
Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

author:Entertainment Jun said the entertainment industry

Tan Jianci successively performed with Jin Shijia in "Crime Hunting Guide", and "Sauvignon Blanc" with sadomasochistic love Yang Zi became popular as a male god of land dramas, and the new drama "Filter" starring him and "Stars Fall into Sugar" Li Randi was released a few days ago, and the traffic exceeded one million. Tan Jianci fell in love with every identity of Li Randi's transformation in the play, although he always loved Li Randi, but before learning the truth, he always thought that he was a peerless scumbag, and he was also beaten by Li Randi's shoulders, flying kicks, etc., and was beaten into a gas bag, pitiful. Interestingly, at the end of the trailer, Li Randi also transformed into Tan Jianci's appearance and flirted with him, which is equivalent to Tan Jianci playing two roles, and Tan Jianci played the woman's coquettish expression, which made netizens laugh.

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

Tan Jianci is the melancholy painter "Shen Yi" in "The Illustrated Guide to Crime Hunting"; In "Sauvignon Blanc" is the gloomy hydra demon "Xiang Liu", the second season trailer was recently exposed, he was actually stabbed in the heart by his lover Yang Zi's arrow, Tan Jian tried all his strength to protect the battlefield, and the white clothes on his body were all stained with blood, and the degree of abuse surpassed that of the first season, and the preview alone set off a sea of tears among netizens. A few days ago, the new sci-fi romance drama "Filter" starring Tan Jianci and Li Randi also released the first trailer, and the daily traffic exceeded one million.

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

Tan Jianci successively became a male god of land dramas with his partner Jin Shijia's "Crime Hunting Guide" (left) and sadomasochistic Yang Zi's "Sauvignon Blanc" (right). (Retrieved from stills)

"Filter" tells the story of the ordinary girl "Su Chengcheng" (played by Li Landi), relying on the new technology product "Filter Bracelet" with the ability to change her appearance, and transforms into the big beauty "Su Miao" (played by Luo Qiuyun), the female doctor "Fang Jin" (played by Pu Zhu), and the tearing man "Quansheng Tang" (played by Wang Hongyi), at the same time, the male protagonist "Tang Qi" (played by Tan Jianci) can't help but be tempted or appreciate every identity of "Su Chengcheng".

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

Tan Jianci (left) and Yang Zi (right) escalated their sadomasochism in the second season of "Sauvignon Blanc", and the trailer alone set off a sea of tears among netizens. (Retrieved from Sauvignon Blanc Weibo)

In order to keep the secret, "Su Chengcheng" told big lies again and again, causing "Tang Qi" to lose his lover one after another, and the condition of his eyes gradually worsened, and "Su Chengcheng" felt guilty. In the end, "Tang Qi" uncovers the truth about "Su Chengcheng's" change of identity, and realizes that the only person he loves is "Su Chengcheng", and the two of them decide to face the severe challenges brought by the "filter bracelet" together.

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

The romantic comedy "Filter" starring Tan Jianci (right) and Li Randi (left) recently premiered its first trailer, with a traffic of more than one million. (Retrieved from filter Weibo)

The trailer of "Filter" begins with Tan Jianci's confession, he said that he is very conservative emotionally and does not accept pure physical relationships, but everything in the picture is a picture of Tan Jianci and Li Randi lying in bed together, Tan Jianci got up and called a friend and said: "I slept with someone after I got drunk last night!" The guilty look is a little cute.

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

Tan Jianci said at the beginning of the trailer of "Filter" that he was conservative, but when the picture turned, he and Li Randi were already sleeping in the same bed (below). (Retrieved from filter teaser)

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

Tan Jianci fell in love with or admired Luo Qiuyun (from left), Pu Zhu and Wang Hongyi in the play, but in fact, all three of them were transformed by Li Landi. (Retrieved from filter Weibo)

Tan Jianci fell in love with every identity of Li Randi in the play, among which he also admired the handsome guy "Quansheng Tang" played by Wang Hongyi, but Tan Jianci and Wang Hongyi In the preview of the second season of "Sauvignon Blanc", when Yang Zi and Wang Hongyi got married, Tan Jianci will come forward to rob the marriage, and the two are not only rivals, but the atmosphere is even more sadistic. But when it came to the trailer of "Filter", Tan Jianci and Wang Hongyi each sat on their own beds, and Tan Jianci said to Wang Hongyi: "I suddenly feel that you are very similar to someone I know." Wang Hongyi was puzzled and said, "Who do you think I look like?" Although Tan Jianci admired the sunny and handsome Wang Hongyi in the play, his tone was still slightly ambiguous, which made netizens laugh.

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

Tan Jianci frequently fell in love with different people in the play, and suspected that he was a peerless scumbag. (Retrieved from filter teaser)

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet
Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

Tan Jianci was exposed by Li Randi's over-the-shoulder fall, five-flower tie-up, flying kicks and other beatings. (Retrieved from filter teaser)

Before Tan Jianci didn't know that Li Randi had the ability to transform, he once felt that he was a peerless scumbag, and in the preview, he was crazy beaten by Li Landio for some reason, including over-the-shoulder falls, flying kicks, broken hands, hand knives splitting necks, and five flower ties, and finally Tan Jianci knelt on the ground and cried and said sorry, looking pitiful, and completely became a gas bag.

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

At the end of the trailer, Li Randi transformed into Tan Jianci's appearance (right) and flirted with Tan Jianci, and Tan Jianci fell in love with himself in the same frame, and the scene was hilarious. (Taken from Weibo)

Tan Jianci's new drama "Filter" plays a peerless scumbag who was tragically thrown over the shoulder by Li Randi, laughing all over the Internet

When Tan Jianci performed "Su Cheng Cheng", whether it was a coquettish expression or a small gesture of sticking out his tongue, it was completely different from "Tang Qi". (Taken from Weibo)

Interestingly, at the end of the trailer, Li Randi also transformed into Tan Jianci's appearance and flirted with him, at this time the relationship between the two has stabilized, Tan Jianci plays the two roles of "Su Chengcheng" and "Tang Qi", and he falls in love with himself in the same frame, "Tang Qi" asks, "Do you like me so much?" Become what I am." At this time, "Su Chengcheng" stuck out his tongue and said, "Isn't it pretty?" "Tang Qi" immediately praised: "Beautiful!" was scolded by "Su Chengcheng": "Shameless, boast about yourself!" Seeing this, "Tang Qi" immediately changed his words: "It's not good-looking!" made "Su Chengcheng" angry and shouted: "You actually said that I don't look good!" Tan Jianci played the woman's coquettish expression, and in just a few scenes, the whole network burst into laughter.

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