
The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

author:Tomorrow will be better 321

1. Background

With the arrival of summer, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have entered the flood season. Recently, under the influence of continuous heavy rainfall, the water level of the Yangtze River has been rising, which has brought serious flood control pressure to the areas along the river. According to the real-time monitoring data of the Hydrological Bureau of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, the water level of the main stream of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is approaching the warning line, indicating that the "No. 1 flood of the Yangtze River in 2024" is about to form. At this critical juncture, governments at all levels and relevant departments along the Yangtze River are going all out to make preparations for flood prevention and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

2. Flood situation

At present, heavy rainfall has occurred in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River for many days, resulting in a rapid rise in the water level of the river. According to the data released by the Hydrological Bureau of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission, the water level of Jiujiang Station has reached 20.00 meters, which is the same as the warning water level. It is expected that in the next few days, affected by rainfall, the section below Chenglingji, the main stream of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, will face a situation of over-alarm on the whole line, and the maximum over-alarm range of the Jiujiang section may reach 1.0 meters. This situation has posed a severe challenge to flood control work along the Yangtze River.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

3. Flood prevention preparations

In the face of the threat of imminent floods, governments at all levels and relevant departments along the Yangtze River have made preparations for flood prevention in advance. First of all, the construction of water level monitoring and early warning system has been strengthened to grasp the changes in the water level of the Yangtze River in real time and provide a scientific basis for flood control decision-making. Second, the inspection and maintenance of flood control facilities such as embankments and reservoirs have been strengthened to ensure that these facilities can play their due role when floods come. In addition, it has also strengthened the inspection and hidden danger investigation work in the areas along the river, and discovered and dealt with possible potential safety hazards in a timely manner.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

Fourth, specific measures

In order to ensure the smooth progress of flood prevention work, governments at all levels and relevant departments along the Yangtze River have adopted a series of specific measures. First, we have strengthened organization and leadership, set up a flood prevention headquarters, and coordinated flood prevention work. Second, we have strengthened material reserves and stockpiled sufficient materials and equipment for flood prevention and rescue in advance to ensure that they can be allocated and used in a timely manner when needed. Third, we have strengthened personnel training, organized and carried out training and drills for flood prevention and rescue work, and improved the professional quality and coping ability of flood prevention and rescue personnel. Fourth, we have strengthened social mobilization and propaganda and education, widely disseminated knowledge of flood prevention and emergency response and risk avoidance, and enhanced the masses' awareness of flood prevention and their ability to protect themselves.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

In the specific flood prevention work, various localities have also adopted different measures in light of the actual situation. For example, in Jiujiang and other important cities along the river, embankment reinforcement and inspection have been strengthened to ensure the safety of embankments; In some mountainous river sections, the monitoring and early warning of geological disasters such as flash floods and debris flows have been strengthened; In some flood storage and detention areas, preparations and management work have been made for the use of flood storage and detention areas. The implementation of these measures has provided a strong guarantee for flood prevention work.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

Fifth, respond to challenges

Although governments at all levels and relevant departments along the Yangtze River have made adequate preparations for flood control, they still face some challenges. First of all, the floods of the Yangtze River are sudden, variable, and uncertain, which brings great difficulties to flood control work. Second, the rapid economic development and urbanization of the areas along the Yangtze River have made it more difficult to construct and manage flood control facilities. In addition, climate change and other factors have also brought new challenges to the flooding of the Yangtze River.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

In order to cope with these challenges, governments at all levels and relevant departments along the Yangtze River need to further strengthen organization, coordination and resource sharing, and form a joint force for flood control. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and informationization, and improve the scientific and technological content and intelligent level of flood prevention work. In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen social mobilization and mass participation, so as to create a good atmosphere in which the whole society pays attention to and supports flood prevention work.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

6. Summary

As the "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 of 2024" is about to take shape, governments at all levels and relevant departments along the Yangtze River are making all-out preparations for flood control. Through the implementation of measures such as strengthening organizational leadership, material reserves, personnel training, and social mobilization, as well as adopting a series of specific measures, we are confident that we will win this flood control battle. At the same time, we also call on the whole society to pay attention to and support flood prevention work, and contribute to ensuring the safety of people's lives and property. In the future flood prevention work, we will continue to sum up lessons and lessons, and constantly improve flood prevention measures and response mechanisms, so as to provide a strong guarantee for the economic and social development of the areas along the Yangtze River.

The "Yangtze River Flood No. 1 in 2024" is about to form in the middle and lower reaches, and the coast should be prepared for flood control

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