
How to deal with the loss of the company's official seal?


The company's official seal is an important certificate for enterprises to sign various official documents and contracts, representing the company's authority and reputation, once the official seal is lost, it may bring a lot of inconvenience to the company, and even cause certain economic losses, in order to ensure that the company's interests and image are not damaged, it is important to take effective measures in a timely manner, the following are some suggestions on the loss of the company's official seal.

Confirm that the official seal is missing

How to deal with the loss of the company's official seal?

If you are handling loss, announcements, declarations, etc., you can consider using the online reporting service provided by the Alipay Mini Program of [Kuaiban], which includes one-click online registration of newspapers across the country.

Search for and open the [Quick Deal] Mini Program in "Alipay" or "WeChat".

1. Select the content of loss registration, loss reporting, etc

2. Select the newspaper in demand for publication

How to deal with the loss of the company's official seal?

The company should confirm that the official seal is indeed lost and not maliciously used or missafed by others, which can be verified in the following ways:

1. Check the company's internal documents and records to understand the use and custody of the official seal.

2. Ask employees who may have been in contact with the official seal to understand the relevant situation.

How to deal with the loss of the company's official seal?

3. Investigate the recent signing of company documents and contracts to determine whether there is any abnormality.

Take immediate emergency measures

After confirming the loss of the official seal, the company should immediately take the following emergency measures:

1. Report the case to the public security organ and obtain the receipt of the report.

2. Immediately notify the relevant departments and cooperative units to inform the loss of the official seal and prevent the official seal from being maliciously used by others.

3. Inform the company's employees to be vigilant and pay attention to preventing possible fraud.

Newspaper Statement

In order to eliminate the impact of the loss of the official seal as soon as possible, the company needs to publish a loss statement in an influential local newspaper, and the following are the specific steps to publish the statement:

1. Prepare the registration materials: including a copy of the company's business license, the identity certificate of the legal representative, and the receipt of the report.

2. Write a statement for publication: The content of the statement should include the name of the company, the name of the official seal, the date of loss, the validity period of the statement, etc., and the statement should clearly indicate that the lost official seal is invalid and has no legal effect.

3. Choose a newspaper: Choose a local influential newspaper to ensure that the statement can be widely noticed.

4. Submit the application for publication: Submit the prepared materials to the editorial department of the newspaper, and pay the relevant fees according to the requirements of the editorial department.

5. Confirm the publication of the newspaper: After publishing the loss statement in the newspaper, collect the newspaper samples in time for subsequent use.

Supplement the office seal

After completing the declaration in the newspaper, the company can start to go through the procedures for supplementing the office seal, and the specific steps are as follows:

1. Prepare re-application materials: including a copy of the company's business license, the identity certificate of the legal representative, and a sample of the published statement.

2. Apply to the public security management department of the local public security bureau for the formalities of engraving the official seal and submit relevant materials.

3. Wait for the approval of the Public Security Bureau and receive the official seal engraving permit.

4. Choose a regular store and engrave a new official seal in accordance with the license requirements.

5. After retrieving the new official seal, notify the relevant departments and cooperative units in time, and update the company's internal documents and contracts.

Strengthen the management of official seals

In order to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents, the company should strengthen the management of the official seal and improve the relevant systems:

1. Formulate a system for the use and custody of official seals, and clarify the responsible persons.

2. Strengthen the supervision of the use and custody of the official seal to ensure the implementation of the system.

3. Regularly check the official seal to ensure the safety of the official seal.

4. Enhance employees' legal awareness and sense of responsibility, and improve the level of custody and use of official seals.

The above steps need to be followed to ensure that the company's interests and image are not damaged, and the company should learn a lesson, strengthen the management of the official seal, and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

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