
He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

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In the 2022 World Cup, Messi made countless fans crazy and excited.

When Messi stood on the podium, a Chinese song sounded in the background, which also surprised many people.

After that, the song "Good Morning Longhui" became popular, and the creator of this song, Yuan Shuxiong, also became popular.

However, Yuan Shuxiong was 51 years old at that time.

So why did Yuan Shuxiong embark on the path of music?

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

The content of this article is stated from reliable sources, and it is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Saiko Otono

On the short video platform, a 51-year-old middle-aged uncle suddenly became popular, he is Yuan Shuxiong.

He sang "Good Morning, Long Hui" with a simple singing voice, which instantly ignited the nostalgia of countless netizens.

However, behind this seemingly sudden fame, it is Yuan Shuxiong's persistence and love for music for decades.

Yuan Shuxiong was born in Longhui County, Hunan Province in 1971, a small county town with beautiful mountains and rivers.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

In that era of material scarcity, Yuan Shuxiong's family conditions were not wealthy.

His father was a blacksmith and supported his family with a pair of iron hands. As the youngest child in the family, Yuan Shuxiong has been exposed to his father's diligence and tenacity since he was a child.

The folk tunes that his father hummed after work were Yuan Shuxiong's favorite to hear.

Those unpretentious melodies, like a seed, were quietly planted in Xiao Shuxiong's heart. And his second brother is another guide on his musical path.

The second brother has a guitar and often plays and sings in his spare time, and the young Yuan Shuxiong always listens to it stupidly, his eyes full of envy and yearning.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

In this way, the seeds of music quietly sprouted in Yuan Shuxiong's heart. He began to practice the guitar secretly, and although he did not have a formal teacher's guidance, he accumulated his skills bit by bit with his love and dedication to music.

At the age of 15, Yuan Shuxiong plucked up the courage to participate in a guitar competition in Hunan Province and unexpectedly won third place. This achievement not only inspired him, but also strengthened his determination to pursue his music dream.

However, the reality is always cruel. At that time, music was not yet universally considered a serious career choice.

In order to be the most important academic in the eyes of everyone at that time, Yuan Shuxiong could only put aside his music dream temporarily and study hard according to his parents' expectations.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

But in his heart, he still wants to pursue his musical dreams.

At the age of 19, with a love for music and a vision for the future, Yuan Shuxiong, who graduated from high school, decided to go south to Zhuhai.

At that time, Zhuhai coexisted with opportunities and challenges, attracting countless young people like Yuan Shuxiong to chase their dreams.

However, the reality is always more cruel than imagined, and Yuan Shuxiong, who first arrived in Zhuhai, soon tasted the hardships of life.

In order to make ends meet, he moves bricks at the construction site during the day and sings in bars at night. The noisy environment of the bar and the drunken customers are in stark contrast to the pure pursuit of music in his heart. Sometimes, in order to save money, he will even pick up waste on the street to make ends meet.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

At the age of 26, Yuan Shuxiong made an important decision - to return to Hunan to take the university entrance examination.

He was successfully admitted to Hunan Radio and Television University, majoring in music. This decision gave him the opportunity to systematically study music theory and techniques, which laid a solid foundation for his future music creation.

Later, he met his other half, and the two quickly established a relationship and formed their own small family. With the warmth and support of his family, Yuan Shuxiong's pursuit of music has become more determined.

After graduating, Yuan Shuxiong returned to Zhuhai with his wife to continue chasing his musical dreams.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

This time, his situation is much better than when he first arrived in Zhuhai. With the expertise he learned at university and the experience he had accumulated over the years, Yuan Shuxiong quickly caught the attention of a local record label.

After signing with the record company, Yuan Shuxiong is like a fish in water, and his creative inspiration is endless.

He has released a number of albums one after another, among which the song "Bitter Coffee" has also been a small achievement, which has attracted some attention in the local music circle.

However, despite a lot of hard work, Yuan Shuxiong's music career has never really taken off and has always hovered on the verge of fame.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Years of precipitation

2007 was a hopeful and slightly regrettable year for Yuan Shuxiong. That year, he participated in an important music selection event.

