
The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start

author:Lazy Black Snake

Ultraman Ake will officially start broadcasting next week, that is, at the beginning of July, after the official release of the content of the relevant SP special edition, the plot arrangement and planning of the first episode have also officially released a specific official trailer, let's take a look at the trailer content and plot development trend of the first episode.

The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start
The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start

Ultraman Arkel Episode 1 "Arc to the Future (Ark) is expected to be officially broadcast on July 6th

Yuma is a newcomer to "SKIP" and lives and works every day with the ideal of "wanting to protect everyone". Until a man named Ishido Hiiragi came to "SKIP" from the Earth Defense Force...

Together, they chase the movement of the monster, but they are in danger, and what appears in front of Yuma at this time is...!!

The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start
The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start

The first to tell the truth, there is really nothing to say, looking at the trailer is a very traditional royal road The content of the opening and the story arrangement, very decent, there will definitely not be the big production and surprise that Ultraman Blazer made the audience feel extremely amazing, this is a good habit, Blazer's kind of god start is estimated to be difficult to see in the future.

The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start
The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start

The first episode should be about the male protagonist's ability to transform.,And the birth of Ultraman Yake is clear.,The main thing is to see what is special and different about Ultraman Yake's skills and combat methods.,The beginning of the first word is the most important.,Only when you get off to a good start can the audience continue to watch.。

The official trailer for Ultraman Aki Episode 1 The new filter is very peculiar Waiting for a royal start

By the way, this filter's look really strange.,It feels like wearing glasses with a layer of fog.,I always feel like I'm in a bad mental state after watching it for a long time.,The whole is vague.,Slowly accept and get used to it.,Anyway, the official thinks this filter fits the theme of Ultraman this time.。

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