
is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

author:Extinction gaffes
is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Recently, a paparazzi broke the news,

A married Ji Quan Tiancai in the entertainment industry had a problem with her marriage, and one party was cheated on.

What is called Jiquan Tiancai, simply put, it is eaten by both men and women,

Not only is it liked by boys, but it is also popular in lesbian circles.

There are really few people in the entertainment industry who can be called this title,

Netizens have turned on the investigation mode, and according to the keywords released by the paparazzi, Wan Qian was quickly locked.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Sure enough, the paparazzi announced the results, and it was indeed Wan Qian.

Netizens wondered, isn't Wan Qian very affectionate with her husband outside the circle? Is this true?

This reminds netizens of Guo Biting, who is also a Jiquan Tiancai, both of them are big beauties and their personalities are also very similar.

But one has married into a wealthy family as a rich wife, and the other has married an ordinary person outside the circle, and now he is still cheating?

What is it about their fates that they are so far apart?

Wan Qian's husband was exposed to be suspected of cheating

The paparazzi released a video of a real hammer, in the video,

Wan Qian's husband and a mysterious beauty who was very tightly wrapped appeared in the hotel hand in hand.

This mysterious woman is really dressed up too tightly, with a lot of hats and masks.

Netizens couldn't see her true face clearly with wide eyes.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Some netizens said that looking at this face shape and eyebrows, it is obvious that it is Wan Qian herself,

Wan Qian's husband cheated on Wan Qian? The paparazzi are too outrageous!

But the paparazzi said that Wan Qian was busy working in the field that day, and this mysterious woman was definitely not Wan Qian.

Immediately afterwards, the paparazzi released the timeline of Wan Qian's husband's derailment, saying that he had a nose and eyes, but it really didn't seem to be fake.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

At present, Wan Qian has not responded, and netizens deduced that if the woman in the video is really Wan Qian,

For the sake of her and her husband's reputation, Wan Qian will definitely come out as soon as possible to refute the rumors.

But there has been no response for so long, could it be that the woman in the video is really someone else?

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Speaking of Wan Qian and her husband, netizens know very little about their stories.

If it weren't for the paparazzi breaking out this earth-shattering melon this time,

Many netizens don't even know that she is married.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Everyone only knows that her career has developed well in recent years, but her love life is rarely known to the outside world.

Because Wan Qian is a very low-key person both in work and life,

This has a lot to do with her family and upbringing.

"People are as light as chrysanthemums" Wan Qian, married to ordinary people

She gives many people the impression of a "cold-faced beauty",

I don't like to laugh, and it seems that it is difficult to approach.

Her personality is not so extroverted, introverted and restrained.

This may have something to do with the fact that she has a military father.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

It is said that parents are the best teachers for children.

Then there is a military father with a strict style, and she has naturally been "well-behaved" since she was a child.

At the age when her peers were naughty and coquettish, she was like a little adult.

Speak steadily and heavily, and behave elegantly and generously.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Maybe many people only know her as an actress,

In fact, she was a singer when she first debuted, and she could write lyrics and compose music, and her singing skills were also very good.

But until she participated in Sister Lang shining on the stage,

Everyone knew that she sang so well. It can be seen how low-key she is.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

In fact, her acting career was not so smooth,

I also didn't film, I was questioned about my acting skills, I doubted myself, and I experienced a dark time.

It is said that at the lowest point, she even thought about suicide.

Wan Qian, who has such a free and easy personality, has actually had such a moment, which shows how bumpy her experience is.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

There is a tenacity in her that does not admit defeat,

People like this will actually succeed no matter what they do.

With her efforts, the road of being an actor is getting smoother and smoother, and she is finally known to the public.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

But she is also an example of "the drama is not popular",

The dramas she acted in were very popular, such as "The Hunting Ground", "The Age of Naked Marriage", etc., but she never became popular.

Everyone is puzzled by this, why can't she be popular?

