
Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

author:Cong Ze talks about the world

In an ordinary family in Jilin Province, Li Yugang was born. In this way, this day may seem unremarkable, but it is the beginning of the birth of an artistic genius. Despite his poor family, fate seems to have planted the seeds of art for Li Yugang.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

In that era of material scarcity, Li Yugang's childhood life, like many people, was full of hardships. However, even in such an environment, his love for art, especially his obsession with Peking Opera, burned deep in his heart.

Whenever he hears a tune, the young Li Yugang can't help but stand in front of the mirror and imitate it, and the kind of focused expression of performing in the center of the stage is unforgettable.

Although his family could not afford to pay for his expensive opera, Li Yugang's love for art never went away. He began to study on his own, taking every opportunity he could to get in touch with opera.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

Every day after school, he would stand in front of the stage and watch the performance with full attention, as if he wanted to engrave every movement and every look in his mind.

This dedication to art allowed Li Yugang to plant a seed of dream in his heart. Although the growth environment is not ideal, he always believes that as long as he perseveres, he will one day be able to shine on the stage.

In this way, in the midst of poverty and dreams, Li Yugang began his artistic journey. This road is destined to be not smooth, but it is such a starting point that has made Li Yugang, who shines on the stage in the future.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

His story is like a wonderful drama, from an ordinary opening to a breathtaking chapter.

Li Yugang's love for opera was as hot as fire, and he finally realized his dream and stepped into the drama school. However, the path of art is not so easy, and he needs to put in more effort and sacrifice than ordinary people.

In order to maintain his studies, Li Yugang needed to work part-time, dedicating himself to studying opera during the day and working in a restaurant at night.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

After graduating, Li Yugang stepped into the society with great expectations, but suffered many encounters during the job hunting season. In the end, he had to face the reality: the living space of traditional opera in contemporary society was gradually shrinking. However, Li Yugang did not give up, but looked for a breakthrough in adversity.

Li Yugang came into contact with the unique performance form of "male dan" by chance, and began to try to play the role of women. He is an actor, and this decision requires not only great courage, but also extreme challenge and talent and hard work.

Li Yugang devotes himself to this new field, from the practice of basic skills to the creation of characters, he strives to do his best.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

In a small performance, Li Yugang's wonderful performance attracted strong attention from the audience. An audience member excitedly said to the lead singer: "Boss, you really found a baby, I saw a man singing a female voice, and he sang so well!" These words undoubtedly brought great encouragement to Li Yugang, and also made him more determined to continue to explore the art of "male dan".

However, Li Yugang's road to male performance has not always been smooth sailing. Some admire his unique charm, while others question whether this form of performance is orthodox. In the face of all kinds of doubts and criticisms, Li Yugang did not flinch.

He knew that true art requires continuous innovation and breakthroughs, so he began to try to skillfully combine traditional opera with modern elements, and gradually formed his own unique "new male dan" style.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

In this way, through unremitting exploration and practice, Li Yugang has successfully realized the transformation from an ordinary opera student to a "male dan" performer. This rich experience not only sharpened his acting skills, but also shaped his tenacity and perseverance, laying a solid foundation for his future artistic path.

2006 was a turning point in Li Yugang's fate, after many years of silent cultivation, he decided to participate in the talent show "Super Boy", a decision that completely changed the trajectory of his life.

In this show, Li Yugang performed a song "The New Concubine is Drunk", and his unique "male dan" style and superb performance skills made the audience fall in love with it.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

This appearance was as bright as a meteor, instantly lighting up Li Yugang's star journey. He became famous for his outstanding performance and was honored as the "upstart of Liyuan". Then, Li Yugang launched works such as "The Street Where the Wind Lives" and "Just Met You", which skillfully integrated traditional opera and pop music to create a new art form.

This innovation not only won the love of the public, but also gave him a certain status in the art circle.

However, fame brought Li Yugang not only applause and praise, but also the ensuing controversy and doubts. Some questioned whether his performances were faithful to tradition, while others felt that his innovations were contrary to the essence of opera.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

In the face of these doubts, Li Yugang did not flinch, but chose to respond to the present with his own works.

During this period of studying opera, Li Yugang encountered an important turning point. He was fortunate to get acquainted with Mei Baojiu, the grandson of Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang. Li Yugang asked Mei Baojiu for advice with respect, hoping to get the guidance of this heir to the opera family.

However, when Li Yugang said, "I learned a lot from your grandfather", it caused Mei Baojiu's dissatisfaction, and Mei Baojiu sternly pointed out: "You have nothing to do with my grandfather Mei Lanfang, do you learn from Mei School?" No way! "

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

This conflict hit Li Yugang hard, and it also made him realize his shortcomings in the field of traditional opera. However, he did not give up because of this, but focused more on combining opera with modern music elements, creating popular works such as "Wanjiang", "Luoshen" and "Yellow Crane Tower".

In the dye vat of Vanity Fair, Li Yugang experienced the double test of glory and doubt, and this precious experience tempered his iron will and made him more aware of his artistic path.

