, and they have appealed: "Wei Shen needs a virtuous help!" As a result, Wei Shen's emotional status has become the focus of concern among netizens. The cousin replied dryly, "Not yet." "Yes, it seems that in Wei Shen's world, there is nothing but mathematics. Guys, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and line up at the gate of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University! Maybe you might even be able to learn some advanced math by the way!

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

But then again, does Wei Shen's lifestyle really need us to worry about? Perhaps in his eyes, mathematical formulas are more flavorful than delicacies from the mountains and seas, and shabby clothes are more comfortable than luxury. The "happy life" in the eyes of ordinary people may be a constraint for him. After all, who can guarantee that wearing Armani will prove Goldbach's conjecture?

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

However, as fans of Wei Shen, we still can't help but want to take care of him. Netizens entrusted their cousin to buy Wei Shen a few new clothes and throw away the worn-out ones. My cousin is also very considerate to accept them one by one. It seems that although Wei Shen does not have a girlfriend, he is quite happy to have such a group of enthusiastic "netizen mothers"!

In the final analysis, our concern for God Wei stems from our worship and appreciation of his talents. We want this math genius to be not only academically successful, but also happy in life. After all, who doesn't want their idol to be fed and clothed?

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

Finally, we can't help but ask: Wei Shen, don't you really need someone to take care of your daily life? If you need to, there is probably a long queue in the comment area below! However, we also respect your choice. After all, in the world of mathematics, maybe you and numbers are the best match!

Readers, what do you think of the way of life? Do you think geniuses need to pursue quality of life like ordinary people? Feel free to talk in the comment section! Let's make suggestions for the happy life of Wei Shen together!

Peking University math genius Wei Shen is still single? The cousin's revelations aroused national attention

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