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Many people feel sorry and sorry for her, but she herself is very indifferent, she said:

"I don't have a red heart in the first place"

Hearing this, many netizens laughed,

Who doesn't want to be popular when they are celebrities? Why do you work so hard if you don't want to be popular?

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

In fact, for Wan Qian,

She's just always doing what she loves and trying to be the best she can be.

And not for the sake of the so-called "red", the so-called fame and fortune.

Many people may think that this is too "pretentious".

In fact, those who have been following her for a long time will know that she is a rare "real person" in the entertainment industry.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

After debuting for so many years, there are few scandals about her, even if there is almost no negative news.

She doesn't fight or grab, she is calm and calm,

Many netizens jokingly called her "a model of people as light as chrysanthemums".

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

In fact, her personality is very similar to Guo Biting,

Guo Biting's superb sense of relaxation, I believe that Sister Lang's partners have felt it, right?

Compare the two of them and you will find that

Why are their attitudes and choices so different when it comes to marriage?

"Relaxed beauty" Guo Biting married into a wealthy family

Guo Biting and Xiang Zuo met in a variety show, and then fell in love with each other and came together.

Many people think that Guo Biting just took a fancy to the Xiang family's wealth, so she chose to marry Xiang Zuo.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

After all, everyone knows that the power of the Xiang family should not be underestimated, and it is a real "wealthy family".

But is Guo Biting only interested in the Xiang family's money?

No, she is not as superficial as netizens think.

There are so many actresses who have married into wealthy families, who is as happy as Guo Biting now?

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

She saw that Xiang Zuo was a kind and considerate person,

Although it looks a little exaggerated on the surface, it is actually delicate inside.

And Xiang Zuo's mother loves Guo Biting very much and maintains it everywhere.

Now who dares to say that she is not married to the right person?

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Although she and Wan Qian's personalities are very similar, they are both low-key and calm, and they are full of relaxation.

But she is not as ambitious as Wan Qian.

Netizens remember that her work is probably only "Little Times",

Especially after getting married, he is rarely active in front of the screen.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Being able to participate in Sister Lang this time surprised many audiences,

Many female celebrities participate in Sister Lang to become popular, but Guo Biting is obviously not.

Netizens jokingly said, "Maybe she came to Sister Lang to lose weight."

Seeing that "Sister Lang" has ended, although Guo Biting has not formed a group, she has also gained a lot.

After all, through this show, she has really lost a lot of weight, and she looks like when she first participated in the show.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Whether it is a group or not, it doesn't matter to Guo Biting,

The significance of her coming to this show is not that,

It was an unforgettable experience for her.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

After the show, she returned to her original plain and happy life.

Walking the dog with the child, raising flowers and planting grass, this is already her favorite state of life.


The two sisters have a lot of similarities, but also a lot of differences.

They pursue different things in life, which leads to different choices they make when facing marriage.

Wan Qian married a lover outside the circle in a low-key manner, and many people felt that she deserved better.

But for her at the time, it was the best choice.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Now it is rumored that there has been a change in the marriage, although it is difficult to determine whether it is true or false, but no matter what, I believe she can handle it.

She has a strong heart and can pay for all the consequences of her choices.

And for Guo Biting, no matter whether she married Xiang Zuo because of love or not,

She is now very satisfied with her life.

I don't know what you think about this? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comment area below, if you like the article, remember to like and follow us, see you next time.

is also Ji Quan Tiancai, Guo Biting entered a wealthy family and changed her direction, Wan Qian was derailed when she married an ordinary person?

Sohu: The cheating melon is coming! It was revealed that the actress's marriage was intervened, and the picture pointed to the sexuality obviously, Wan Qian and Qi Wei were lying down Sweet overturned! Wan Qian's mysterious husband Zhihu answers: What is the experience of marrying an idol?

Sohu: Wan Qian's melon: refused the unspoken rules many times, once wanted to commit suicide, and was hacked, and now he is 41 years old and lives like this Wan Qian was revealed to be suspected of encountering a marriage crisis, and Ji Quan's feelings changed

Sohu: Guo Biting loves Zorn very much, and the exposure of sweet pictures is enviable!

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