
Baiwu Village: Crayfish have jumped out of the new way for the masses to increase income

author:Palm Qujing

This newspaper's special correspondent Yin Yongquan, Dong Xuelian, correspondent Li Mengting

Baiwu Village: Crayfish have jumped out of the new way for the masses to increase income

Processing crayfish. Photo by Yin Yongquan

Baiwu Village: Crayfish have jumped out of the new way for the masses to increase income

Stir-fry the crayfish. Photo by Yin Yongquan

Baiwu Village: Crayfish have jumped out of the new way for the masses to increase income

Harvest crayfish. Photo by Yin Yongquan

In the middle of summer, the seedlings are strong and the shrimp is fat. The crayfish in Baiwu Village, Nagu Town, Huize County rushed to the market "fresh" and became a delicacy on the table.

Walking into the crayfish breeding base of Baiwu Village, the continuous shrimp ponds are sparkling under the sun. In the slender shrimp pot, the crayfish are full of vitality.

With the sound of rushing water, Li Fagui, a worker at the base, skillfully lifted the cage sunk in the water, pulled it to the ridge and shook it a few times, and the fiery red crayfish rolled down into the basket. After the crayfish are sorted, they will be shipped directly to the local market for sale.

Li Wengao, the person in charge of Huize Zhixing Aquaculture Co., Ltd., said that Baiwu Village has abundant water resources and excellent water quality, and the crayfish farmed are large and full of meat, and they are favored by consumers as soon as they are listed.

Li Wengao tried to raise crabs in 2017, but the income was not good for a year. In 2018, he switched to crayfish. Crayfish is a seasonal aquatic product, which has very high requirements for water temperature, humidity and water quality, and has a short growth cycle. After six years of exploration and practice, this year, Li Wengao's crayfish breeding base has been expanded to 128 acres.

Li Wengao said: "The market price of large shrimp is 70 yuan a kilogram, and the market price of medium shrimp is 50 yuan a kilogram. Our base began to sell shrimp in March, and so far, it has earned more than 90,000 yuan. ”

Using rice to raise shrimp and shrimp to promote rice, Li Wengao's attempt at "rice-shrimp symbiosis" was successful. Plankton in rice paddies provide bait for shrimp growth, and shrimp excrement provides fertilizer for rice growth. At the same time, crayfish will also catch pests in the rice fields to reduce pests and diseases for rice.

"Rice and shrimp symbiosis" can achieve "one water and two uses, one field and two harvests", and the output value of "rice and shrimp" per mu can reach 5,000 yuan.

Li Fagui is a worker at the base, responsible for weeding, feeding shrimp, collecting shrimp and other work. "I've been working here for 6 years, with an annual salary of about 19,000 yuan, and I like this job very much." Li Fagui said.

"Table No. 1 requires three kilograms of crayfish, fried into two portions, one spicy and one garlic." "Boss, weigh two kilograms of large shrimp and take it away with garlic fragrance." The Yili River Garden Restaurant is full of diners and business is booming.

Lotus root, Sichuan pepper, millet spicy, artichoke, green pepper, garlic, side dish chef is busy before and after. In just a few minutes, two brightly colored and delicious crayfish were served to the guests' tables.

According to Yang Qiong, the owner of the restaurant, crayfish is a special snack in Baiwu Village, which is sold in April every year and continues to be sold until September. When business is good, it can sell more than 150 kilograms a day, and under normal circumstances, it can sell dozens of kilograms a day. Her house has spicy, garlic, steamed three flavors, adults and children love to eat, almost every table of guests will order a crayfish.

Baiwu Village uses the "rice and shrimp symbiosis" model to build a rural tourism demonstration base integrating tourism, breeding and sales, and opens up a new road to prosperity for the local people with green development.

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