
When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

author:Suxia Melting Medium

Affected by heavy rainfall for several days

Roads have been blocked in many places in Fujian

Waterlogging and other dangerous situations

A newlywed couple who have just finished their wedding

But such a decision was made

No honeymoon

Rushed to the front line of flood control to participate in the rescue

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Lai Zhihan took a group photo with his wife Zhong Qian

Lai Zhihan

He is a soldier of a certain detachment of the Anhui Armed Police Corps

The home is in Gaowu Village, Wuping County, Longyan City

Before the flood

He had just come home from vacation

With his wife Zhong Qian, who works in the city's first hospital

A wedding was held

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Wedding scene

However, soon after the marriage

Due to heavy rain for several days

The water level in many places in Wuping County has skyrocketed

Flooding occurred in many places

This made Lai Zhihan worry after watching it

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Map of the local situation affected by the disaster in Wuping County.

Zhong Qian understood her husband's thoughts

He took the initiative to speak

"Now the disaster is so severe

Families are volunteering to help

You're a military man

Don't be idle at home, go fight the flood! ”

"I promised you to go out on your honeymoon together

You've been wronged like this......"

Lai Zhihan was a little unbearable after hearing this

"It's okay, we can make up for it after the honeymoon

Can be flooded and delayed"

Zhong Qian said

And just like that, they gave up their plans for a honeymoon

Take the initiative to participate in the rescue battle in your hometown

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Armed police soldiers take part in flood fighting and rescue in the disaster-stricken areas of Fujian

Lai Zhihan bought it at his own expense

Supplies such as mineral water and instant noodles

Drive to Xiaba Township, which was severely affected

Resolutely join the rescue team

Delivering supplies to the people affected by the disaster

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Lai Zhihan was at the rescue scene

Zhong Qian also returned in time

The post of the First Hospital of Longyan City

Help to help people affected by disasters

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Zhong Qian was busy in the First Hospital of Longyan City

A few days after that

Lai Zhihan also participated

Road dredging, cutting of broken doors and windows, etc

It shows the responsibility of the people's soldiers

"As a soldier and a member of the party

When the masses of the people need help

I had to stand up

Do your part"

Lai Zhihan said

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...
When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Lai Zhihan was at the rescue scene

It's not anymore

Lai Zhihan was on vacation for the first time

Stand up in danger

In June last year, he went home on vacation

When you're out with your family

See the oncoming big truck

The tires are smoking abnormally

Immediately shouted to stop the big truck

and local materials were used to help extinguish the burning tires

When the flood came, he and his new wife made a decision...

Lai Zhihan helps extinguish a burning tire


Facing the flood in his hometown

Lai Zhihan and his new wife Zhong Qian

Charge together on the front line of rescue

Kudos to them!

I wish the newlyweds a happy marriage and a happy 100 years of marriage!

Source: Eastern Theater of Operations

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