
Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

author:Shijiazhuang High-tech Zone released
Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer
Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

1. Mosquitoes:

Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

(1) Mosquito hazards

1. Hazards: Mosquitoes also inject saliva into the human body by biting human skin, and when they suck blood, mosquitoes also inject saliva into the human body to spread diseases, such as Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis B, filariasis, dengue fever, malaria, etc.

2. Harassment: Mosquitoes suck blood at night, affecting sleep and hindering rest.

(2) Mosquito control:

Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

1. Chemical mosquito repellent weapons: (1) Mosquito coils contain pyrethroids that repel mosquitoes. Pyrethroids can be eliminated from the body through metabolism and are not harmful to people. However, some inferior mosquito coils, in addition to pyrethroids, also contain 666 powder, realgar powder, etc., these substances are harmful to the human body. Therefore, mosquito coils are best used outdoors, such as around the home, at the door, or in a well-ventilated area. In the evening, light mosquito coils before dark for the best mosquito repellent effect. (2) The mosquito repellent effect of electric mosquito coils is also good, and it can generally last for 6-8 hours. The mosquito repellent principle of electric mosquito coil is to inhale pyrethrum and other mosquito coil pieces, heat and evaporate, if a few drops of wind oil essence are dropped, the effect is better. (3) Liquid electric mosquito coil is the most convenient to use by using the principle of hair straw to continuously heat and release insecticide substances. Whether it is an electric mosquito coil or a liquid mosquito coil, it contains compounds that are harmful to the human body. Use in a closed room may cause adverse reactions. Therefore, when using electric mosquito coils, air circulation should be maintained, and the best time to use them is half an hour before bedtime. (4) Mosquito repellent, also known as mosquito repellent, is mainly used for outdoor or field operations. The main ingredient of insect repellent is DEET. Applying a qualified insect repellent can stop 99% of mosquito bites within 6-8 hours. When spraying insect repellent, avoid spraying directly on wounds or rashed skin. It can be sprayed on the hands first, and then applied to the exposed parts of the body, which is a bit cumbersome to use. (5) Mosquitoicidal aerosol is an insecticide, and its main ingredient is a substance called profenethrin. Mosquitoes tend to hide in dark and damp places, and spray on stairwells, under sinks, gutters, toilets, cupboards, and under tables during the day. (6) Use old boxes or buckets, put some rags in it, arrange it into a dark and damp "artificial trap", mosquitoes fly in to rest during the day, spray a few insecticides into it, you can easily kill mosquitoes, this is the trick of mosquito prevention experts. (7) The mosquito-killing window screen coating is to use the phototropism of mosquitoes and the principle of slow release of the drug, and the mosquito-killing window screen coating is applied to the screen window to form a protective film, and the mosquitoes and flies will die within two hours to several days after 30 seconds of contact.

2. Physical mosquito repellent is the safest: Experts recommend mosquito trap lamps that are not polluting. Mosquito trap lamp is the use of mosquito phototaxis and sensitivity to special wavelengths, ultraviolet light is attractive to mosquitoes, with the lamp to trap mosquitoes to touch the net, and with high-voltage electric shock mesh, instantly scorched mosquitoes. Choose a mosquito trap with a luminosity of 8 watts or more or a double lamp, place it above your knees and no more than 180 cm above the ground. It's best to change the place often, and hidden corners and under tables are the best places. When using mosquito trap lamps, other light sources should be turned off so as not to interfere with the attraction of mosquito trap lights and affect the mosquito trapping effect.

2. Flies:

Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

(1) Fly-borne diseases: Flies can transmit more than 30 kinds of diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, trachoma, and roundworms. More than 17 million bacteria can adhere to the surface of the body of a housefly, and there are even more bacteria in the stomach, and flies mainly cause illness by contaminating food and water with feces. Some flies can bite people and animals, and some flies lay their eggs on human purulent wounds, producing fly maggots.

(2) Methods of repellent flies:

Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

1. Purify the environment and control breeding: (1) Domestic garbage is bagged (the bag should be intact and not damaged, and the bag mouth should be tightened), Nissan Nissin, do not let flies contact and lay eggs. (2) When taking out garbage, it must be covered in barrels (boxes, vehicles) and removed in time. (3) Eliminate garbage and sanitary dead corners in front of and behind residents' houses, inside and outside units. (4) Restaurants, stalls, etc. should have fly-proof and fly-killing facilities, and garbage should be put into the bucket and covered in time. (5) Rural aqua toilets were converted into flushing toilets; (6) Do a good job in the sanitation of rural livestock houses, do not raise livestock and poultry, do not dump animal manure, manure is piled up in the manure tank, and harmless treatment, eliminate the breeding ground, this is the fundamental measure to eliminate flies. 2. Eliminate fly pupae: one is the water killing method, you can dig a small ditch around the breeding ground of maggots, and you can fall into the water and drown when the maggots crawl out after pupating. The second is to dig the pupa method, in the maggot breeding place outside 0.65-1 meters outside the place of 15 cm deep soil shovel loose, with a clamp to pick out the pupa burned to death or with a stone to kill, and then the loose soil with lime and water compacted, so as not to turn into flies and then drill out. 3. Eliminate flies: use 2% trichlorfon mixed in sweetened rice or stinky fish and rotten vegetables to trap and kill; Or spray directly with trichlorfon or fly poison phosphorus to kill flies. When using an electric fan in summer, you can add a few drops of wind oil essence to the fan blades, which can also effectively kill flies. 4. Sticky fly adhesive paper: Spread the adhesive paper when used, because the adhesive contains caramel ingredients, which can attract flies to forage and be glued. Sticky flies cannot fly, and buzzing while dying can attract other flies. Good quality viscose lasts for about a week, and the number of sticky flies can reach hundreds. 5. Blue light electronic flytrap: installed in hotels and restaurants, which can be used as decorations and can use high-frequency voltage to kill flies. 6. Fly swatter to kill flies: Fly swatter is a simple and easy fly killing device, which can effectively eliminate flies. 7. Fly trap to kill flies: Fly trap cage is suitable for outdoor fly catching. It is difficult to prevent flies in the farmhouse, and there are many flies in front of and behind the house, so the fly trap can not only kill a lot of flies, but also lure out indoor flies. When using a fly trap, pay attention to the choice of bait, the distance between the bait and the lower mouth of the fly trap is generally 2cm, and the height is about 1.5m. 8. Install the fly killer lamp: The fly killer can be installed under the guidance of professionals, and the fly killer should be installed in a dark part. 9. Household fly prevention measures: Household fly control is mainly based on environmental management. (1) Clean the breeding organisms of flies, especially the sanitary dead corners, and lay eggs in contact with breeding organisms. So that flies cannot come into contact with evil creatures to lay eggs. Garbage is bagged and cleared every day. Residual garbage around the garbage bin is the most likely to breed flies and maggots, so it should be washed with water. (2) Timely and proper disposal of human and animal manure. Some families have pets, and pet feces and urine should be cleaned and properly disposed of in time. Rural latrines, some of which are open, must be retrofitted and covered at the outlets and squatting to reduce fly breeding. Hardening the soil around the pit can wipe out the pupa. (3) Food and dining utensils should be covered with fly-proof nets; Raw and cooked rice is stored seamlessly and without holes. If there are gaps in the rice container, if there is food left outside, it will be contaminated by flies, causing maggots to breed. (4) Install screen doors and windows to prevent flies from flying in.

3. Cockroaches:

Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

(1) Hazards: It can carry more than 40 kinds of bacteria, viruses and parasites such as dysentery, salmonella, hepatitis, and ascariasis. The secretions and excretions produced contaminate food can spread infectious diseases such as cholera, dysentery, anthrax, leprosy, etc., and can also cause allergies.

(2) Key points of cockroach control:

Chuangwei | Tips for mosquito control, fly control, and cockroach control in summer

1. Eliminate cockroaches to cure the root cause. The dirty, messy, and poor environment is a good place for cockroaches to inhabit and reproduce and run rampant. Therefore, doing a good job in sanitation and controlling the environment is a fundamental measure. Hygiene also has a direct impact on the effectiveness of chemical control. If chlorpyrifos is used to kill cockroaches in a hygienic room, the insecticidal effect reaches 94%, while spraying in a poorly hygienic room has only 75% effect. 2. Plug holes and wipe gaps to remove cockroaches. Cockroaches like to drill holes and hide cracks, and use their living habits to use putty, cement or silicone to plug the cracks and holes, so that cockroaches have nowhere to hide. For those with broken interior wall structures, especially old wooden furniture in the kitchen, if you want to get rid of cockroaches, you must completely repair the house and replace the furniture. 3. Use drugs to kill: (1) put cockroach poison bait; (2) Spraying insecticides (dichlorofenthrin, deltamethrin, cypermethrin, acemethamidophos, chlorpyrifos, etc.); (3) Smearing cockroach chalk, sprinkling medicinal powder, applying insecticidal smoke, etc.; (4) Use sticky cockroach boxes, trap bottles, etc. (5) Use natural enemy parasitic wasps to eat the eggs in the cockroach egg sheath. 4. Be in place when spraying cockroach medicine. Cockroaches often burrow into cracks and holes, so be sure to spray on cracks, holes, corners, and around them. Cockroaches are reptiles, and they don't need to be sprayed on all four walls when spraying. 5. Exterminate cockroaches before and after moving. Before moving, be sure to remove cockroaches and egg sheaths hidden in old furniture (especially wooden furniture), clothes, books, cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, etc. The new house should be sprinkled with cockroach powder to prevent cockroaches. Exterminating cockroaches is a social project, and it is necessary to improve health awareness, adhere to regular prevention, and early detection and timely elimination, so as to avoid endless troubles in the future.

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