This event is regarded as an important platform for newcomers to debut, and if he can stand out here, it will undoubtedly bring a huge boost to his music career.

Yuan Shuxiong has made great efforts to achieve this. He carefully prepared his most satisfying works, practiced them repeatedly, and strived for perfection.

At the competition site, he devoted himself to it, pouring all his love for music and years of accumulation into it.

However, fate always seems to like to joke. The final result was not satisfactory, and Yuan Shuxiong passed by Dahong Dazi.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

This defeat caused the record company to lose confidence in him and began to gradually snub him. Yuan Shuxiong, who was once pinned on high hopes, has now become a marginal figure in the company.

The company no longer supports his creation and publicity as strongly as it used to, and gives fewer and fewer resources.

As a result, Yuan Shuxiong's income has also dropped sharply, and sometimes he even can't make ends meet. But even so, he still did not give up on his musical dream.

He believes that as long as he persists, he will one day wait for his own spring.

With this belief in mind, Yuan Shuxiong decided to prepare a national tour on his own.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

With this tour, he hopes to rekindle the public's attention to him and also prove his strength. To do this, he poured everything he had, even using his savings for many years.

However, it backfired, and the tour did not achieve the desired results. There were few audiences and the box office was dismal, which not only failed to revive the momentum, but instead plunged Yuan Shuxiong into deeper economic difficulties.

After the failure of the tour, the financial situation of Yuan Shuxiong's family deteriorated. In order to maintain basic living expenses, he had to borrow money from everywhere and even applied for a loan from a bank.

Every month, the huge loan interest is like a mountain, and he can't breathe.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

The burden of life not only weighed on Yuan Shuxiong alone, but also brought great pressure to his family.

His wife, who had been the strongest backing on his musical path, began to waver in the face of an increasingly difficult life. The couple often quarreled over financial issues, and the family atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Finally one day, Yuan Shuxiong's wife made a difficult decision - divorce. She could no longer bear such a difficult life and chose to leave with her young son. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Yuan Shuxiong.

However, even though life has hit him so hard, Yuan Shuxiong still has not given up his music dream.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Instead, he poured all his pain and thoughts into his music.

The pain of losing his family, his longing for his son, and his helplessness about life have all become the source of his creation.

In the days that followed, Yuan Shuxiong persevered with amazing perseverance in his musical creation.

Sometimes, it can take days, or even months, to create a song. He would repeatedly revise the lyrics and adjust the melody until he was satisfied.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Even though he knew that these songs might never be heard by the public, he still stuck to his creative rhythm.

In this process, music has become the most important sustenance in Yuan Shuxiong's life.

It is not only a tool for him to make a living, but also an outlet for him to express his emotions. Through his creations, he found the courage and strength to face life.

Every newly composed song made him feel that he was still alive and working hard for his dream.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Sudden explosion

Yuan Shuxiong's insistence may seem unreasonable to others. Many people advised him to give up music and find a stable job. But he always believes that as long as he persists, he will one day wait for his own opportunity.

After experiencing the ups and downs of his career and family changes, he decided to return to his hometown, Longhui County, Hunan Province.

After returning to his hometown, Yuan Shuxiong found a job at the county cultural center. The 9-to-5 rhythm of life has given him more time and energy to think about his own music.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

In the days of working at the cultural center, Yuan Shuxiong seems to have found a new focus of life.

He began to gain an in-depth understanding of the cultural traditions of his hometown and participated in organizing various cultural events. These experiences not only enriched his life, but also provided a new source of inspiration for his musical creation.

Although work takes up most of his time, Yuan Shuxiong has never given up making music. Every day after work, he finds time to compose new songs.

In 2020, a special year, Yuan Shuxiong created the song "Good Morning, Longhui".

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

With a simple melody and lyrics full of nostalgia, this song sings about the deep attachment to his hometown. At that time, Yuan Shuxiong probably did not expect that this song would completely change the trajectory of his life two years later.

In 2022, the Qatar World Cup staged a football legend. Argentina captain Lionel Messi led the team to win the championship and fulfilled his dream of winning the World Cup.

A video of Messi winning the championship with "Good Morning, Longhui" unexpectedly became popular on the short video platform, and Yuan Shuxiong's singing voice spread all over the country.

