
How to get married in the newspapers


Marriage is a major event in life, according to the laws of the mainland, marriage must go through registration procedures, receive a marriage certificate, in order to establish the relationship between husband and wife, in, marriage newspaper is a traditional custom, which means to announce the marriage relationship between the two people to the society, but also a kind of commemoration, the following is a detailed introduction to how to carry out marriage newspaper.

Learn about the marriage reporting process

How to get married in the newspapers

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online reporting service provided by the Alipay Mini Program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online registration of newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Deal] Mini Program in "Alipay" or "WeChat".

1. Select the content of loss registration, loss reporting, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

How to get married in the newspapers

The process of marriage registration mainly includes the following steps:

1. Preparation materials: ID cards, household registration books, and marriage certificates of both parties and their original and photocopies.

2. Choose a newspaper: Choose a suitable newspaper for publication according to your personal preferences and budget.

How to get married in the newspapers

3. Write the content of the newspaper: Write the content of the newspaper according to the requirements of the newspaper.

4. Submission of materials: Submit the prepared materials and the content of the newspaper to the editorial department of the newspaper.

5. Confirm typesetting: In the process of newspaper typesetting, confirm that the content of the newspaper is correct.

6. Payment of fees: Pay the newspaper fees according to the newspaper charging standards.

7. Waiting for publication: Wait for the newspaper to be published within the agreed time.

8. Pick up the newspaper: After the newspaper is published, go to the newspaper office to pick up the newspaper.

Write the content of the wedding report

The content of the marriage report mainly includes the following parts:

1. Title: concise and clear, such as "marriage notice", "tie the knot", etc.

2. Names of both parties: Write the names of both parties, which can be full names or abbreviations.

3. Time of marriage: indicate the specific date of marriage.

4. Place of marriage: indicate the place where the marriage ceremony is held.

5. Brief introduction of both parties: briefly introduce the basic information of both parties, such as age, occupation, place of origin, etc.

6. Wedding photos: Wedding photos of both parties can be attached to increase the festive atmosphere.

7. Thanks: express gratitude to relatives and friends for their blessings and concerns.

8. Wedding blessings: Write down your blessings and expectations for each other.

Here's an example of what a marriage report says:

Wedding notice

I, Zhang San (male) and Li Si (female), are scheduled to hold a wedding ceremony in the city on August 8, 2022, and relatives and friends are invited to attend at that time.

Zhang San, 30 years old, Han nationality, Xinjiang nationality, engineer, Li Si, 28 years old, Han nationality, Xinjiang nationality, teacher.

Here, we thank our relatives and friends for their care and blessings, and wish us a happy marriage and grow old together!


1. Understand the newspaper publication process and charging standards in advance so that you can prepare.

2. Ensure that the materials provided are true and valid, so as not to affect the progress of the report.

3. When writing the content of the newspaper, pay attention to the number of words and format, and follow the requirements of the newspaper.

4. Before publishing, carefully check the content of the report to ensure that it is correct.

5. After the newspaper is published, get the newspaper in time so that it can be distributed to relatives and friends.

In this way, more people can witness and share the joy of the newlyweds, I hope the above content can help you understand how to get married, and provide reference for the newlyweds who are about to enter the marriage hall, I wish you a happy marriage and a hundred years of happiness!