
From a food street, see the spirit of a village team

author:Luwang Weifang

Old Beijing belly, beef noodles, pork knuckle rice, chicken rice noodles, hot and sour noodles, rice noodles, rice noodles, Zhucheng barbecue, spicy crayfish...... Streamer half summer, beautiful days are long; Fireworks alley, leisure and elegant. Every nightfall, the Xihong Night Market is brightly lit, full of people, neatly placed tables, chairs and benches, clean and hygienic food stalls, and the taste buds are woken up again and again by the food. On this food street, which is more than 300 meters long from north to south, it attracts groups of diners every day, and "the food is gradually charming"!

From a food street, see the spirit of a village team

Xihong Jinma Road Food Street is located on the south side of Xiangting Street, Jinma North Road, Hanting, and will officially open on May 1, 2023, and is built by Wangjia Zhumao Village, Kaiyuan Street, Hanting District, Weifang City after careful investigation and investment of more than 60 yuan. The food street adheres to the principle of one store, one product, and has introduced 42 shops, covering 66 kinds of special snacks in Weifang and all over the country. The 4D and 6S management modes are used to comprehensively control the food quality and safety in the food business process, so as to make the catering safer. Today, Jinma Road Food Street in Xihong City has become a mirror of the city's development and prosperity, highlighting the city's characteristics and vitality.

Wangjia Zhumao Village is located in the southernmost part of Kaiyuan Street, close to the high-tech zone, with Xiangting Street, Yinfeng North Road and Jinma North Road in the jurisdiction, and the traffic extends in all directions. There are 126 villagers and 526 people, and in 2012, the villagers moved into the old village to renovate and resettle the Jinyu Garden.

Looking at the history of Wangjia Zhumao Village in recent decades, "development" is the most critical label. They used their ingenuity and ingenuity to develop various side businesses such as textiles and prefabrication while doing a good job in agricultural production, and their lives were more prosperous than those of the villagers in the surrounding villages. From the sideline business such as textiles in the past to the Jinma Road Food Street in Xihong City today, we can get a glimpse of the spirit of the "two committees" of Wangjia Zhumao Village who dare to think, dare to do, want to do things, and can achieve things.

From a food street, see the spirit of a village team

Vacate the cage for birds, and hold the "golden bowl" of strengthening the village and enriching the people

Now, in the eyes of people, Wangjia Zhumao Village has a beautiful environment, rich economy and clean air. As everyone knows, a few years ago, the collective economy of Wangjia Zhumao Village was stretched. Around 2010, due to the needs of urban development and construction, the original village site and village-run enterprises were demolished one after another, and the collective economic development of the village was greatly affected, the collective economic income was single, and the sustainable development of the village collective was not guaranteed.

The collective economy is the "bloodline" of the village's development, and if we want to lead the masses to get rich, we must develop industries. Some people advised the current village team not to meddle in "idle affairs," but they held back their energy, "If you want to do it, you have to do it in a good way, and you can't live up to the trust of the organization and the villagers." We are not messing around, we have to make a name for ourselves after one term, we must change the status quo and leave something for the villagers," said Tan Binghai, secretary of the party branch of Wangjia Zhumao Village.

Change is the rule, the general is long, and the "two committees" of Wangjia Zhumao Village have their own development ideas. With the changes in the general background and policies, the development of the night economy has become the mainstream of urban development, and the village "two committees" have smelled a glimmer of business opportunities. In the first half of 2022, the "two committees" of the village visited the high-tech zone and Weicheng District for many times to conduct investigation and research, and after active efforts and efforts, the construction of Jinma Road Food Street in Xihong City began in July 2022, creating the first distinctive new landmark of night economy in Hanting District. In the process of construction, they adhered to high standards to promote the overall planning, based on the development of small shop economy, night economy, and Internet celebrity economy to attract investment, stimulate consumption vitality, expand employment, and create a diversified consumption experience.

From a food street, see the spirit of a village team

Continue to develop and make the "plate" of the collective economy bigger

Today, Xihong Jinma Road Food Street has become a mirror of urban development and prosperity, and an important carrier to highlight the city's characteristics and vitality. At present, the city road Yunxiang Street is under construction, and after the construction is completed, the "two committees" of Wangjia Zhumao Village have thought of a new way, continue to expand the scale of the food street, enrich the business format, promote the diversification of the food street, drive more people to realize their entrepreneurial dreams, and make the food street "red".

In addition, by fully excavating the corner land and integrating idle resources, Wangjia Zhumao Village has completed the leasing of idle land in the breeding area, the south side of Hengxin University, and the north side of the expressway, which has further increased the collective income of the village. At present, the collective economic income of Wangjia Zhumao Village is nearly 700,000 yuan per year.

From a food street, see the spirit of a village team

Co-construction and sharing, so that villagers can enjoy the "dividends" of development

To be a village cadre is to treat the affairs of the village as his own business, and as the leader of the village, Tan Binghai always takes what the masses want. Direction as a village team officer. In the past two years, Wang Zhumao has invested nearly 3 million yuan to upgrade the community, newly paved 8,000 square meters of asphalt pavement, 5 new centralized charging sheds, more than 210 new parking spaces, completed more than 200 square meters of greening and seedlings, completed the replacement of the roof downpipe funnel, and newly waterproofed more than 500 square meters on the roof of the first phase of the resettlement building, which completely solved the problem of water leakage in the house reflected by the villagers in the flood season. Combined with the creation of a civilized city and fire safety, the "two committees" of the village took the lead in thoroughly cleaning up the three major piles of debris in the corridor, electric vehicles entering the corridor, weeds in the green belt, and the community.

At the same time as the living environment is improved, the welfare of the villagers has also been comprehensively improved, Wangjia Zhumao Village distributes Spring Festival benefits to the villagers every year, and the elderly over 70 years old are given benefits during the Chung Yeung Festival every year, and actively organizes free health check-ups for the elderly over 65 years old and two cancer screenings for women. Carry out safety inspections on the food street and breeding area of Jinma Road in Xihong City to ensure the safety of electrical circuits and gas, and effectively protect the collective assets of the village. In order to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the villagers, relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Station, the rural library is upgraded, so that the rural library can truly be "used" and "lived", and the rural library can light up the new style of civilization.

The road is long and the line is coming. The "two committees" of Wangjia Zhumao Village are united, good at planning and doing good deeds, dare to think and dare to do in the collective economic development of the village, adhere to the original intention of serving the people, and lead the villagers in the jurisdiction to move forward on the road of common prosperity, and the village has also changed from the original "excellent village" to "demonstration village", and the villagers' sense of happiness and gain has been steadily improved. (Reporter Wang Yulong)

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