
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

After the last class. After correcting the last homework, sending the last high school entrance examination, and telling the last sentence...... With tears in their eyes, they bid farewell to the church they had worked on for most of their lives, and greeted their retirement ceremony with honor.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

On June 26, Asan School District held a grand retirement ceremony for five teachers in middle school, including Wang Weicheng, Meng Xiangcheng, Sun Jie, Song Houquan and Chen Yonghua. Qin Jian, director of the District Education and Sports Bureau, Sun Rui, chairman of the trade union of the District Education and Sports Bureau, Sun Li, a primary school music teacher and researcher of the District Teaching and Research Center, and Ni Haiying and Li Siguang, leaders of the Asan Town Government, attended the ceremony. Teachers and student representatives from Asan Middle School gathered to bid farewell to the emeritus teachers.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

The representative of the young teacher sent blessings and flowers and the deepest respect to his beloved master.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

The invited guests presented the emeritus teachers with crystal commemorative cups exclusive to them.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

The representatives of teachers and students expressed their blessings and respect with their own songs.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

The veteran teachers made a speech on their retirement: they used affectionate words to review their longing for Yiyi's teaching career, and sent sincere words to the young teachers to write their future without regrets. This old teacher named Sun Jie affectionately recalled his experience of throwing pen from Rong, spilling blood on the hot land of southern Xinjiang, and writing about the hero's youth without regrets, which moved the audience. He returned to his hometown after discharging his armor and returned to his beloved classroom, unknown and taught and educated people with heart and love for more than half a century.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!
Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

Seeing the wisdom and wisdom, the ordinary but touching deeds of the old teachers moved the young teachers.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

Sun Qiwu, director of Asan School District and principal of the middle school, delivered a speech affectionately.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

Rainbow doors, red carpets, flowers, trophies...... Emeritus teachers said goodbye to the campus under their feet in the farewell of teachers and students of the school, who have worked hard for decades.

Tears in my eyes: this retirement ceremony will never be forgotten!

We sincerely wish the retired teachers a long and healthy body, and a prosperous family.

Source: Durian Township Education