
Concert high-priced tickets are exchanged for low-cost areas! The picture is wrong

author:Love Jinan news client

On July 6, the famous singer Zhang Xinzhe will hold a concert at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center. However, many fans were not arranged in the designated area where they purchased tickets after buying tickets online.

Tickets for Zhang Xinzhe's Nanjing concert went on sale on June 18, and on the same day, many fans chose to snap up them on When purchasing tickets, provided this seat map, and it can be seen that the 580 yuan ticket is in the blue area of the picture, and the 380 yuan ticket is in the green area.

Concert high-priced tickets are exchanged for low-cost areas! The picture is wrong

Nanjing fan Mr. Zhou

I looked at the seat map, and the 580 yuan ticket was facing the center of the stage, so I chose the 580 yuan ticket, but after the ticket was issued, I was assigned to the 111 area, which should be a 380 yuan seat ticket.

Concert high-priced tickets are exchanged for low-cost areas! The picture is wrong

After the tickets were issued, many fans found that they had encountered the same situation, including some out-of-town fans.

Nanjing fan Mr. Zhou

I consulted in the background of, and the customer service directly said that they rendered the error. I don't think it's just a picture rendering error. I suspect that the 380 ticket was not sold, so I sold the 380 as the 580 one, and everyone must not accept it.

As the number of complaints continued to increase, fans suddenly discovered that the seat map on Damai had quietly changed - the 103 and 111 districts that were originally in the green zone and priced at 380 yuan had become blue at 580 yuan. Subsequently, proposed two solutions: refund the original price or change the location.

Concert high-priced tickets are exchanged for low-cost areas! The picture is wrong

Nanjing fan Ms. Li

We finally grabbed the ticket, why should we refund it? Now it's two open, 580 yuan good position is gone, and if you change me, I bought two tickets, I can't guarantee that I sit together, these two plans are very insincere, so I can't accept it.

Concert high-priced tickets are exchanged for low-cost areas! The picture is wrong

Out-of-town fan Ms. Wang

Because I watched the concert and made other arrangements in my life, I think these are all time costs, and there will be losses in economic costs. Many people are angry not only because the seats have become worse, but because has contempt for the rights and interests of consumers, and has changed it without permission, infringing on our rights and interests.

Fans said that not long ago, a similar situation occurred in the process of selling tickets for singer Xue Zhiqian's concert, and the final solution was to refund the difference. So, how will Damai explain the different attitudes towards the two incidents? On June 28, the zero-distance reporter called the customer service number of several times, but failed to get in touch with the other party.

Concert high-priced tickets are exchanged for low-cost areas! The picture is wrong

At present, fans have complained to the local market supervision and management department of The lawyer pointed out that after the fans purchased tickets on, it was actually equivalent to the two parties entering into a sales contract, and's behavior of changing the seat map was already suspected of breach of contract.

Jiangsu Subo Law Firm lawyer Wu Guohao

Consumers can request Damai to bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract according to the relevant breach of contract clauses of the electronic contract signed with If there is false advertising and fraud on, consumers can request to refund one and pay three according to the provisions of the Consumer Law.

Concert high-priced tickets are exchanged for low-cost areas! The picture is wrong

(Source: LIZHI News)

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