
Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

author:Pick a plate and a plate

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Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Guo Biting, a female star who is loved by the audience with her fresh and natural image, has some unexpected eating habits.

Her fear of crayfish is particularly noticeable, and it's not just because of their scary appearance.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Guo Biting once confessed that her fear of crayfish stems from their "distant relative" relationship with cockroaches.

This association made her repulsive to the crayfish, and she didn't dare to touch it, let alone taste it.

Just imagine how complicated and intense her inner struggle and resistance must be when she faces a plate of steaming crayfish at a luxurious banquet.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Not only that, Guo Biting also has other surprising dietary taboos.

She is allergic to rice, which is a surprising thing in China, a country where rice is the staple food.

She has mentioned on several occasions in public that every time she ingests rice, she experiences an uncomfortable reaction and even requires medical intervention.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Such an allergic reaction forced her to be extra cautious in her food choices.

It is conceivable that when going out to film or participating in various activities, how to find a suitable diet for her is a challenge that she and her team have to face.

As a high-profile public figure, Guo Biting's unique eating habits have undoubtedly affected her public image.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Her picky diet often becomes the focus of media coverage, which not only adds a layer of mystery to her, but also makes her image more three-dimensional.

However, this pickiness has also provoked different reactions.

Some netizens think she is hypocritical and pursues perfection too much; And more fans expressed their understanding and support, believing that everyone has their own living habits, and celebrities are no exception.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

On social media, there is a lot of talk about her eating habits.

Some fans even launched the "Guo Biting Same Diet Challenge" to imitate her eating habits as a way to express their support and love for her.

This phenomenon not only reflects Guo Biting's influence in the hearts of fans, but also reflects how her private preferences are amplified, interpreted, and even idolized in the public eye.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Guo Biting's achievements in the entertainment industry are obvious to all.

With her natural acting skills and outstanding appearance, she has won the love of countless audiences.

In this highly competitive industry, she not only has to face the pressure of a heavy job, but also has to be at her best at all times, which puts extremely high demands on her lifestyle.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Her eating habits are undoubtedly one of the important factors for her to maintain her figure and health.

In addition to her achievements in her acting career, Guo Biting's performance in public welfare activities is also admirable.

She actively participates in various charitable causes, cares for the disadvantaged, and gives back to the society with practical actions.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

These behaviors of hers not only show her multi-faceted personality, but also make her image fuller in the eyes of the public.

She is not the kind of star who is high, but a warm and caring person.

In the entertainment industry, female artists often need to make huge sacrifices in order to maintain a perfect figure.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Guo Biting is no exception.

She has mentioned in interviews many times that in order to stay in shape, she has to strictly control her diet and do high-intensity exercises.

Although this lifestyle has helped her maintain her attractive figure, the bitterness and pressure behind it are little known.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

This kind of body pressure in the entertainment industry has a particularly far-reaching impact on young women.

Guo Biting and other female artists are public figures, their every move will be infinitely magnified, and their appearance and figure have also become one of the criteria for social judgment.

This phenomenon has led many young women to blindly pursue weight loss, ignoring the importance of healthy eating and self-awareness.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Guo Biting has also repeatedly called on women in public to pay attention to healthy eating and maintain a positive attitude towards life, rather than blindly pursuing the so-called "perfect body".

Her remarks provide new perspectives and reflections for many women who are plagued by body pressure.

Guo Biting's unique eating habits, the conflict between public image and private preferences, acting career and lifestyle, and women's body pressure in the entertainment industry not only give us a deeper understanding of the star's inner world, but also trigger us to think deeply about the modern entertainment industry and social phenomena.

Guo Biting: I don't dare to peel a crayfish, it's a distant relative of a cockroach, and I never eat it because it's dirty!

Guo Biting used her practical actions and remarks to show us a true and multi-faceted self.

She is not only a star on the screen, but also an ordinary person with flesh and blood, thoughts and emotions.

Hopefully, her story can bring us more inspiration and strength.

(Only published on the headline account, other platforms are ported)

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