This song seems to have become popular all over the Internet overnight. "Good morning, Longhui, my lovely hometown", the simple opening sentence expresses the hearts of all wanderers.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Yuan Shuxiong used his slightly hoarse voice to sing about his hometown and his love for life. This sincere expression of emotion makes people find a rare tranquility and warmth in the hustle and bustle of the online world.

The number of views of "Good Morning, Longhui" is like riding a rocket, and it has exceeded 150 billion times in a short period of time. This number not only shocked Yuan Shuxiong himself, but also made the entire music circle look sideways.

Major platforms and media have reported the story of Yuan Shuxiong and "Good Morning, Longhui".

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

People were amazed by the charm of this song, and even more surprised by the experience of the creator Yuan Shuxiong. A musician who became famous at the age of 51 and a 30-year creative career with perseverance have become a topic of conversation.

After becoming famous overnight, Yuan Shuxiong's life has changed dramatically. Once unknown, he has now become the darling of major performances and commercial performances. From small music festivals to large corporate annual meetings, Yuan Shuxiong's singing began to ring on various occasions.

Every time he performs, when he sings the opening line of "Good Morning, Long Hui", there will always be warm applause and cheers from the audience. This feeling of being recognized by the public is something he has never experienced in the past 30 years on the road of music.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Major media outlets have invited Yuan Shuxiong to be interviewed, vying to report his story.

After that, Yuan Shuxiong ushered in another peak of his career - on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

After becoming famous, Yuan Shuxiong did not forget his roots. He began to use his popularity to vigorously promote his hometown Longhui. In various interviews and performances, he always mentions the beautiful scenery and food of Longhui, and invites everyone to have a chance to go to Longhui to have a look.

His actions have virtually become Longhui's best publicity ambassador.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

In addition to promoting his hometown, Yuan Shuxiong also actively participates in various public welfare activities.

He has returned to his hometown many times to give concerts to children and encourage them to pursue their dreams. He also initiated the "Music Scholarship" project to support poor but musically gifted children in his hometown to continue their studies.

These actions have made Yuan Shuxiong's fame not only stay at the level of music, but also become a public figure with a sense of social responsibility.

As a musician who came out of a small county, Yuan Shuxiong is well aware of the importance of spreading Chinese culture. He often calls on musicians in public to create more works with Chinese characteristics and use music to tell Chinese stories well.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

He himself led by example and began to try to integrate more elements of traditional Chinese culture into his creations.

Yuan Shuxiong's popularity has had a positive impact on the tourism industry in Longhui County. More and more tourists are coming to see this small city that has been lovingly praised by Yuan Shuxiong.

In the face of sudden fame and fortune, Yuan Shuxiong always maintained a normal heart. He often said that fame is just a kind of luck, and the real thing is to keep the original intention and not be carried away by fame and fortune.

For his future music career, Yuan Shuxiong has new plans and expectations. He plans to experiment with more different styles of music while continuing to write country-themed songs. He hopes to break through himself and create more excellent works.

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Yuan Shuxiong's story is a wonderful chapter of perseverance, dreams and opportunities.

From an unknown musician in a small town to a nationally renowned pop singer, Yuan Shuxiong has spent 30 years interpreting what it means to be a "late bloomer". His experience tells us that as long as there is love in our hearts, we should never give up chasing our dreams.

Because you never know if the next corner will be the spring of your life.

Today, Yuan Shuxiong still maintains his passion for creation and pure love for music.

He said that fame is not the end, but a new beginning. He hopes to use music to convey more positive energy, warm more people, and let more people feel the charm of music and the beauty of life. This may be Yuan Shuxiong's greatest wish, and it is also the motivation for him to continue to move forward.


Yangtze River Daily - His song was sung by the World Cup, and he was interviewed by Yuan Shuxiong, the original creator of "Good Morning Longhui".

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

Golden Sheep Network - "Good Morning Longhui" Yuan Shuxiong: From "grassroots" singer to "Internet celebrity in the system"

He wrote songs for 30 years and was still poor, his ex-wife divorced in despair, and at the age of 51, he appeared in the World Cup with a song

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