
Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

author:Dashing clouds


In Chibi, Hubei, a sudden rainstorm caused a woman to accidentally pick up a 40-pound fish, which seemed to be lucky from heaven, but it triggered a heated discussion about food safety.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

While people were still excited about this unexpected harvest, the experts' warnings were like a basin of cold water, dooming people's joy. "Food soaked in floods is not recommended to be eaten", this is not only a simple suggestion, but also a serious reminder of life safety.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

The good thing of "pie in the sky" always seems to be irresistible. But when the pie comes from the flood, should we embrace it? The woman in Chibi, Hubei Province, excitedly brought the big fish home, ready to share this unexpected joy with her family.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

However, the words of the deputy director of the Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center are like a sharp knife, cutting through the coat of joy and revealing the hidden crisis inside.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

"Fish and shrimp in the flood may have viruses or bacteria in their bodies", the expert's words are like a warning bell, reminding us that while enjoying the gifts of nature, we should be more vigilant against the risks it may bring.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

The source of the flood is complex, it may be mixed with sewage from sewage plants or septic tanks, such water, such fish, can it really be eaten?

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

There are many discussions among netizens, some are in the opposite tune, some are bold, and some choose to listen to the opinions of experts. This is not only a discussion about food safety, but also a collision of traditional concepts and modern scientific cognition.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

In this discussion, we saw different voices and different attitudes towards the safety of life.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

After the flood, life goes on. But how to continue is a question worth pondering. Experts advise not to eat food that has been in contact with the flood after a rainstorm, as it is a respect for life and a protection of health.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

At the same time, the protection of domestic water should not be neglected, do not wash dishes, vegetables or washing with floodwater, disinfect dishes before use, and avoid places where insects and rats gather, these are all basic guarantees for health.

Woman picks up 40 pounds of heavy fish after heavy rain Expert: It is not recommended to eat it after being soaked in floodwater

However, in the face of expert advice, there are always people who choose to ignore it, thinking that as long as it is cooked, everything will be fine. This optimism, which may bring good fortune in some cases, is too rash when it comes to food safety. After all, health is not child's play, and life is not a gamble.

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