He has always adhered to his artistic philosophy, finding a balance between tradition and innovation, and this persistence has become the most valuable asset of his artistic career.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

In the face of doubts and controversies, Li Yugang did not stop exploring, but these challenges inspired him to innovate even stronger. He knows that in order to revitalize traditional art in contemporary society, it is necessary to find a way of expression that can not only inherit the culture but also conform to modern aesthetics.

With this conviction in mind, Li Yu began his arduous and creative journey of artistic exploration. He delves deep into the essence of traditional opera, but also boldly incorporates elements of modern music.

In the process, he gradually formed a unique "new male dan" style, which not only retains the charm of traditional opera, but also incorporates the rhythm of modern music.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

Li Yugang's innovative experiments did not happen overnight, he put a lot of effort into creating and rehearsing, and often his passion for art made him forget to rest and eat. When composing the song "Just Met You", he skillfully combined the singing of traditional opera with modern pop music to create a new musical style.

This song is not only widely circulated on the Internet, but also makes more young people start to pay attention to and love traditional culture.

Li Yugang is not only an excellent music creator, he also has innovative breakthroughs in stage performance. He uses modern stage art techniques to fuse traditional opera performances, and presents a visual feast for the audience through well-designed lighting and choreography.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

For example, in the musical "The New Concubine Drunk", his modern stage art makes traditional opera present a new visual experience.

However, the journey of innovation has not been without its challenges. Sometimes, Mr. Li's attempts have drawn skepticism from traditional opera lovers, who see him as too far from tradition. In the face of these voices, Li Yugang has always maintained a humble and open attitude.

He listened carefully to the opinions of all parties and constantly adjusted and refined his artistic expression.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

Through unremitting efforts and exploration, Li Yugang has found a balance between tradition and modernity. His works not only inherit the essence of traditional opera, but also have a strong contemporary character, and have successfully attracted audiences of different ages.

This unique artistic style has not only won Li Yugang wide recognition, but also opened up a new path for the inheritance and development of traditional culture in modern society.

In 2020, just as Li Yugang's career seemed to be developing steadily, the shocking news suddenly came that the 47-year-old artist announced that he had become a monk. The decision came as a surprise and led to speculation.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

In fact, Li Yugang's "ordination" this time was not to completely stay away from the world, but to choose to practice in the monastery for a short time to find inner peace. This decision comes from a voice deep within him, and it is also a re-examination of the meaning of his life.

Li Yugang was under tremendous pressure behind the bright performance on the stage, and his body was overwhelmed by the high-intensity performance all year round, and he even faltered. At the age of 47, he suffered a serious knee injury that forced him to leave the familiar stage for a while.

During the period of recuperation, Li Yugang began to examine and think about his own life and artistic path. He gradually realized that his past self had been pursuing external achievements and neglecting his inner needs.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

This awakening made him resolve to become a monk for a while so that he could reflect deeply and find rebirth.

During his days in the monastery, Li Yugang stayed away from the noisy and prosperous world, and participated in meditation and other spiritual cultivation activities every day. This experience allowed him to calm down and reflect on his inner world.

Here, he finds the long-lost serenity and calm, and also re-examines the relationship between art and life.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

Although this period of ordination was only a little more than a month, for Li Yugang, it was a profound spiritual baptism. After he returned to the rolling red dust, people noticed that his eyes became more determined and peaceful.

This experience not only gave him a break physically, but more importantly, a new strength mentally.

Li Yugang's brief ordination experience became a major turning point in his life. This experience made him re-examine his artistic path, and made him pay more attention to the cultivation and balance of the soul while pursuing artistic achievements.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

This experience injected new vitality and depth into his subsequent life and artistic creation.

Li Yugang, who has been away from the art stage for a while, has not fully recovered physically, but he has not left, but has returned to the art world with a new attitude. He has always insisted on performing, interpreting his deep love for art and infinite loyalty with practical actions.

Every time he appears on the stage, Li Yugang shows a more calm and quiet temperament. The audience was surprised to find that while his steps may not be as light as before, his performance was more depth and impactful.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

His eyes flashed with awe of art, and every movement was filled with love for the stage.

In the face of physical limitations, Li Yugang did not flinch. Instead, he began to experiment with new ways of acting, devoting more to the expression of voice and expression. His singing is more delicate and moving, allowing emotion to be integrated into every note, bringing the audience the power of art.

In a very important performance, Li Yugang endured the severe pain in his knee and persevered to complete the entire performance. The audience did not notice that he was suffering greatly, only the striking artist on stage.

Li Yugang, who is already faltering at the age of 46, is now on another road in life

It wasn't until the end of the show that he quietly retreated backstage and applied ice to relieve the pain in his knees.

In an interview, Li Yugang said that art is the whole of his life, and as long as he stands on stage, he can forget the discomfort caused by his body. He claims that being able to continue performing for the audience is his greatest happiness.

Li Yugang's dedication and love for art after the age of 47 made him shine differently in the later stages of his stage career. He proves to the world that true artists do not stop because of age or physical limitations, but continue to break through themselves in the face of adversity and create more moving works of art.

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